
The plane softly met the ground, causing Kaminari to jolt awake. Kirishima generously squeezed Kaminari, letting the blonde relax in his arms. Kaminari hummed happily as the plane drove around, finding a spot to park itself.

The three quickly left the plane, making their way to baggage claim. The two mates chatted, annoying the blonde that was traveling with them. Katsuki quickly found their bags and started walking to the taxi area, the others following swiftly behind him.


The three arrived at the hotel. Katsuki didn't sleep and, his mood was deteriorating; meanwhile, Kirishima and Kaminari both passed out as soon as their head hit the pillow.

Katsuki called a cab around 6:00 am, and the boys were off. Kaminari happily bounced in the cab's seat, exited to his mate once again. Kaminari relaxed and nuzzled his face into Eijiro's shoulder, a calming habit he had ensured upon himself.

Eijiro chuckled at his mate's behavior: it was childish, yet adorable. Denki huffed and pouted, then crossed his arms. Eijiro poked Denki's nose, watching it scrunch in imaginary anger.

"You're such a dork," Eijiro said, wrapping an arm around his mate.

"That I can't deny," Denki muttered, enjoying the unfamiliar warmth surrounding him.

"Get a fucking room," Katsuki commented, crossing his arms, missing his mate at the moment.

"We had one-," Eijiro started, before Denki's hand slapped itself over his mouth.

"Eji, don't you dare finish that fucking sentence?"


The cab pulled into the driveway of the Midoriya household. Katsuki's jaw dropped as his eyes wandered over the house. There's no way Midoriya makes this much money now. The travelers exited the cab and approached the doors.

"It's a fucking mansion," Katsuki mussed as he knocked on the door.

Right?! The others thought as they stood on the stoop.

Shiroaka opened the door, his eyes automatically sharpening at the males present in front of him.

"Who the hell are you?" He hissed, clicking his nails.

Katsuki didn't flinch and softly growled at the unnamed male in front of him," Ask Inko were her to see her and her son. Now suck it and move."

Shiroaka hummed and opened the door, letting the three into the house, keeping his eyes on them as he went to wake his mistress, Inko.


Inko confirmed the information Shiroaka had brought to her. Shiroaka bowed and apologized for waking her, leaving the room.

The maid boy made his way down the long silent halls. He hummed a small tune to himself as he approached Izuku's door. Shiroaka knocked three times before entering, not wanting to see a naked greenette. An answer didn't come, and Shiroaka opened the door.

Shiroaka called out to Izuku, watching the greenette stir. Izuku's eyes fluttered open, noticing the light trickling into the room from the hall. Izuku whined and rolled over.

"What time is it?" He muttered.

"Not important. We have Katsudon waiting in the kitchen for you," Shiroaka smirked as he watched Izuku shoot up.

Izuku smiled and rased out of bed, tripping on the sheets and fumbling a bit. Izuku quickly recovered and ran down the hall, trying not to disturb anyone.

Izuku stumbled into the kitchen, noticing a familiar blonde. Katsuki was cooking and "didn't notice" Izuku. Izuku cleared his throat, and the blonde turned away from the stove, locking eyes with Izuku.

"Morning 'Zuku," he greeted casually, acting as if this were a daily ritual.

"Kacchan?!" Izuku's eyes widened.

Izuku ran up to his best friend, tacking him into a tight embrace. Izuku missed the sweet caramel smell spilling off Katsuki. Katsuki caught Izuku squeezing him back, yearning for the naturistic scent that seemed to fill any room Izuku was in.

"When did you get here?" Izuku asked, pulling away from the hug a bit, gripping Katsuki's forearms.

"Last night."

"And you didn't tell me?" Izuku's voice cracked as he tried not to overreact.

"Well... I may have one more surprise..." Katsuki nodded his head toward the living room as a squeak came from Izuku.

"You're joking, right?" Izuku asked, bouncing ever so gently.

Katsuki cooked his eyebrow. Is he really that stupid? Izuku's smile widened and, legs started happily tap dancing with the floor. Katsuki nodded and watched his best friend run over to see his mates.

"Denks?" Izuku asked, his eyes watering.

"Hey, Bunny," Denki greeted.


"Hey, baby."

Tears ran wildly down as horses ran through fields and meadows and rivers. A weight seemed to lift from Izuku's shoulders as he looked over his mates. Words could never explain how he felt at this moment.

Kaminari slowly left the couch, wrapping his arms around Izuku, cradling the male softly. Izuku expected the hug and nuzzled his face into the crock of Denki's neck, wishing he could stay there forever. Denki smothered Izuku's forehead with kisses as "I love you" spilled from his lips.

As Kaminari finished, Kirishima moved in and greeted Izuku. Kirishima picked up the greenette's hand, his lips softly brushing the skin, causing Izuku to shiver. Eijirou smiled and continued, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses up Izuku's arm. Izuku silently twitched as Eijirou's lip's approached his ear, softly kissing it before speaking. Izuku giggled quietly and held onto Eijirou's arms that had somehow slipped around his waist.

Kaminari's jealousy of his mate quickly rose and, he elbowed Kirishima in the ribs, watching Izuku become flustered and red. Eijirou chuckled and pulled away from his mate.

"I missed you," Denki whispered, nuzzling back into Izuku's neck.

Izuku hummed quietly, resting his arms on Kaminari's lower back. I'm gonna have to pick them up. Izuku tapped Kaminari's behind, signaling Kaminari to jump, which he did. Izuku chuckled to himself as he carried Kaminari to the couch, where Kirishima was waiting. Izuku sat down, letting Ejirou wrap his arm around him. The three sat in silence, happily taking in each other's presents.


11:00 rolled around and, only Eijirou and Izuku were still awake. Katsuki passed out around 8:00 and, Kaminari fell asleep while Izuku played with his hair. Kaminari's head rested in between Izuku's crossed legs. Eijirou and Izuku chatted carelessly, a cool breeze brushing past them every once in a while.

A stray curl fell onto Izuku's face, forcing the greenette to push it away from his face. Izuku yawned, the soft sound of grumbling stirring past his lips. Eijirou turned his head, his eyes running over the seemingly sleepy greenette.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Eijirou asked, his gaze returning to the field.

"Why would I look at them, when you're sitting right here?" Izuku asked, oblivious to the flirty statement that whisked through his mates ears.

Kirishima's face became a dark crimson shade as he processed Izuku's words. Izuku leaned his head against Eijirou's shoulder, letting his eyes flutter close.

"Why would you-?"


"Because it's embarrassing."


The two fell into a comfortable silence as Izuku started to fall asleep. The only thing keeping the small male awake was Eijirou's quick heartbeat. Izuku was worried but didn't have the energy to ask about it.

"I love you," Kirishima muttered, giving Izuku's side a tender squeeze.

Izuku lazily opened his eyes and turned to the redhead sat beside him. Izuku's emerald eyes glowed softly as the moonlight passed through them. Eijirou gasped softly and bit down on his lip, not wanting the more audible sounds to be heard by his mate.

"I love you too," Izuku cooed.

Izuku's hand slivered Eijirou's chest, neck, and then planted itself on the redheads face. Kirishima mouth fell open once more as Izuku moved closer. Izuku chuckled to himself and pressed his lips to Eijirou's, feeling his mate jump. Eijirou let himself relax and closed his eyes, letting Izuku lead.

Izuku tilted his head and gently gnawed on his mate's lip, asking for permission to enter. Eijirou allowed Izuku's tongue to slither into his mouth. Izuku's hands and tongue began to confidently wander his mate, wanting as much of his as possible.

Izuku pulled away, his warm breath still resting upon Eijirou's cheeks. The cold air infringed itself on Izuku. A long slow breath filled Izuku's chest as he turned away from Eijirou and looked down at the field.

Eijirou's hands covered his face, a flustered blush covering his cheeks. His heart was beating erratically, as Eijirou thought of the kiss. His eyes traveled down to the blanket spread across his legs.

"We should head in soon," Izuku stated, rubbing Kaminari's back.


"You're carrying Kami," Izuku said jokingly, releasing his head from Eijirou's shoulder.



Hey babes! Done with another edited chapter.

I hope you enjoyed their little kiss scene.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you.