chapter two

To finish up for now on my navy experience I do have some mental damage a type of short term memory loss . I can repeat something back that is spoken to me right away, but if I walk away for a few moments or if I,m asked about something that was said earlier even though I heard it I can't remember what it was.This vexes my compainion to quite a degree and she accuses me of selective hearing. Just what I want to hear in other words.

This has caused me work related problems in the past such as instructions to be used later and having to take time to keep going back to re-check things more than once. That along with constant ringing in both ears from loud gunfire on the rifle ranges of basic training and war games in germany makes other tones difficult to hear and at times causes certain words in conversation undescernable.

Right now because of the following content where police officers and P.I.s were used to tail me or what I call eyeball harass me I have a deep respect for these men and women who most do not know they are being involved in a gang stalking or intimidate exercise as their orders come from the top down. Do not think these brave men and women are all like the corrupt ones that is a very few of their number.

In the end right before their false investigation was complete the feds came in and saved my behind let me tell you bout those guys there is no one better at what those people do. These are some of the brightest smartest men and women in the world and if there is anyone out there that thinks they can pull something over on these ones , I suggest you think again.

Some of the things which I,m about to go into will be hard for some to understand so it will help for you to go and listen to the Keiser report. Max and Stacey have a three day a week show on R.T and also are on youtube these will explain a lot to you and help in understanding what has happened to our world.

Another you tube channel Gregory Mannarino who does two shows a day morning and evening on the stock market has a lot of information that would be helpful to you. He also has a website that is listed on his you tube site.

The hidden history of corporations can be pulled up for free and has a lot of things you need to know.

Instead of boring you with a lot of details I am just going to start after I turned the Medical service company in for abuse. or rather its workers.

Before I forget The V.a. claim I filed had the information in my first chapter and I also accused them of an ongoing crime because a cover up is still to this day in effect largely due to being denied because the V.a. joined forces with the company before I turned it in to gather evidence against me. For an example a new girl I had never seen before worked with me one day and when we went outside to take a break she asked did I mind if she smoked a joint which I didn't care so she lit it up then asked me to smoke it with her.The stuff makes me paranoid the only times I really ever smoked it in my adult days was after a few beers but to oblige this very pretty young lady I took a couple hits.

Low and behold two weeks later or so at my next V.A. appointment hair samples were taken along with Dna swabs out of my mouth and my somewhat young asian female doctor had this aha got cha look on her face like she did when I saw her later about my hip joint she had this I know you faking and I will prove it thing going and had me do a certain type bend on that hip that caused the small pinion joint that attaches the hip and skeleton to pop real loud and come loose causing me a lot of pain and when she pulled or pushed my leg it would get shorter or longer than the other leg.

That look she had turned to one of a oh snap type expression. By the way it took that joint two years to heal up and stop hurting.

I did not give one patoot about the hair sample as you know they go back ten years with that and can find every drug you have been on since I had not taken any drugs and as a matter of fact was not drinking alcohol at the time.

I know enough since going throuh what I did that pot would not have the effect of the type psychosis i had had nor would any other drug all that proved was they had no results to prove I had done anything to cause my own harm.

Later on after I returned to my home town I was given the message that my navy records had been lost. Around that same time The elected offical whose office was in the town courthouse where I turned the corporation in secretary called me and relayed the message to me it had been nice dealing with me.

So in my mind this man who is still in washington a least was a couple years ago had his secretary call me to what? Brag about how corrupt he and his friends were? After together they had violated every right I had as a citizen?

Well mr. Sir where I come from to bring the full force of your office to bear against a man you thought was powerless against you, Well you would not want to hear that description. Only you should resign and let the voters in your district try to find some one who is not bought and paid for.

To return to my story and the goings on around me. Around this time a couple across from my trailor either moved their trailor in or rented one there not sure at any rate the window in the front that was facing me stayed open and you could see the camera pointed toward me or my living room window.

I found out later after big boy tried to re-arrange my face and she came out or maybe in an ambulance to wipe the blood off my temples she was the jail house nurse. Some co-incidence don't you think? I do not know what kind of cock and bull story they had going about me but it scared this lady to death everytime I happen to look out and see she was outside or something.

One day she came home from work and left her car head lights on, I didn't waant her battery to run down, I walked over to the window and motioned in the direction of her car then got as far to the front of my home to see what happened and did not think she could see me where I was.

She came out of her home looking at my house and went turned off her head lights as she walked back toward the entrance to her home she searched with her eyes intently and somehow saw me back in the shadows .I thought the way she jumped she was close to fainting. I truly did not intend that to happen.

There was a woman who lived on the other end of the trailor court who got used a good bit in the false investigation, you know the type dirty deeds done dirt cheap..It was her that day who was waiting to set me up with my gorilla date. I walked over to her house as I had done several times and asked for a smoke that was before i quit going on nine years ago which gave her the opportunity to tell me I was trespassing and she had called the police that was what got me beaten and locked up three days.

One time early in the set up they pulled she came over around dusk and got me to come out on the porch soon two P.I.s came by in a small s 10 or ranger and tried to stare me down as they went by I just returned the stare with a look like whats up? and did not break contact which seemed to confuse the passenger side rider and he broke eye contact for a moment said something to the driver and made eye contact again as they road slowly away the look he had that time was not threatening at all more curious I think.

After this all died down when I turned a detailed letter of everything going on in at a social security office there at an appointment and the feds came in the police in that town never harrassed me again and saw me a good bit they gave me a nick name "blue".

One night something woke me up not to long after I went to sleep. A sound or maybe the police car I didn't see that had parked on the left side drive with his turned off headlights pointed into my home. I was a little nervous because an old automobile with no tag had driven by my place a couple times an when you got enemies you don't take anything for granted .

I left the house lights off and walked up to the front where I could look out on the drive way suddenly the lights of the police car came on and the engine started before I could get to that window the cruiser was gone and I did not have a chance to get its number or a look at the driver . It seemed that all they wanted was to shine the lights for the camer to see me looking out the window but why I don't know.

It is not against the law to look out your windows but it is to put cameras on someones home and use tactics to frame them for something. I made a sign and posted it for the camera eye actually. They didn't seem to care.

Just constantly stuff of this nature but I honestly do not know what charges they were trying to hit me with and I think a lot of it was just to try to make me leave town like the day I turned my letter in to I left and started walking down the street someone yelled "You better get out of town!" I looked every direction but saw no one.

The feds have a lot of material on all this and I would think some of not good on me from what my enemies gave them but I would still like to see what they have.

I have tried to get my records of the beating, compl;aints against me and time in jail. But that didn't fly another violation of the law these power mongers don't care about.

Its sad to see what has become of the rule of law in this nation and the cronyism of the ones in power. Nothing or no one means anything to them no law can contain them only people such as you and I have laws to live by and if anyone did not see that after the 2008 financial bust then you are not going to like my next chapter.

As I said before this happened again in 2017 the only difference was I used google search to record what was going on then sent e-mails to democratic lawmakers since it was conservative deep right wing who was trying to hang me this time like the ones in the other towns thats the way it is in the deep south bible belt.

Once again I was tried in the court of public opinion and my name drug through the local mud af a somewhat smaller town this time