I love you...

Izuku sat trembling on his bed. His body moved uncontrollably, his brain rushing to all corners of his mind trying to comprehend what happened. Izuku screamed into his pillow, Shiroaka trying to calm him. Izuku's cheek reddens; they flushed his eyes with tears and pain. Every moment, replaying itself in his mind until...


The solemn joy of silence echoing through the Izuku's ear's; He calmed his entire body unendingly. Izuku squeezed the pillow that was resting in between his legs. His heart continued to race as his mind wandered once more.

If only father let me go. If only I could go see my mates and be happy. If only the world wasn't so cruel. Izuku knew that was unrealistic. A perfect world, where no one had any troubles or doubts. Huh, that would be a place to live.

Izuku hummed, his mind filling with memories and happy thoughts as the male fell back against his mattress. Shiroaka was still there, watching the greenette calm himself. Izuku quickly slipped into sleep, his dreams filling up with Kaminari and Kirishima.


Denki shifted in the large hoodie that covered his body. Izuku's scent drenched the hoodie, keeping the blonde male calm. Kaminari picked up the hood and stuffed it into his face. The blonde blushed as he thought about what he was doing.

Denki looked out the window, taking a deep breath. The small grass field, his classmates, and more were outside, calling him to go out and join, but he knew it wouldn't be the same.

The soft comforter laying across Kaminari's legs reminds him of where he was. I miss you, Izuku. I wish I could be with you. Kaminari sighed slowly, stroking the comforter, reminding himself that Izuku was still alive. He'll make it through. Stop doubting him.

Eijirou shifted and nuzzled into his mate. Denki looked down at Eijirou and pushed some hair out of his mate's face. Denki softly hummed a tune watching his mate stir and fall.

Eijirou had taken a big hit from not being near Izuku. He wasn't adjusting well. Every day, things just seemed to be out of place. Denki had somehow gotten Eijirou to sleep. It had been a tough couple days for the two.

Eijirou could be clingy, not that Denki couldn't be, but it took its toll. Together the two were happy, but it felt incomplete. The two slept together and cuddled but barely talked. People had noticed the two seemings...



Denki somehow appeared in the kitchen. He slowly blinked, his eyes fluttering open and to a mid-length. His eyes looked empty, as they usually did.

The blonde decided since he was there, he might as well eat. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he ate something. Denki fell into the counter, his hand barely holding the strength to grasp it. He longingly looked up, hoping someone would notice him struggling, but no one was around.

Kaminari huffed and pushed himself up grabbing, the nearest item of food he could grasp. A packet of ramen fell onto the counter, causing the blonde to jump before registering what happened.

Kaminari hummed to himself as he began boiling the water. It seemed everyone was treating him differently since he had gotten back. He thought everything and everyone was just being annoying.

Well... It was sort of.

Everyone noticed the mood changes once the three came back. Katsuki was much quieter than usual, Kirishima was distant and less bubbly, and Kaminari; he was snappy, moody, malicious, and sarcastic.


Shiroaka was rubbing Izuku's side, trying to soothe the greenette's pain. Izuku whined and squirmed, his ribs aching more than usual. It wasn't anything new he had broken his arm multiple times before but this pain. At the moment felt unbearable. Izuku's tears stopped flowing hours ago. He was in so much pain, he didn't even know what day it was anymore.

Izuku rolled over, his eyes heavily opened and closed as he tried to form words. All that escaped his mouth was whimpers and groans of pain, signaling Shiroaka to call someone. Shiroaka scrambled around for his phone, quickly asking the emergency number as he tried to keep Izuku awake.

Izuku's eyes were barley opening at this point and, Shiroaka was panicking. Sirens echoed through the large space between the house and the road. Shiroaka somehow picked Izuku up and rushed his down the stairs to meet the ambulance.

The workers quickly picked up Izuku and laid him on the gurney, securing his body down. SHiroaka rushed after them, somehow slipping into the machine.


Shiroaka impatiently tapped his foot against the floor, hence being the only one in the waiting room. A doctor walked in, causing Shiroka to jump from his seat and rush to him. The doctor briefly explained Izuku's condition and told SHiroaka he would have to wait to see izuku.

Shiroaka complied and sat back down, praying to every: and all the gods above that Izuku's father wouldn't find out about this.


Shiroaka sat beside Izuku, squeezing his hand, hoping Izuku would wake soon. His mates were on their way, their plan had just landed. Shiroaka's red, watery eyes looked over Izuku's pale skin. A few tears shed from his eyes, causing him to wipe them repeatedly.

"Hey Izuku, I have to go. Please wake soon," Was all Shiroaka could muster as he let go of the greenette's hand and left the room.

It had been a few hours, and Izuku's eyes were still closed. Izuku's mates sat beside him, cooing and whispering sweet nothings to him, hoping he would wake. Izuku groaned, his emerald eyes glowing softly.

The white background of the room causing, Izuku to shift. The ceiling was much more interesting them the white room he was in, right? Kaminari hoped from his chair into the bed with Izuku, praising the smaller male for waking up.

Izuku laughed dryly, causing his mate's concern to grow. Izuku quickly told them he was alright, and they shouldn't worry. But how can we not worry when your dad put you in the hospital?


Izuku had moved back to Japan, his mates overjoyed once more. The one person who made them whole was coming back. Inko and Shiroaka stayed with Mitsuki until they found a permanent home.

Denki and Eijirou were slowly becoming themselves again. It had been a long, arduous journey for the two but, here they were: Alive and thriving, loving, the joy that came with every waking day.

Izuku was slowly gaining his emotions back, day by day. His mates helped him through so much and, he didn't know how to thank them. He was so grateful for the two loves of his life and wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.

It was 7:00 am and, Izuku was making breakfast. While Denki and Eijirou sat at the small island in the middle of the kitchen, arguing over which one of them got to hold Izuku while he cooked.

"Guys, stop arguing, I'm almost finished, anyway," Izuku called swaying, lightly on his feet, pushing the steaming food onto some plates.

His mates stopped arguing as they smelled the delicious food Izuku placed in front of them. They had missed Izuku cooking, not that Katsuki didn't make delicious meals, they just weren't the same. Kaminari especially missed Inko and Izuku, since they were his only genuine family.


(Denki had top and bottom surgery already by the time this happened. Also, semi smut warning for ya nasties.)

Izuku and Denki sat in the master bedroom, Izuku sitting on Denki's lap, Denki running his hands up and down the greenette's bare legs. Izuku's hand under the blondes chin, his pointer finger tracing circles under Denki's chin. Izuku's eyelashes batted, his eyes giving off a slightly submissive glow, as he seductively chewed his lip.

Denki was in awe as his mate did this. He didn't know Izuku was capable of such things. Kaminari was definitely a submissive and, Izuku was absolutely turning him on. Kaminari sighed and rolled his hips, begging his mate to do something. Every now and again, Izuku would tease and move closer to Kaminari, acting as if he was going to kiss his boyfriend. Izuku loved the pitiful, begging look Kaminari would show just as their lips would almost touch.

Who knew teasing would be this much fun? Izuku gripped Kaminari's jaw, pulling the blonde's face forward, causing the blonde to moan softly. A small trail of drool could be seen running down the male's chin. Izuku smirked and moved to Kaminari's ear, placing a kiss on the edge. Kaminari shivered, his fingertips barely able to keep themselves on Izuku's skin.

"Should I give you a reward?" Izuku asked, his tone low and alluring.

Kaminari attempted to suck some of the drool that was spilling from his lips before speaking," Please?" He begged.

"Only because you asked so nicely," Izuku move back in front of Kaminari, every feature seeming sexier than the last.

Izuku slowly pressed his lips to his mates, feeling the built-up excitement rise in his boyfriend's pants. Izuku knawed on Denki's bottom lip, immediately getting permission, and letting his tongue travel in.

Izuku decided to be a little mean to his mate and rotated his hips, earning his another sound of pleasure. Izuku continued kissing his mate, loving the pleasuring sounds spilling from his mates lips. Izuku's lips slowly parted themselves from Kaminari's as his body suitable returned Itself to its original position. A small string of saliva connected the two before Izuku delicate fingers swiped Denki's lips. Denki shivered once more, wanting his mate to continue torturing him.

Izuku chuckled at his mates, embarrassed, lustful gaze. Izuku ran his hands down his mate's chest, watch the blondes back arch. Kaminari's face flushed a deep red as he noticed what he was doing.

"Jeez, baby, I didn't know you were so sensitive," Izuku announced, pulling at the hem of Denki's shirt.

Denki lifted his arms and allowed Izuku to remove his shirt," S-stop teasing."

"Why you really seem to enjoy it when I do."

Izuku placed his fingers on Denki's abs watching his mate twitch before relaxing. Izuku slowly traced each one, his eyes never leaving Denki's lustful, golden ones. Denki shifted his abdomen, living for the feeling of Izuku's touch. Denki rotated his hips, hoping Izuku would take the hint. Izuku noticed but chose to ignore his mates, begging, and keep teasing him.

Izuku slowly ran his face up his mate's neck before laying a long trail of kisses down it. Denki tried holding in the noises that were begging to spill but couldn't. Izuku bit down into Denki's skin, leaving a small but noticeable mark.

Izuku then slipped from Denki's lap and made his way to their bathroom, closing the door. Denki sat dumbfounded, his fresh erection still begging for attention.

"Babe, you can't just leave me like this," He called as he heard the shower start.

"Yes, I can, and I did now deal. I'm taking a shower," Izuku called back, turning on his shower playlist.


The three mates were on patrol as Izuku heard a scream. The greenette sped off in the direction of the cry, wanting to save the citizens. A building had been set aflame and, Izuku was about to enter as his mates pushed him back.

"We got this bubba," Denki said, a small cheeky smile crossing his face.

"Yeah, we can't leave without you," Eijirou said, signaling Denki to start moving.

The two ran into the building, leaving Izuku speechless. Izuku took a step forward before a hand gripped his shoulder and pulled him back.

"Midoriya, stay let them go," Todoroki said, firmly holding Izuku's shoulder.


It had been hours since Denki and Eijirou entered the building. Izuku couldn't stand it anymore, his feet slapped the pavement below, his ears blocking out all the voices around his as he entered the building.

Izuku rushed through the halls, trying his best to avoid falling ruble and find his mates. He desperately yelled their names, praying to god someone would respond. Izuku's lungs began to burn, a coughing fit filling his lungs, his eyes watering as if they were to water a garden.

"Guys, please," Izuku called, opening a random office door.

The door whipped open in slow-motion, Izuku's already bubbling tears spilling over the edges of his eyes. His mates stood in an odd position Izuku went to speak but, all words fell as he saw her.

Toga giggled as her catlike eyes widened," Oh look, here he is now."

Eijirou stood in front of Denki, holding the blonde's arm. Eijirou's whole body went stiff as Togs giggled once more. Shit! We told him not to come into the building, didn't we?!

Denki's head snapped toward Izuku. The blonde's eyes were full of aspiring emotions, too many to keep track of. Denki's mouth moved but, no words came, only the echoing of silence and Toga's awful laughter.

"'Zuku, you need to get out of the building! Now!" Eijirou had finally turned around, his hands releasing themselves from Denki in hopes of persuaded Izuku.

Izuku eyes pressed together, every muscle in his body tensing as he heard his mates words. His emotions took control, the tears grasping and tugging away at his delicate pale yet tanned skin.

"No, I'm not leaving you here!" Izuku yelled as the building shook, causing the four to keep balance.

Toga carefully thought out an attack and sprung it on the mates. Denki's sixth like sense kicked in as Toga's syringe flew at Eijirou. Denki instinctively jumped in front of it, felling the metal press itself into his body. Denki let a single tear roll down his cheek as the blood began pouring out of the wound.

Denki took a step forward catching, his mates attention. Ejirou's eyes softened as he looked at Denki's trembling body. Izuku peered around his lager, redheaded mate to see Denki stumbling forward.

Suddenly the floor collapsed in on itself, Denki's weight putting to much stress on it. The blonde grasped the air as he felt his body fall; all the images, laughter, memories, love, and more rushing through his mind as he dropped. Everything seemed to move slower while you were sinking.

Denki's body met the cold cement floor, a painful gasp, and a few words slipping through his lips before he passed out," I love you."


Denki's eyes slowly opened. A splash of color appearing here or there. The water-like substance he seemed to be floating in engulfed him. Denki sprang up, water seeming to erupt from his lungs.

Denki stopped coughing and observed his surroundings. It looked like a small flat. Everything was pretty commentary to house suited for one. Denki stood from the floor only to be sitting back on the couch in a matter of seconds. Am I ever going to see them again?


Izuku rushed to the edge of the hole his mate's body used to be in. Denki's dead, bloody, body rested against the floor, his golden eyes still peering up in agony. A horribly loud cry, echoing through the building. This isn't real! It's all a dream. Denks isn't dead: he'll be next to me when I wake up.

A burning sensation crushed Izuku's collarbone. An itching and empty feeling following quickly after. Izuku jumped from the ground and rushed to his mate.

"Eji, unzip me!" He yelled frantically.



Eijirou's worried eyes traveled over his mate as he unzipped the zipper. Izuku slowly lowered the front half of his suit, revealing to them a tragedy. Denki's peach lily was fading, almost melting. Izuku's already tear-stained face looked up at Eijirou, more tears welling up. Eijirou tried to be empethetic and help his mate, but it was no use.

A low murmur escaped Izuku's lips as he spun around, ready to attack Toga," You crazy-ass bitch! You did this! You killed him!"

Eijirou caught Izuku before he could attack, whispering sweet nothings and making promises he couldn't keep. Izuku slowly calmed down, wanting to leave the building at this point.

Izuku agreed and quickly left the room, having the comfort of Eijirou's footsteps following behind. Toga giggled and stepped through the portal. Toga would live free for the rest of her life. She would survive this mess and be fine. She would never understand the pain of losing a soulmate.

As the two got closer to the exit and Izuku turned to offer his mate a small wave as he stepped out the door, his eyes temporarily closing. Eijirou waved back as Izuku's eyes opened, the building collapsed in on itself, debris spitting itself everywhere. Izuku reached for his mate, but it was too late Eijirou was gone.

Both of his soulmates were...



Ejirou floated around in the abyss of blackness for a while. He felt so empty. He failed his only mission in life, to protect his mates.

He failed.

A low buzzing noise filled his ears. His eyes lazily opened as he forced his body up. He sat in a small kitchen. It had a black backsplash, with gray counters to compliment, black cabinets hung lowly over them. The room seemed pretty modern to Ejirou.

The sound of shuffling feet pulled Kirishima out of his little trants. A male with blond hair and glittering yellow eyes stood before him, a horrified look coming across his face.



The therapist looked up from her notebook, scrunching her eyebrows at a loss of words. She pressed her lips into a thin line, tapping her pen on the paper.

"What?" She asked, her lengthy hair flying up a bit due to her quick.

Izuku chewed his lip and cracked his knuckles. He already explained himself. Did she not believe him? Why not? He was telling the truth. She had to understand him.

Izuku's self-taught calming methods had stopped working months ago. Every movement, question, statement, word, could cause Izuku to go into a panic. No one was allowed in these "private sections".

Izuku's intrusive thoughts filtered through his brain. He tried to stop them, he tried to cope and think of happy things, but nothing seemed to work.

It's your fault.

No, I couldn't do anything. I could-

It's your fault you didn't move. You're fault.

"Izuku? Izuku? Are you okay?" She asked, pushing herself forward in the chair.

The sudden movement scared Izuku, making him move farther away from her. He was pulling at his hair, muttering things she couldn't understand.

Izuku set himself into yet another panic attack. These happened so frequently, the therapist didn't know what to do. The kid experienced some severe trauma, it wasn't his fault. No matter who told him or how many times they told him, Izuku refused to believe them.


Izuku was sitting at home, in his room, crying. For the third time that week. It was hard, without them. The love's of his life. The two that made him whole, the two that made Izuku, Izuku. Only Izuku.

Katsuki was there, his arm supportively wrapped around Izuku's shoulder, occasionally squeezing them. Izuku always enjoyed Katsuki's company but, it never helped. Izuku wanted to be alone. He wanted to die. He-he-he didn't know what he wanted. What was there to live for? Nobody.

Every day became a chore as everything around him seemed to dull. The world wasn't new or exciting anymore. Being a hero used to be his dream job, now it just seemed like another everyday occurrence. Izuku couldn't take it.

Izuku heaved himself off the bed and left the room, despite Katsuki's protest. He knew he shouldn't leave this way; this wasn't the way to go, but he couldn't do it anymore. He found the nearest window, tossed it open, and tried to ignore the voices following him.

"SHUT UP!" He growled, holding his head as he began to sway.

"Izuku, what are you doing?" Katsuki cautiously took a step, not wanting to trigger anything or scare his best friend.

Izuku's body stopped swaying, his eyes focusing in on the blonde male trying to calm him. His best friend since childhood watching him act like an idiot and think irrationally.

Izuku chuckled as his last words escaping his lips," Kacchan, I have nothing to live for anymore. I can't do it. I know everyone would want to see me thrive and become the amazing hero I was destined to be, but I can't. I'm so sorry that you have to see me go. But I'll be waiting, we all will be waiting. Here take this it, will give you my quirk. Swallow once I drop. Tell everyone I love them. I love you. Goodbye."

Izuku pressed his but against the window, slipping his torso through before dropping both hands, letting his body fall.

"I'm coming," Izuku whispered as the air around him blurred the noise of the street.

Katsuki rushed to the window, his arm limply extended as he screamed," No!"

Katsuki closed his eyes and fell back onto his knees, swallowing Izuku's hair as he was told, as Izuku's body hit the pavement below.


Izuku felt numb for a while. Not happy nor sad, just numb. Emotion would flow in and out but would never stay for long. Izuku's soul marks reappeared on his collar bones, his soul finding its new permanent home.

Izuku sat up, rubbing his aching head. He was in a bedroom, an unknown bedroom, at that. The walls were a deep red, with black dressers to complement, the king-sized bed sat plainly in the middle, nothing too special about it. Long dragged out footsteps echoed through the hallway, seemingly getting closer.

The door opened, an angelic amount of light filling the room, causing the greenette to squint.

"Hey...," Denki said, his hand extending to help Izuku from the floor.

Izuku expected the still unknown person's hand, standing up. Denki smiled and watched Izuku's empty, emotionless eyes fill with joy, life, happiness, love. Everything his soulmate deserved to feel. Izuku jumped into his mates arms a bunch of 'I love you's, 'I missed you's and, 'Please never leave me again's.

"It's okay, Bunny, we're here," Kaminari cooed, holding Izuku just as tight.

The three stayed like that for a while in comfortable silence. Izuku felt guilty for the way he left. He shouldn't have done that to Katsuki or his mom.

But he couldn't go back now. He'd see them again. All he cared about now was his mates.




Hey, guys, it's me. I just wanted to say, Thank you for reading this book. This started as a passion project and ended as one. This last chapter was really rushed and, I'm sorry about that. I may come back to this book, but I don't want to make any promises.

Anyways, hope y'all have a good day/night and, if you haven't heard it today, I love you.