3: Suspect Luxste'

When Evan arrives home that night, he finds his parents waiting for him with Vor. They know his luxste' has begun. His parents don't even greet him. They simply leave the dwelling expecting him to satisfy his luxste' by bonding to Vor. Vor stands and begins to disrobe.

"[Stop,]" Evan upset because he doesn't want Vor. But his need, his luxste', is telling him he should take her. And the last thing he wants is to be bonded to Vor for life. He would rather let the luxste' kill him. He deliberately neglected to tell Eve it could kill him. He doesn't want that to influence her decision.

Vor stands there bare-chested, a look of confused disbelief on her face, "[Luxste' you are in.]"

"[Need you I do not. Want you I do not. Cover yourself and leave.]"

Vor doesn't need to be told twice. She's never heard Evan raise his voice before. She covers herself and exits the dwelling. Her parents and Evan's parents are shocked to see her exiting the dwelling so soon and alone. Obviously, no bonding has occurred or Evan would be exiting with her.

"[What happened, Vor,]" her mother asks.

"[Nothing,]" Vor answers entering her own family's dwelling.

Vor's mother looks at her life-mate and Evan's parents confused. Their faces are just as confused. She enters the dwelling after her daughter.

"[Luxste' you said Evan is in, Everant,]" Vor's father to Evan's father.

"[Veioray, positive I am,]" Evan's father replies, "[Correct, Alma,]" turning to his life-mate for confirmation.

"[3 days ago first signs I noticed myself,]" Alma answers, "[Which means it could of started at least a week prior to that.]"

"[Shivers and sweats will start soon,]" Everant looking toward his dwelling, "[Vor as his life-mate he will have to accept. Need to bond to her will he. No choice will he have.]"

"[Here is Evma,]" Vor's mother brings Evan's little sister to her mother, Alma, "[She will not need to stay the night tonight.]"

"[Thank you, Zezna,]" Alma to Vor's mother.

"[Evma and our son, Zezvor, play very well together,]" Zezna tells Alma, "[Maybe when appropriate time is, good match they will make.]"

"[Accept Vor will Evan,]" Alma mostly reassuring herself, "[It is as Everant says. No choice he has. Luxste' he knows could kill him.]"

"[Accept her he will,]" Everant putting his hand up for Alma.

Alma places her hand over her life-mate's hand. Evma holds 2 fingers from her mother's other hand. Zezna and Veioray watch with concern as their friends return to their dwelling.

Evan is already sleeping when the rest of his family returns to the dwelling. His parents check on him. Beads of sweat are starting to form on his forehead as his body trembles slightly. His parents give each other a knowing nod. Now they are positive he is in luxste' and that it's reaching its apex.

"[Tomorrow night bond to Vor he will,]" Everant assures Alma.

4: They Worry

Eve is sitting at the table with her family: mother, father, sister and brother. A plate of food sits in front of her, but Eve's mind is preoccupied with Evan's proposal.

"You're not eating, Pixie," her father's deep bass voice breaking her train of thought.

"Dad," frustration in Eve's voice, "I'm an adult. When will you stop calling me that?"

"After the birth of my first grandchild," he jokes smiling broadly.

But Eve is not amused. She looks at her sister sitting across from her, "Erin."

"Yeah," Erin sneers.

"Please, hurry up, get pregnant and have a baby so Dad will stop calling me Pixie."

"Eve!" her mother's face colored with shock and anger.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but he does this almost every time I come back from my walks about," Eve is flustered, "He acts like it's a sin to enjoy solitude. I don't get this push to marry me off. I don't need to get married to move out if that's what you want. Doc Matos and Mr. Chan both have room for me. Or for that matter, I can set up a dwelling of my own. Hell, I don't even have to live in the village."

"Eve, don't swear," her mother scolds.

"Or you could play house with John Phillips," Erin throws out at Eve.

"Be quiet!" Eve and her father shout in unison at Erin.

"It's not anything like that," her father tries to explain, "I'm just worried about you."

"Why?" Eve doesn't understand.

"Jude, help me," her father asks his wife, "I never get this out right. I just love you, your sister and brother so much. And I wasn't trying to upset you or…" he sighs.

"We worry about you is all," Eve's mother, Jude prefers calm discussions. She knows her oldest child is just as stubborn and headstrong as her husband, Ben.

"Worried about what?" Eve wants to keep this recurring argument from recurring again, "I'm healthy, intelligent and independent."

Erin chimes in again, "Your independence boarders on hermitism."

Eve scoffs at her younger sister, "I'm no hermit, brat."

"It's just that you're not around much no more," Eve's little brother, Nate, "You haven't played with me for days."

Eve's heart melts, as she looks at her baby brother. Her face is a mixture of guilt, love and sadness, "I'm sorry, Nate. I'll try not to be gone so much."

"You spend so much time alone," Eve's mother's voice full of concern, "We're just worried it can't be good to be alone so much."

"I'm not lonely," Eve doesn't want her parents to worry, "if that's what you're worried about."

"We just think it's possible you'ld be happier if you had someone special," her mother explains.

"I'm happy," Eve had been a bit lonely before she met Evan but not unhappy, "I tend the shoats first thing every morning. I eat the morning meal with all of you and I spend the rest of the morning assisting Dr. Matos. He thinks I'm going to be an excellent physician."

"And your mother and I are the proudest parents in the village," her father smiling.

"Thank you," Eve looking back down at her food. There's nothing wrong with the food. She's just not hungry. She needs an answer for Evan tomorrow.

"John Phillips asked about you today," her father smiling hopefully.

Eve slaps her face into her hands. She doesn't like the way her father made that statement. John Phillips is nearly twice Eve's age. He was a child of about 10 when the crew and their families were marooned on this planet. Both of his parents were killed in the crash. There were 6 children on the ship and he was the only child to survive. But he didn't start to feel lonely until after he went through puberty. That's when he started to notice the couples. About this time, unmarried crew was starting to pair off. But there was no one for John. As Eve became a woman, John started to have hope. He's lonely, and hoping Eve will choose him over Adam. His only consolation at this point is that Eve avoids Adam just as much as she avoids him. But Eve cannot picture herself with either suitor. The only things she has in common with either is they're all human and live in the same village.

Eve looks through her fingers at her father. He means well, but Eve is just not attracted to John Phillips or Adam. She's never desired any male until Evan.

"He said he might stop by this evening," her father is hoping for a positive reaction.

Eve gets up from the table, "Excuse me."

"I didn't think it would be a problem," her father explains.

"It's not," Eve replies, "because I'm not going to be here," grabbing her knapsack.

"Oh, Eve," says her mother, Jude, upset, "Ben."

"Eve, what could it hurt to talk with John," Ben insists, "He's a nice guy."

"Yes, he's nice," Eve agrees, "He'll only bore me too death."

"She's got a point there, Dad," Erin smiling slyly, holding back a giggle.

"Eve, the man just wants a chance," Ben wants his daughter to stay home.

"Dad," Eve tossing things into her sack, "he's had my whole life to impress me already. If it hasn't happened by now, it's never going to happen. The man is into entomology. He collects dead bugs. I hate bugs. Besides, my shoats Maw and Girdy are better company."

"Harsh," Erin trying to hide her giggle at Eve's last statement. Jude shoots her younger daughter a serious you better keep your mouth shut look. Little Nate just sits there watching and listening. He knew it was a bad idea to invite John Phillips, but grown-ups don't listen to 7 year olds.

"Then why don't you try spending some time with Adam," Ben is becoming desperate, "He's a nice young man."

"Again my shoats are better company," Eve doing her best to be patient, "and he hardly qualifies as a man."

"He'll be an adult in a couple of years," Ben insists, "Besides, the boy thinks very highly of you."

"Yeah," Erin adds smiling, "he's still bragging about how the back of his hand touched one of your breast 6 months ago. He's sure you like him because you didn't slam him face first into the dirt."

"What!" Ben outraged by this new information.

Eve takes a deep breath, "Slamming people face first into the dirt doesn't solve problems. It's just fun sometimes," slinging her knapsack over her shoulder. She's not going to comment directly on the breast issue, "Besides, I don't get this rush to get me involved in a relationship. I certainly don't see it as a necessity." She can't tell them she's already involved. Then she exits the dwelling.

"Where are you going," asks Ben stepping outside after her with Jude, Erin and Nate both stepping out from behind him.

Eve does an about face, "Where I usually go to be alone."

"When will you be back," Jude asks concerned.

Eve's small hands curl into fists at her sides and her arms shake with frustration. "What is this? Has my adulthood suddenly been revoked? I have gone camping by myself for 2 and 3 weeks at a time."

"We're sorry, Pixie," Ben sincere.

"Me too," Then she gives both her parents a hug and kiss. She leans over and kisses Nate's forehead, "Can I read you a bedtime story tomorrow night?" Nate smiles his biggest brightest smile as he nods yes. Eve and Erin just make a disgusted face at each other.

"Maw… Girdy," Eve calls out as she walks away. Maw, the shoat, with her now full-grown lamb, Girdy, trot after Eve as she walks away from her family. Her parents watch as she disappears into the darkness.

"Jude, our oldest daughter's best friend is a six legged heard animal."

Jude is still upset, "Ben, I think we're losing her."

"Losing her to what," Erin with lots of teenage attitude, "I know I'm not a member of the adult nor the parenting club. But, not that my opinion has any value, you should just like back off and let nature take its course."

"What do you think, Nate," Ben asks his only son and youngest child, "Have you noticed anything different about Pixie?"

"Yeah," Nate delighted to give his opinion for once, "She's happier now. She was lonely before. But now she's not lonely no more, and she's happier."

"Erin," Ben to his middle child, "How's she seem to you?"

"I agree with Sport," Erin nodding, "She has been happier lately. Smiling more, being more sociable with more bounce to her step. But I couldn't tell you why?"

"I think I know why," Nate excited.

"Why, sweetie," asks Jude.

"I think she made a new friend," Nate smiling.

Eve's parents and her sister are completely amused by Nate's speculation. After all, everyone knows everybody in this small community. There's no one new to meet.

"Hello," a man's voice calls.

"John," Ben turns to greet him. But he's not happy to disappoint his friend.