The bump isn't doing any shrinking. John Phillips has been paying a lot of attention to Vor and she doesn't seem to mind. Eve has noticed a more pleasant look on Vor's face, almost but not quite a smile. Eve has had two more dizzy spells. Evan is afraid to leave her side for more than a minute or two. But the time has come for the company to start making their way back home to let family know Eve and Evan were found safe, alive and well. There's news that a new life is on the way to be shared.
Ben and Everant have prepared the morning meal together. Ben has put together an omelet from eggs he gathered the day before and seasoned with wild herbs from the area. Everant made tipa and a fruit salad. Both men are all packed up and ready to travel. They're discussing who will ride with whom. It's definite that Ben will ride with Everant.
"Charles, why aren't you packed?" ask Ben.
"I'm not returning with you," answers Mr. Chan.
Ben is completely surprised, "Why?"
"It's simple," Mr. Chan answers, "I have no one to return to. Eve is the closest I have to a child. Besides, she has had three dizzy spells this week. Evan is afraid to leave her alone. I've already discussed it with them. I'm staying behind to help look after her."
"Who will teach the children self-defense," Ben thinking about the roll Mr. Chan plays in their community.
"Adam's father can do it," Mr. Chan knowing he'll do almost as well as himself.
"This is good idea," Everant nodding with approval.
"Yes, I suppose it is," Ben wishes he could just send for Jude and the kids.
Veioray approaches Vor. She's sitting on a rock by the river staring at the water.
"Vor, are you nearly ready?" Veioray asks. "We will leave immediately after the first meal."
But Vor doesn't answer his question. She has a question of her own, "Father, is happiness relevant?"
"Yes," Veioray answers quite sincerely, "it is very relevant. I know your mother would say no, because it is what she was taught. I try to make her happy without success. I have never seen your mother smile. Not even upon your or your brother's birth."
"Do I deserve happiness," Vor asks.
"Yes," Veioray smiles, "of course you do. I was trying to give you happiness. I had hoped being Evan's life-mate would make you happy. But I was wrong. You need to find happiness yourself."
"I do not wish to return home," Vor reveals, "I have learned much from Eve. I want to learn more. But I cannot do it from our community. May I stay?"
"Vor," Veioray a little sad, "you are an adult. You need not my permission to stay. But you should make sure Eve and Evan are agreeable."
"I already have," Vor's eyes lit with hope.
"Then I foresee no problem with it," Veioray responds, "I will unsaddle your squine. He shall stay with you for when you are ready to return."
Vor gives her father a warm hug. She hasn't hugged him with such warmth since she was a child. Then she nearly runs to Eve and Evan's dwelling and disappears inside.
"I was just going to ask if Vor needed any help loading her squine," John to Veioray.
"No," Veioray tells John, "He needs to be unsaddled. You may help me if you like."
"Unsaddle him," John questioning.
Veioray clarifies, "Vor will remain here."
John looks at the dwelling after Vor. He's disappointed. He was looking forward to riding with Vor.
Inside the dwelling Vor is giving Eve a big hug.
"You stay as long as you desire," Eve tells Vor, "Would you like one of the extra sleep rooms or you could reset up our tent for yourself?"
"The tent will be fine," Vor almost managing a smile.
"Are they finished cooking," Eve looking out the front window.
"I believe yes," answers Vor.
Evan comes out of the lavatory, "You are remaining?"
"Ahda," Vor nodding her head in confirmation.
"Good," Evan responds.
Eve opens the door and yells out, "Hey, the pregnant person is starving! Maw, outside. Stay outside." She leaves the door propped open.
With the morning meal ate the good-byes are being said. Veioray hugs Vor tightly. It's hard for him to leave his first-born, only daughter, behind. But she's a grown woman now and no longer should be told what to do. It's time for her to make her own decisions, find herself and her own destiny.
Evan receives a big bear hug from Ben. "You're everything I hoped my daughter would find in a husband." This statement means a lot to Evan and all he can think of to say is "Thank you." Then Evan moves to his own father and Eve steps in front of hers. Ben takes her in his arms, giving her a warm fatherly bear hug, "You always keep me amazed. You amazed me before you were even born. You always do things your own way and different from everyone else…You insisted on entering the universe a month early. And then you had to do it breach."
"Would you have me be any other way?" Eve asks.
"No," Ben answers, "No, I would not." He kisses her cheek and forehead. Then kneels down to talk to the bump. He puts his hands on it and it kicks for him, "Ha, haa, it's a feisty one. I'm going to try to be back in time for your arrival."
Then Everant approaches Eve nervously as Ben steps out of the way. "Thank you, for permitting me in your presence. I do not deserve such kindness, yet you show it anyway." He puts a hand over the bump and it seems to roll over for him. He allows himself to smile broad and proud. "Wonderful news for my life-mate. You make us grandparents while so young. I hope I am welcome to return with Alma and Evma."
"[Of course you are welcome]," Eve sincere, "[I look forward to your return as well as meeting the rest of our family.]"
The rest of the good-byes are said. Ben and John are riding with Everant while Dr. Matos rides with Veioray. Eve, Evan, Vor and Mr. Chan wave as the squines lope off with their riders, disappearing into the forest. When they can no longer be seen, Eve grabs Vor by the arm.
Eve asks Vor, "[Want to go swimming?]"
"[Yes]," Vor answers, "[that would be enjoyable.]" Vor allows Eve to lead her to the area best for swimming at the river.
"[Are you two coming?]" Eve calls back to Evan and Mr. Chan.
"[In a minute]," Evan calls back. "Going?" he asks Mr. Chan.
"Yes," Mr. Chan answers, "I just want to set my tent up…What do you think about right there, on this side of the dwelling?"
"Good spot," Evan nodding, "Want some help?"
"No," Mr. Chan answers, "you go have fun. I'll be along shortly."
Long after he can no longer see the clearing, the dwelling or anyone there, John Phillips continues to look back. When they have the crashed exploration vessel in full view, John Phillips has a change of heart.
"Stop, please," John request, and the two squines are stopped.
"What's wrong John?" Ben asks.
"What am I going back for?" John Phillips asks, "I don't have a wife and kids to get back to. And I'm not the village physician; no one depends on me like that. I'm just an extra body who picks up the slack."
"What do you want to do, John," asks Dr. Matos.
"I'ld like to get off please," John request.
Everant nods, has the squine kneel and John slides off.
"What will you do?" Asks Ben.
"I don't think Eve and Evan will mind if I hang around for a while," John thinking, "I may do some exploring. If my presence makes them uncomfortable, I can make my way back.
John shakes all four men's hands good-bye. They wish him luck. John watches them ride around the old space craft sticking out of the rocky crag and up the decline it created when it crashed into the cliff wall. As they ride over the top, they disappear out of site. John turns and heads back to Eve and Evan's clearing. As he arrives at the clearing, he recognizes Mr. Chan's tent standing about two meters from the dwelling. The dwelling's door is standing open, but no one is inside.
John hears shouts and laughter off in the distance. He heads in the general direction of the noise. As he rounds a clump of trees, he comes across a damp Mr. Chan lying on a towel on the river bank snoring in the warm rays of the sun. Evan is crouched on a rock in the river, dripping water all over it. He has a twinge of jealousy for a moment. He knows his own good looks would be classified as rugged, but damn it the word beautiful could be applied to Evan. John lusted after Eve's hot little body a long time but the better man won. As a couple, Eve and Evan fall into the beautiful category. He can see Eve in the water with Vor showing Vor how to do something. Eve is chatting happily with Vor in Malyon. Vor may not have Eve's breath taking beauty, but she is a handsome woman in her own right.
Eve sees John first, "[Elkmae'!]" she shouts. It's translates roughly into welcome back. Vor looks up away from what Eve's showing her to see John standing on the bank. Vor gets a sudden squirt of water in the face.
"[Kar vauk naw]," you looked away Eve tells Vor.
Vor makes an unnecessary apology, because Eve's not even mildly irritated.
"[Elkmae'], John," Evan welcoming him back, "Eve knew you would return." He hops off the rock onto the bank and grabs a towel for Eve, who's making her way out of the water. He wraps Eve in the towel and in the process, wraps his arms around Eve. Eve lets her head rest back on Evan's chest. She glances over at Vor, who's still trying to do the squirting thing with her hands.
"[Gin nok mo veka]," Eve tells John it's a nice day for a swim.
"[Ar negay]," and John agrees.
This is the beginning of a new community. All of these people here at the clearing and the ones that just departed don't know it yet, but they are the beginning of this new community. For Eve and Evan it will deliver unto them the responsibilities of Peace ambassadors between their two species.
But for now, Evan's only concern is taking good care of Eve. Instead of one nap half way through the day; he wants her to take two naps. The first he wants her to take about midmorning a couple of hours before the midday meal. The second he wants her to take in the afternoon before the mid-afternoon meal. Eve is slightly reluctant, but the dizzy spells scare her. Evan is sure this will help her conserve energy and aide the elimination of the dizzy spells. He's also turning her midmorning snack into a mini-meal. So, on top of the usual four meals a day, Eve has an extra one plus two snack times.