Help please

It had been about a month since Izuku left and, the couple was still thriving. Kaminari and Kirishima decided they were going to have a pool date, this particular day. Kaminari and Kirishima were fucking around, as per usual for the two. Kaminari was wearing a binder, paired with some rainbow trunks and black boxers.

Denki had grown more comfortable with himself recently and started T (testosterone), with some help from the school. Kirishima was in some black trunks, no shirt, happily showing off his body, feeling bad about it. He knew Denki had some body issues, and he for sure wasn't helping at the moment.

Kirishima sat at the edge of the pool, his naturally golden skin glowing softly, the sunlight making him shine like the angle he is. Kaminari swam to the water's edge, resting his arms against the concrete. Kirishima pulled himself out of his thoughts to look at his mate.

"Eji, why don't you, you know get in?" Denki asked, his lips forming into a pout.

"I don't know. Do you want me to?" Eijirou asked, a smile creeping across his lips.

"You should. I don't know, it might be fun," Kaminari cooed, diving under the water.

Kaminari aired, his eyes opening seductively as his golden hair fell over his face. Kaminari used the back of his hand to whip the hair from his face before swimming up to Eijirou. Kaminari planted both hands on either side of the redhead. Kaminari tilted his head, gently chewing his lip.

"Please, for me?"

Kirishima's face went all shades of red as he looked away from his mate. Kaminari's warm breathe slowly trailing up his neck, making the redhead undeniably uncomfortable.

"Y-Yeah sure," he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest, hoping Kaminari would back up.

"You're the best," Kaminari pushed himself up and kissed his cheek, before dropping back into the water.

Kirishima followed, letting the cold water engulf his torso as the rest of his body slowly follow. Kirishima held his breath and opened his eyes, looking for some familiar golden hair. Kaminari appeared in front of Eijirou and pointed upward, indicating he needed air.

Soon the two were back at the surface, splashing and laughing with each other. Denki's pearly whites shimmered as the sunlight bounced off them, from him laughing. Kirishima's blush became apparent once more as he looked over his soulmate.

He decided the best option was to go back under the water, not addressing the situation. Denki rolled his eyes and gave Eijirou a confused look from atop the water before joining his mate underneath. The two met at the bottom, swimming around each other in a small circle, ever now and again, their fingertips would brush against the other's leg, causing both to jump.

The two squished themself together, holding one another. Eijirou's arms wrapped his arms around Denki's waist, pulling the blonde impossibly closer. Denki let his hands travel up Eijirou's chest before letting his arms rest over Eijirou's shoulders.

The two got closer, Denki's lips softly parted, allowing Eijirou to nibble at them before kissing him. The two floated aimlessly in the water as they aggressively made out.

The two surfaced and continued to kiss, Denki sitting on the edge of the pool while Kirishima held him in place. The two had given each other peeks before, but kissing? No, nothing like this. The two were so droned in each other they nearly missed Eijirou's phone ringing.

"I got it," Denki slowly stood up and dried his hands before picking up. "Hello?"


Izuku held his phone tightly, his hand shaking in fear. He moved his lips, trying to make a sound but, nothing would spill. Izuku let out a dry sob, the left side of his ribs throbbing. He knew he should've told his mates about his dad but, how the hell was he supposed to do that? His dad always being around.

Izuku just wanted to be cuddled and told everything was gonna be okay. That's all he asked for. He was only protecting his mom, who dropped some food on Izuku's father. This was too far; he took it too far.

"'Zuku, what's wrong?" Denki asked, moving back toward the pool.

Denki sat back down at the edge of the pool, letting his legs meet the water once more. Eijirou crossed his arms over Denki's legs, resting his face within them. Denki put the phone on speaker and placed it down next to his legs, casually running his fingers through Eijirou's hair.

Izuku didn't know what to say: he just cried and mumbled, hoping one of them would understand, or know what to say. Why did it have to happen so soon? I thought he wanted us to be happy.

"Izuku, slow down. We can't understand you, Bunny," Kaminari twisted a stray hair on Kirishima's head, watching the redhead pleasurably squirm.

"I need you..." Izuku whispered, digging his nails into his arms.

Loud footsteps stormed down the hall, causing Izuku to go back into panic. Izuku started to hyperventilate, squeezing every muscle in his body, whishing that would help.

"I-I-I-I have to go," Izuku hurriedly hung up, hiding his phone under his pillow.

Izuku started shaking, holding his pillow over his head. Please no. I just want to see my mates, please, please, please. Izuku squeezed his pillow, tears making there way down his cheeks.

The door slammed against the wall, his father slowly making his way toward the bed. Izuku rolled off the mattress, pushing himself into the corner of his room.

"Please... I-I-I di-i-d-didn't do anything," Izuku pleaded, shielding his face.

He was trying not to panic, as it would only make things worse, but he couldn't help it. The man who abused him through most of his childhood appeared and decided he wanted his 'family' back. What the fuck was wrong with him?


Denki and Kirishima stared at the phone in disbelief. Denki dropped the piece of hair he was previously playing with, in shook.

"We're going to see him, no arguments or bullshit. We're going to see him," Denki huffed, pulling Kirishima's jaw up.

"Okay," was all Kirishima could muster.

Kirishima wiggled his jaw free from Kaminari's grip and laid his face back in Kaminari's lap. Eijirou was so angry at himself. I willingly let my mate go and now look at what's happing? Oh, wait, you don't even know! This can't be real? This isn't real. It's just a dream, right? Kirishima slowly dug his nails into Denki's leg, forgetting his hands weren't resting within his arms.

"Babe, that hurts," Denki muttered, slowly removing Eijirou's nails from his skin.

"Sorry," Eijirou nuzzled his face deeper into his arms, hoping his boyfriend wouldn't mind.

The tears were building up in Eijirou's eyes. The longer he tried to hold them in, the more he knew he was going to cry. He couldn't take it. His mate was all alone suffering because he was stupid enough to let him go.

Kirishima kept his head down as the tears started to fall. Denki noticed and started running his fingers through his mates hair once more, slowly rocking him back and forth.

"When are we going?"


Denki and Eijirou had showered and changed and were currently in Katsuki's room explaining the situation. As the two described, Katsuki got angrier and angrier but tried to contain himself. Katsuki snapped.

"Alright, we're going. Pack about a week's worth of shit, and meet back here in an hour, 'kay?" Katsuki growled, rubbing his temples.

The two quickly agreed and rushed out of his room, going their separate ways to pack. The mates made sure to pack some actual clothes and some hoodies and comfortable clothes for Izuku to steal once they arrived.


The three were at the airport, Katsuki tapping away at his phone informing hos Auntie and his teacher that he and the mates would be in America soon. Kaminari nervously clutched to Kirishima, not knowing what they might see. Kirishima hummed and tried his best to comfort his mate even though he was just as nervous.

The attendant called over the speakers that their flight would soon be boarding. The three tensed and looked at one another.

Here we go.


Hey loves! I'm remarkably pleased with this chapter! I hope you guys have been enjoying the updated chapters. I love seeing m writing grow and, I hope you do too!

Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you.