Fluffy Mornings

The soft glowing sunlight filled the room, causing our favorite greenette to wake. Izuku's eyes slowly opened, only to be quickly shielded by his hand. Damn, why does it have to be so bright in the morning?

Izuku yawned and tried to sit up, only to be held down by a set of broad arms hilding his wist securely in pace. Izuku smiled and playfully rolled his eyes, knowing full and well who was holding him. Kirishima's head rested profoundly in Izuku's chest. His breathing soft and elegant, surprising Izuku. They had talked the night before about working out together since they don't get a whole lot of one on one time.

Izuku ran his fingers through Eijirou's hair, humming a soft tune," Eiji, wake up.

Kirishima whimpered and nuzzled his face farther into the pillow. Izuku hummed and cooed to him. Kirishima lazily opened his eyes, enjoying the greenette's mellow morning face.

"Good morning," Eijirou spoke, his voice still groggy from sleep.

The redhead released his mate and sat up, kissing Izuku's soft cheek. Izuku smiled and place a hand on his cheek, still admiring the softness of his mates lips. Izuku turned and pecked his mates lips before sliding out of bed, leaving a flustered Eijirou to sit in bed.

Izuku made his way to his closet, tossing off his shirt. Izuku gripped the side of the closet door, his head peering out over, watching his still flustered boyfriend try to form words.

"Are you planning on sitting there and staring at me? Or are you gonna go change?" Izuku teased, pushing the closet door shut.


The two ran through a small park, the voices of happy children, talking mothers, and each other's laugher filled their ears. Izuku cheekily smiled as the two stopped to take a break under a shaded tree. Izuku pressed his water bottle to his lips, making a noise of satisfaction afterward.

Eijirou's subtle blush dance across his cheeks like wildfire spread across the woods. Eijirou took the time to realize how beautiful Izuku was. The way each freckle seemed to tell a different story, the way his eyes glistened when he was excited or anxious, and the entirety. No words could describe the bubbling emotion that ran through Eijirou's chest.

"I love you," Kirishima said, the words were so soft they were barely audible.

Izuku ears perked up to the sudden sound of his mate, his lips curling into a small smile as he turned his head," I love you too."'


The two were back at Izuku's house, showered, clean and happy. They were in the kitchen, joking and laughing as quietly as they could.

Eijirou's arms wrapped themselves around Izuku's petite waist, his chin resting on Izuku's shoulder. Izuku hummed a soft tune as he swayed back and forth while mixing the pancake batter.

Izuku stopped stirring and poured some batter into the pan; the satisfying crackle and pop of the batter made his body twitch.

Kirishima had his arms wrapped around Izuku's waist, with his face buried in Izuku's neck. Izuku hummed along to a song that he couldn't name while cooking. Every now and again, reaching for ingredients.

Eijirou spun Izuku around, as Izuku struggled to put the bowl down. Izuku successfully placed the bowl down and placed his hands on Eijirou's chest. Eijirou's hands had already slithered down to Izuku's waist.

The two waltz around the kitchen, stepping on each other's feet, working out the kinks of the somewhat easy dance, before giggling and talking. Soon enough, they fell into a comfortable silence, Izuku's head resting against Eijirou's chest, and Eijirou had his head resting in Izuku's soft, fresh locks.

The two were waltzing back toward the stove, oblivious to the man watching them. Izuku's father cleared his throat causing, the two to startle and separate from each other.

Izuku's father's arms were crossed over his chest, impatiens, and ignorance flowing off of him. Izuku immediately bowed and apologized, noticing his boyfriend standing next to him like an idiot. Izuku elbowed his mate and, Eijirou dipped as well, an apology rushing itself through his lips.

Izuku's father rolled his eyes and turned on his heel, leaving the two mates alone in the kitchen once again. A sigh of relief echoed through the room as Izuku picked himself up.

"Okay, so are you going to explain what just happened or...?" Ejirou asked, leaning against the stove next to Izuku.

Izuku's movements stoped, an awkward smile pressing itself to his lips. Izuku racked his brain for a good excuse that Eijirou would believe.

"Father doesn't like me being awake early unless he knows," Izuku lied.

"Mhm," Kirishima hummed, his eyes lazily hung open.

Izuku turned his attention back to the stove, flipping the probably burnt pancake. Eijirou returned to his previous spot behind Izuku, wanting to hold his mate. Eijirou continued to him the little tune Izuku was humming earlier and started to sway with Izuku. Izuku allowed himself to relax and not think of the consequences at the moment.


Eijirou, Izuku, and Denki were cuddled up on the couch, a thick comforter resting gently on top of the couple, letting them be warm. Izuku's head was resting thoroughly against Eijirou's shoulder. His face grazed the redhead's soft skin, indicating the greenette was moving. Eijirou turned his head, watching his mate get comfortable before closing his eyes.

Denki's head was in Izuku's lap once more. His golden locks being twisted and twirled by his boyfriend, who was quickly falling asleep. Denki hadn't been as clingy toward Izuku as he had previously been. His touch deprivation hadn't been as bad as it was before.

I can't believe its already the last day. It feels like just yesterday, I ran into Kacchan cooking in the kitchen. Izuku chuckled to himself, his eyes lazily opening to meet Denki's. Denki pouted softly and made grabby hands. Izuku rolled his eyes and removed his other hand from under the blanket to hold his mates.

Father is going to beat my ass. I wish they knew. I wish I could just disappear and go back to Japan with them. But I know I can't do that so, I might as well enjoy the time I have with them now.

Denki lifted his opened hand and poked Izuku's cheek, watching the greenette jump," Izuku, what was that?"

"What was what?"

"You were mumbling about your dad."


Izuku looked away from both of his mates, chewing his lip vigorously. His nervousness could be spotted by a blind person at this point. He raked his brain for an excuse but, no sentenced seemed to form, only fragmented thoughts. His breathing became uneven and complex, causing his mates to go into a panic.

Kaminari sprung up from Izuku's lap, his eyes quickly analyzing his mate's body language. Kaminari forced himself in front of Izuku, holding his face gently, between his hands.

"Izuku? Izuku?" Kaminari asked, knowing the answer but put on a fake facade. "Zuku? Are you okay?"

Izuku shook his head, anxious, depressive, and intrusive thoughts filled his head as he tried to maintain eye contact with Kaminari. His eyes squeezed themselves shut, his intrusive thoughts become worse and worse. Denki ran his fingers over Izuku's ear's a small calming technique he taught himself a while back.

"Izuku, I need you to breathe. Can you to that for me?" Kaminari asked, making sure to make his breaths extra loud, another thing he used to calm people.

Izuku shook his head, a soft sniffle and sob filled the area between Denki's hands.


Once Izuku had calmed down, he explained what happened. His mates look like they were ready to kill his father.