Eve awakens before dawn. Evan awakens at the same moment. He can feel she's experiencing discomfort. He lies in his cot wondering what's bothering his life-mate. It's been an adjustment for both of them, always sensing what the other is feeling on top of always craving the others touch.
Eve exits the family dwelling for fresh air. The air helps, but she's so nauseous. She can't remember eating anything unusual and there are no colds or flues going around the village. She has her own medical scanner, but it's back inside and she doesn't want to wake anyone. She decides to go to the medical center and give herself a medical scan.
The village's medical center was the ambulance shuttle for the exploration vessel her parents were working on when war broke out between humans and Malyons. Its solar panels make sure it always has more than enough energy stored away to run all the equipment inside. It pretty much has everything a doctor might need. And Eve has been an excellent student for Dr. Matos; she's already capable of running the medical center unassisted.
Eve opens the door and steps inside. Turning on a light, she shuts the door behind herself. She grabs a scanner with a separate readout pad. She holds the readout pad up with her left hand so she can read it, and holds the scanner in her right hand. She starts the scan with her head. If there's anything wrong the scan will find it.
Eve's normal body temperature is now 38 degrees C. That's where it settled at for her and Evan, so no problem there. Nasal cavity is clear passing the scanner back and forth for a complete reading. She moves down to her chest. Lungs are clear and strong, heart rate is 45 beats per minute, more the heart rate of an athlete with a very efficient heart. But it's Evan's heart rate too now, a little faster than normal for Malyons. A little lower it reads her upset stomach, something she was already aware of. It says the upset stomach is the result of hormonal changes. Working her way a little lower, hormonal changes caused by… Eve drops the scanner and readout pad.
Eve begins to pace back and forth. She hadn't even considered this a possibility, because she's human and Evan's Malyon.
"Calm, Eve," talking to herself, "be calm. The scanner may be malfunctioning or maybe it's misread something. Your body recently went through a lot of changes."
She looks at the 3D ultrasound imager. She bites her lower lip and turns it on. She pulls off her nightshirt and puts the ultrasound belt on, positioning it perfectly over her lower abdomen. She types the usual data in for the imager. First day of last menstrual cycle, this causes her to realize her cycle is almost two weeks late. How did she overlook it? She orders an inner uterine scan. It only takes a few seconds for the imager to produce a 3D image. And there it is before Eve's eyes, a developing embryo. The computer says congratulations and asks if she wants to know the gender of the embryo. Eve says no. She requests the gestation period thus far. The imager's computer responds that the embryo is the size of a 6-week-old embryo. But the grow rate is accelerated and estimates the embryo is between 3 to 5 weeks gestation. Eve knows her cycle isn't even a whole 2 weeks late. She can't be six weeks pregnant or even 5. She can't be any farther than 4 weeks. She's relieved today is a together day for her and Evan, because they definitely need to talk. Evan lies on his cot sensing Eve's feelings: fear, confusion and anxiety. Likewise, she knows he's awake and feels his concern. They're eager to see each other.
Eve logs the findings away into her file. She removes the ultrasound belt and slips her nightshirt back on. She shuts down and puts away all the equipment she used. She opens the door, turns out the light, exits the medical center and shuts the door.
Eve walks past the 2 trees that are planted in the center of the village. They look odd growing on this planet with their green leaves. One was planted the day she was born. The other was planted the day Adam was born. Her family's dwelling is just around the corner to the right. As she rounds the corner she bumps into someone. Evan bolts to an upright position in his cot. He nearly shouts her name. Eve catches a scream before it can escape as she sees who she's bumped into.
"Adam," Eve's voice hushed and irritated. Evan feels Eve's sudden fright melt into foolish relief and lays back down, "you nearly gave me a heart attack."
"I didn't mean to startle you," Adam wide eyed.
"I take it you have sentry duty with your father tonight."
"Yeah," answers Adam wearing a goofy grin.
"Aren't you supposed to be walking the perimeter of the village," Eve's no stranger to sentry duty.
"Yeah, but I noticed the light in the medical center, just you, huh?"
Eve nods yes.
"You OK?"
"Fine, just an upset stomach," she steps to the side in order to walk past Adam.
"Walk ya home?"
"It's just right there, but why not."
Adam walks the few yards with Eve to her door path. Eve starts up the path.
"I'm sorry," Adam says.
Eve turns back toward him.
"For bragging about touching your breast," he explains. "It was immature of me. It wasn't anything to brag about. It's not like I had actually gotten my hands on them." Eve's face tells Adam she's not interested in his ramblings, "It was disrespectful of me and immature. I'm sorry."
"Thank you, Adam. I appreciate that. Apology accepted. It's very mature of you to admit your mistake. Now, don't ruin it by bragging you saw me in my nightshirt this morning."
"Oh, oh, no of course not," Adams eyes big, "I didn't see a thing."
"Later, Adam," and Eve slips back into the dwelling, where she falls right back to sleep. Evan is back to sleep shortly after Eve.
Adam walks away from the dwelling feeling Eve has given him a second chance. He wants to win her respect and he knows he has to give her respect first.