This is the story of what happened to me in the U.S. navy, how it was covered up and blamed on myself. Many years later it was not only caught up in a whistle blowing action against the Veterians administration but combined with a whistle blowing action against a medical corporation with a powerful political ally the appeal I had against the V.A and action against the medical company got tossed into the gutter and I became a victim of gang stalking and harrassment by on and off duty authority figures and every goverment program I had need of were turned into a tool to deny and stall whatever that particular dept was there to do for me. It never stopped for any length of time. There are hundreds of others like me out there.
Chapter one
Hello , my name is larry and I am a whisle blower.
Since people of my nature who choose to buck authority and report wrong doing are pushed into isolation by lies , rumors, and any other weapon found by their oppressors to silence them, I hope you indulge me by playing the "Group" as none dare to start a real whistle blower anonymous.
Forgive me if I seem forward by relying upon your good nature with this.
I will not give true names of companies in my story other than what occured in the navy aboard the U.S.S Nimizt an aircraft carrier I was stationed on, because there are innocent people I do not care to hurt or bring attention to.
The V.A. [ Veterans admin.] has been under fire for a long time now and the true light of their activities' came out when patiens were being allowed to die before getting to see doctors while the Administration falsified doccuments to cover that up, so it should be a well known fact that the V.A. has the purpose of denying Veterians what is their due instead of helping to attain them.
The V.a. hospital I was going to even took hair samples and other Dna to attempt and sit me up on false charges while I was seeing a doctor about my claim when I turned in the medical corporation I was working for.
Fortunately I had been writting a long letter to the Social security administration about the V.A. what had happened to me on the aircraft carrier having turned in the corporation . In that letter I named names that saved me from the false charges and results of a fabricated investigation.
Still I got ruffed up a few weeks later by a large gorilla looking officer half my age , a real dirt bag.
Before I go into my story I should tell you all this started in 2003 when I turned in a medical company and must not have learned anything because even though there were tell tale signs my activites were still being monitored even if just occasionally, a doctor I was seeing kept charging expensive stuff he was not doing to my medicare so I turned him in and found myself up against all the people who had any authority in that town.
That was in 2017 about fourteen years later.
My story begins in 1979 March or April after I had spent nineteen months and eighteen days at lee barracks in Mainz Germany because I had failed to live up to a six year National gaurd deal and thats where they sent me to fufill my contract I completed the time came home with an honorable discharge.
However this was not a good time at all, for the first time to see my family in almost two years and I didn't feel anything, just empty and wanted to stay drunk the biggest part of the time a habit I had improved with time in the regular army.
It didn't take long for me to realize this was not my home anymore. No where was . All I felt was alone even in crowded rooms. So after a few months of turning against everyone and everybody there I joined the navy.
Bad mistake.
The last thing anyone with a major depression disorder should do whether they know they have one or not is enlist for an aircraft carrier as a blue shirt chock and chain man working around hot aircraft with hugh air sucking jet engines.
A good thing however it took away the binge drinking as there are no bars out in the atlantic on a ship. The bad thing is there is no way to self medicate either and my depression already bad got to the point I knew something was wrong but not what, so I went to counselors for help on the ship.
They said since i was dead from the neck down I had to be a bottomed out alcoholic. I was twenty one years old and that diagnosis fits a major depression disorder. So they sent me to an alcohol rehab in Naples Italy.
I got to sit and listen to stories of how different people were so awful before they joined alcohol anonymous got off the brew ..whiskey or beer..and how great life was now. I heard some tales to be sure but the one that that sticks in my memory was one of the women counselers married to a male counseler there loved to talk about how easy she was before alcohol anonymous saved her but at times it seemed as if she was bragging about a wonderful time she had had and I would find myself glancing over to her husband to see his reaction which was like looking at a stone monument most of the time.
None of what they said didn't seem to fit me other than the wifes part about needing sex to feel love or anything at all really. So it wasn't long before the people started to turn on me saying I wasn't trying or I didn't care and that I was wasting the rehab centers time which really did not help the feeling of helplessness as it was the counselors who were the most critical.
The rehab ran its course I was given bad reviews and it was time for me to return to the ship.The ships counselor saw I looked like hell and so I told him what had happened at the rehab he got in touch with them and they convinced him I was not trying and that I wasted the programs time turning the counselor against me and setting up for a lot of abuse at the hands of the ships medical people.
Later on after I had slipped into a canatonic depression and my mind snapped I went from a bottomed out alcoholic to a pcp drug user who caused himself to lose his mind on paper in a classical case of c.y.o.a. If you don't know what that means ask someone you know thats been in the military.
As I went farther and farther down that wormhole losing grip on reality I tried repeated ly to speak to the counselor on the ship who believed the rehab people in Naples that it was all my fault to the point he just turned his back to me.
Several times I went to the sick bay and the orderly there kept calling the ships security threatening to take me to the brig but I kept going back and one time while I lay on a gurney in sick bay he twisted his thumb hard into my eye and said he ought to kill my ass . Since I was too sorry to live.
This went on for a long while instead of evac-ing me to a shore hospital until finally I snapped and a doctor was allowed to see me far to late and I was taken to the naples hospital where the rehab program was .
I went in and out of reality hallucinating and remember on one occasion the ship counselor came to see me who had turned his back on me. I told him I was glad to see him because at the time in my hallucinated brain he was God come to save me so when he asked me I told him I knew He was God and how was we going to get out of there .
Even whacked out as I was the stricken horrified look on his face is one I'll never forget and he said." I don't know how you are going to get out but i,m going out the door."
He left and I probably would have followed were I not strapped to the bed. All this had gone on for weeks.
I turned twenty two in a delusive state wracked with illusions.
I finally wound up in Eglin air force base in florida where I stayed in a psychiatric ward for several weeks untill it was deemed I was sane enough to be put on the streets with no monetary award or service connection. My diagnosis read self induced sciizophrienic type form psycosis.
Which is is impossible no one can drive themselves crazy And a drug induced psychosis only last short periods of time. Later on even after all the turning a corporation in and getting its high level friends in on my service connection application, the third one as I had been denied twice over the years , I got it changed to a pre exisisting condition which also is bogus because not being properly treated and mis diagnosised by unqualified ex-drunks at the rehab in Naples italy was the main cause of my breakdown. I may have been able to recover had not that happened.
One thing that stands out in my mind it had been a while since I had drank any alcohol while all this occured and another was I had an Uncle who frequently visited the V.a. mental hospital where I was sent to be processed out of the navy and I ran into him in the hallway a few days after arriving. He called me by my nick name ." Joe! Im glad you came to see me!"
"I didn't come to see you Unk...I returned ..I,m in here with you."
Back on the street with a huge distrust of authority and a bad self treatment for a major depression disorder I drank and cheated my way out of a wife and two sons.
I won't go into that only to say it was a devastating loss , my own fault I was still messed up emotionly and I feel terrible for what happened.
I had many years in and out of homelessness , jail , and hitch-hiked all over the south, west and some mid-western states just drifting aimlessly unable to make anything work out. All that was in the past was a string of broken relationships, burning bridges ,and hard feelings. I worked any type job I could find unable to hold any job for very long. Mostly hard back breaking construction work such as roofing and concrete.
One town to another one place to another always alone . All the faces seemed to look the same after awhile. Work here for a period of time or there until it was time to move on.
All through this I started reading the bible in 1983 or 84 and it stuck with me what I learned an all through my life I kept returning to those pages although its deep meaning eluded me.
I had no family to turn to as my dad drown in a nearby river when I was nineteen months old , my mother had had an episode with a burst appendix that set up gangrene as she stayed home with it untill she almost died before she was taken to the hospital where she stayed a long time before being released . That or the sudden death of my twenty seven year old father or a combination of both gave her a severe schizophrenia with violent tendencies. by the time i was nine or so she was spending long stints in a state mental hospital.
My brother had problems of his own I don't care to go into as He can tell his own story if he wishes. Just to say we all were caught up in volatile disagreement and other things that kept us from getting along for very long.
Nor do I care to elaborate on family other than to say we made it to adulthood. Sometime when I,m on the road people will ask if I miss my family and my reply for the last thirty years has been you can't miss something you never had. There are some members I may mention later on in the book although their privacy will be a very important issue for me.
Since I was dead inside from the head down I never felt pain untill I helped my mother through the last two years of her life she died a few months after her seventy first birthday so when I turned fifty one all of it caught up with me and I learned how to feel. That was also the year I met my life partner in 2008 and with no family distractions or alcohol self treatment we have been together since. I am no longer alone.
The drinking had been less and less over the years prior to that. Despite the rumors I never cared for drugs and had started facing things since my body started coming apart with one joint after another failing me until in my late forties I was diagnosed with immuno re-active arthritis.
This illness was what caused me to file my claims for social security and V.A service connection when the sacroiliac joint in my left hip went out and a sciatic nerve problem arose which is what led me to find a job less strenuous in the medical profession as an aide leading to my complaint on the medical company I worked for.
I will go into that in my next chapter. I hope I,m not being too selfish in holding the floor as I know everyone has problems and you would like to tell yours and let some things out . If I could I would yield the floor to you.