chapter three

What a wonderfull group you are to be so gracious as to hear me air out all of these long held grievance's against a world I came to hate. So I must ask you to forgive me for a couple of things.

The first one is I am sorry for giving up on you.

I learned the truth around forty years ago and every attempt to spread that just caused people to become angry or turn against me. A reason but not a defense.

The second thing I ask is that you forgive me for running all these years to keep from allowing you into my life , this world is bound for destruction and I did not want to see you destroyed with it or be destroyed with you.

Harsh words indeed. But before you turn away let me explain some things in hopes that you may feel a little kinder toward me.

I did not build walls around my heart to lock you out and it wasn't that I no longer cared for you. I never stopped caring but you have to understand the forces I was up against which I will attempt to describe.

You see truth has been replaced by ideology and rhetoric. A combination of imagination , idea's , and lies [rhetoric] replaced the truth in every area of our lives . I watched the world go to the dark side of the moon when everything that meant anything was turned into a vehicle to give the power and wealth to a mere few by turning the masses into their personal zombies as the strong seeming ideals of the propaganda they spewed resonated to those blinded by the neon lights of their poisonous deluge.

How so you ask?

It took a while but the passion inside your heart to know what is right for all and everyone who is different is judged to be somehow lesser as the division spread down from the oracles at the top and the fruit of that knowledge was sweet when it was packaged as values. Even though it violated every truth about love there was, which is the only real value.

A simple truth that helps people to grasp this is that it does not matter who is in office because both parties will do the will of the few who own them when in that office.

Do you think its a coincidence they all say one thing before the election then a whole different policy is pursued after its won?

The very people you were told to take care of where the scapegoats of these as they were labeled the free loaders and the biggest transfer of wealth from your wallets to food stamps and welfare. social security...blah, blah, blah. The whole while your tax load became heaveir and heavier and these top fews bank accounts almost doubled when the tax breaks and low interest caused your savings to drop and theirs go up , well you get the idea.True trickle down of lies to make your money go up to their pockets.

Oh this is easy to check out . Just in the last two years their incomes have soared and they have billons on the side line and say its not enough to run their business. Thats because so much money has been printed it no longer has a real value ans since monopolies own everybody and everything they have nothing left to purchase. Go look up these things and get the real facts and not preachers and ceos and media owned talking heads on the news. Become your own fact finder and believe no one check out everything you hear be a decider of your own fate and not a zombie of these liars. Be an original thinker not just a follower be a self sufficient individual and stand up for what is right for all.

Just a question how much has your savings gained in interest over the last few years? And did you know if they go to negative rates that you will have to pay a bank to keep your money? See the greatest transfer of wealth in history as the deficit and debt has soared to the pinnacle every person in the U.S. owes one hundred and fifty thousand dollars each to pay it off. The poor became desperate , the middle was robbed , and no one is happy.

As the frogs boil.And the zombies repeat the party line.

They did this by combining the three things that our constitution forbade be combined , religion , business[ corporate \banking\monopolies] and government [politics]. and played upon your sense of fair and right because they know that deep inside you are a kind loving individual and you are not stupid so they blinded you with the light of dark wisdom to separate and conquer.

It worked too good now divided we fall.

That is not an understatement . Anyone who was not blinded by the false light will tell you its crumbling right now and soon a complete devastating crash will be upon us.

The most evident sign I think most agree is the bond repo and not q.e, q.e.

They have pumped four trillion dollars into the banking industry since September in overnight lending but also into liquidity and the problems of insolvency has not been fixed so our banks here and abroad are in stress right now. There is no end to the money pumped into this either because if the money is cut off the banks will collapse.

Let me give you some history to research just so you can understand how this affects the world and how big the collapse heading our way is and the urgency for you to look for ways to protect yourself.

Right after world war two the U.S. dollar became the reserve currency of the whole world. then in 1971 Richard Nixon removed the gold standard and backed the Saudi oil in that our military would protect it and this became known as the petro dollar.

Every nation when they buy, and sell,in trading they have to change their own fiat[paper money] into U.S dollars to pay or recieve payment and so up to now was what the U.N and member nations sanctiond used against those who refused to go along so they could not buy sell or trade if they went against it.

Thus the empire of the petro dollar was created. And the whole world had to abide by it or even have war declared upon them if they did not.

This is what is collapsing other nations like the eastern empires are leaving the dollar for their own digital and gold backed currencies. You do not hear a lot about this and most people diregard it if they do.

What is most troubling at this point is the fact most people are in ignorance to the dangers out there and there are many as they go about their daily lives attending normal everyday functions like weddings ,reunion's, and just partying's. So this fall will be a complete surprise as they believe all is well.

They know their incomes do not seem to buy as much and its a little more of a struggle to make ends meet but they are counting on the ones that got them there to fix that. So when the destruction comes they won't be expecting anything and their blind leaders will be seen for what they are and forever more held in contempt.

This vicious cycle will do what all cycles do...Eventually crash and burn.

Do me a favor and don't use the rhetoric you are tuned to to judge me and point out my faults as you have just as many as me and every one elsejust go get the facts not opinions and destroy me and the others so like minded to tell the truth. Go get the real figures and numbers , charts and so on.

Or just go on as you are and be caught asleep when it hits.

Thats all for this chapter. I'll keep it short in hopes you go an look up these things and seek what is truly good not just the opinion of an abuser.