24: On The Other Side of the River

As Dr. Matos is finishing his talk Everant and Veioray are arriving back in their community. It's considered inappropriate to show affection in public, but Everant and his life-mate, Alma, hug anyway. Their compatriots don't mob Everant and Veioray. No matter how curious they may be, it would be extremely rude to come up and asks such personal questions in public. They simply pause to stare for a moment, but only for a moment. A long hard stare would be rude. Everant picks up his daughter, Evma, and rubs noses with her. He can't help smiling a little. It seems strange to be back among this sober serious community after a week of being able to display his happiness freely.

"[Veioray, collect your life-mate and join myself and my life-mate in our dwelling]," request Everant.

Veioray responds with a nod that is nearly a bow. Then walks off briskly to find his life-mate and son.

Everant is happy to be back with his life-mate and daughter. If he had been separated from Alma much longer, he would of become ill and possibly even died if he didn't return to her soon enough. Back inside their dwelling, Everant and Alma may speak freely. Even little Evma understands this.

"[Father]," Evma misses her older brother, "[where is Evan? Did you not find him?]"

"[Of course I found him, my daughter. He is very far away]," Everant answers reassuringly, "[No worries now. He is safe and happy. You go play outside for now. Yet do not go far. Mother and I have much to discuss. I will answer more of your questions later.]"

"[Yes, father]," Evma is obedient like most Malyon children. She skips outside to find Zezvor.

"[Is it as you told Evma]," Alma asks worried.

"[Of course]," Everant comforting his life-mate. "He is most likely grinning from ear-to-ear at this moment.]"

"[Why has he not returned with you]," Alma asks, "[And where is Vor?]"

"[Vor chose to remain]," Everant answers, "[And Evan will not be returning.]"

"[Did she remain to be available for his luxste'?]" Alma trying to make sense of the new information, "[When will he be returning?]"

Everant is not happy with this task, "[Remember when we thought Evan was in luxste', but were mistaken?]"

"[Yes]," Alma answers, "[I was very embarrassed.]"

Everant explains, "[We were not mistaken. Evan was in luxste'. He simply was not satisfied with our life-mate choice for him. He had another in mind for a life-mate. He asked her and she agreed to be his life-mate. He departed to build a life together with her as life-mates should, but he could not bring her to our community. It would not have been wise, and Evan knew this.]" Everant pauses to assess Alma's reaction. She's quiet and doesn't appear to be looking at anything.

"[Please, continue]," request Alma, "[I need to know everything. Who is this life-mate? It is obvious this person is no one of our community.]"

"[No, she is not]," Everant confirms. "[She is a human female named Eve from across the river. She is the daughter of First Commander] Benjamin Johnson. [It is an excellent match. Evan is so happy. And they have ionnu. I think it is wonderful.]"

"[I am not sure what to think]," responds Alma. Alma is a dignified woman by Malyon standards. She wonders what this says about her parenting abilities. Does it imply she's not a good citizen?

Everant understands, "[I know this is much to absorb all at once. My initial reaction was quite negative. I am ashamed of my initial reaction and I am positive you would have been shocked by my lack of self-control.]"

"[I am glad Evan is happy]," Alma making eye contact with Everant, "[And ionnu is a rare blessing…What is she like?]"

A knock on the door prevents Everant from answering right then. He answers the door and it is Veioray with his life-mate, Zezna.

["Please, enter]," Everant invites them inside.

Zezna goes directly over to Alma without properly greeting Everant and starts babbling. The second Veioray said Vor remained behind, Zezna became incensed, and Veioray hasn't been able to explain anything to Zezna.

Zezna to Alma, "[Unbelievable, our mates go off in search of one young person with another young person, then return with neither young person. The only good thing to come of this is the bonding of Vor and Evan.]"

Everant, Veioray and Alma all look at each other. Zezna has always had a way of coming to her own odd conclusions.

Veioray shrugs, "[I tried to explain.]"

Everant and Alma understand. Veioray has excellent communication skills. They know the misunderstanding is not his fault. Zezna's listening skills are the problem. Zezna's an extremely tall thickly muscled woman, who Veioray nor anyone has ever seen smile. Her eyes are pitch black while her hair is fire red to match her temper. Not to mention a tendency to hear what she wants to hear.

Alma knows how to deal with Zezna when she's like this, "[Zezna, please sit with me]," Alma's voice gentle but firm.

Zezna sits by Alma, "[You seem unusually quiet and solemn]," Zezna finally noting that Alma, who is usually all smiles within her own home, seems to have heavy hearts and a lot on her mind. Zezna's curiosity with Alma's misery will make her listen intently to find out what has disturbed Alma. Zezna has no real interest in helping Alma; even though, she'll do a good job of pretending to empathize and wanting to be of assistance. It's actually that Zezna gets pleasure from the suffering of others; especially, when it's someone as pleasant and respectable as Alma.

"[Yes]," Alma responds, "[I was looking forward to the return of Evan, my son. I miss him greatly. Yet first we must remember Vor and Evan are no longer children. They are adults capable of making their own decisions without our guidance unless asked for.]"

"[Vor has always been obedient]," Zezna replies. "[If Veioray had order her to return, she would return. She would have returned and Evan would need to follow.]"

"[No]," Alma realizing she must explain to Zezna what Everant explained to her. Explaining the situation to Zezna helps Alma absorb the information herself.

Once Zezna understands the situation, she is angry with Veioray, "[You allowed her to stay behind]," Veioray is very fortunate looks cannot kill.

But Veioray is calm, "[It was her decision to make. Vor is no longer a child. Besides Eve will be a good influence on her. This will give Vor the chance to learn to think for herself.]"

"[What could Vor possibly learn from a human]," Zezna asks angry.

"[How to smile]," is Veioray's answer, "[You extinguished her ability to express joy years ago.]"

"[It is an unnecessary ability]," Zezna insist, "[Joy is an irrelevant emotion. One cannot expect to have a life full of joy.]"

"[Squine excrement!]" Veioray angry, "[Just because one's life isn't exactly the way one would have desired, does not mean one should not approach each day with a positive attitude and make the best of it.]"

"[False hope]," Zezna stone-faced except for a slight bearing of fangs, "[You will go and return with our daughter. What she wants is irrelevant. What she feels and what she thinks are irrelevant.]"

"[It may be irrelevant to you]," Veioray is normally a soft-spoken man, "[but it is not irrelevant to me. I want her to have every chance of achieving happiness. She will stay as long as she desires. Even if it means she never returns. And I am not expecting her to return. But I hope you will want to visit her with me.]"

Zezna leaves angry without trying to get in the last word. At first she thought she would take pleasure in whatever was troubling Alma. Now she wonders what people will think if they find out Evan choose a human over Vor for his life-mate. She was looking forward to the increased respect of becoming part of a highly respected and important family would bring to herself. Being bonded to Vor would have wiped the smile clean from Evan's face. Even by Malyon standards Evan is exceptionally beautiful and Zezna hates his perfect smile. She feels he has been allowed too much freedom.

"[I apologize for causing a disturbance within your home]," Veioray with heavy hearts.

"[No apology is necessary]," Everant grateful his parents choose Alma instead of Zezna. He knows Zezna was one of the females his parents had in mind for him, but his parents had asked him who he was most comfortable with and he had said Alma.

"[The problem is truly not your own]," Alma is the community counselor, "[The problem is Zezna's. It may always be a hindrance for her.]"

Veioray is eager to change the subject to a happier one, "[Were you able to give Alma all the happy news before the arrival of Zezna and myself?]"

"[No]," Everant answers, "[not all.]"

"[There is more I need know]," questions Alma.

"[Yes, yes]," Everant confirms, "[but do not look so worried. It is wonderful happy news of a new beginning. Eve carries a new life within from her union with Evan. We are going to be grandparents]," Everant smiling proudly.

Alma sits there in shock, her tail limp. Everant takes her hand and Alma returns his reassuring squeeze.

"[So soon]," Alma still in shock, "[We had been bonded life-mates for twenty-five years before we decided we were ready and wanted to bring a new life into existence.]"

"[I did not ask why so soon]," Everant admits, "[After my inappropriate reaction to finding a small human female bonded to my only son. I did not feel I had a right to question them about it.]"

Veioray speculates, "[I do not think it was a planned conception. I spent time with Eve and the physician], Matos. [The human female reproduction organ is similar to the Malyon female reproductive organ. The biggest difference is the human female is born with all the eggs she will ever need for reproduction. Where upon reaching sexual maturity, the Malyon female has to create the egg causing the body to exhibit specific signs it is ovulating. This makes choosing the appropriate time to produce new life easy for us. The human female ovulates every month with no obvious external signs her body is doing so.]"

"[Over population must be a large problem for humans]," Alma's eyes moving as she processes the information from Veioray.

"Matos [said at one time such was a concern]," Veioray sharing what he learned from the doctor, "[Yet they developed methods to prevent unwanted conceptions. Unplanned offspring are now a rare occurrence.]"

"[Yet you are fairly sure their new life was unplanned]," Alma questions.

"[Yes]," Veioray confirms, "[Eve shared she did not think it possible for herself and Evan to reproduce together. She feels extremely blessed and is very content.]"

"[How does Evan feel about this]," asks Alma.

"[Blessed and content as well]," Veioray answers with Everant nodding confirmation, "[He is very excited and overjoyed.]"

"[This is good to hear]," Alma relaxing for a moment. Then she straightens up, "[When will the emergence occur? We should be present for the emergence of our first grandchild.]"

Everant smiles at Alma, "[In another four to eight weeks the emergence will occur. We should leave in about a week to ensure we arrive in time.]"

Alma nods in agreement. Her mind is full of new information and new concerns. She knows there is nothing she can do about the bond, and she will accept her new grandchild even if it is half human. But she is not sure if she will ever be able to accept a human female as a daughter.