29: No One Thinks Clearly During A Crisis

"No one has any broken bones or serious injuries," Dr. Matos reports to Ben and Everant, "just bumps and bruises."

"I am so sorry," Veioray apologizing again.

"It wasn't your fault," Ben giving Veioray's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, "and everyone's alright." Ben sees Eve walking up from the corner of his eye. "Pixie," Ben is smiling, yet he can't help wincing a little at the sight of the bruises on Eve's neck.

"I love you, Daddy," Eve gives her father a hug.

"I love you too," Ben kisses the top of Eve's head.

"How are you feeling," Everant asks Eve.

Eve shrugs, "Evan wants me to lie down, but I can't get comfortable. He's going to try to feed me next and I'm not hungry."

"You sure you're OK?" asks Ben.

"Yeah," Eve is still a little shook up, "Where are the children?"

"Napping," Dr. Matos answers, "Erin and your mothers are with them."

"Good," Eve responds, "Did you guys get the dwelling finished for Mr. Chan?"

The men shake their heads no.

"Maybe tomorrow," and Eve walks away.

"Where's our son?" Ben asks Everant, "I don't think she should be alone right now. She seems a little, well…she's not herself."

Evan exits their dwelling. One can easily see he's not himself either. He kicks at nothing on the ground, pushes his hair back with both hands and clasps his hands behind his head. He seems to be looking at the sky, but he's actually not looking at anything. He's going over what happened just over an hour ago in his mind. He feels he didn't do well at protecting his life-mate, his family, and their unborn child.

"Evan," Ben calls and Evan looks at his human father. "Come sit with us son," Ben motions for Evan to join them.

Evan hesitates a moment before joining them at his old cooking pit. He sits between Ben and his father, Everant.

"And I was worried that Eve shouldn't be alone now," Ben now more concerned for Evan. It's not unusual for Eve to brood alone.

"Share your mind troubles," Everant urges, "It will help."

Evan is quite a few moments. His father can be a good listener at times; although, he usually doesn't have any helpful advice.

"Eve," Evan tries to explain, "…We do not have a word for love in our language…My feelings for Eve are pure and powerful…With her I am alive," his eyes well up with violet tears, "I only wanted us to be together so greatly…I saw the conception of our bump as a sign we belong together. I, I just thought getting away together would be enough…"

"Then we came," Everant says.

"It's not only that," Evan continues, "First, I nearly kill her by bonding with her. Then a huge animal of some kind nearly eats her. I don't know why it chose her instead of me. And I know what happened when you got here my Terrah (father)," Evan looks his father in the eyes, "Eve wouldn't tell me. I had to pick the details from Veioray and Vor. And today Zezna tries to choke the life from her."

"Sorry, I am sorry," Veioray feeling at fault for bringing Zezna.

"This is my failure," Evan angry with himself, "I have failed to keep her safe. I did not think things through properly."

"Listen son," Ben puts an arm around Evan, "You make my daughter happy beyond words. Nothing is ever perfect. Except the love I see when you two look at each other, that's perfect… I don't know what happened when Everant got here, but I know me and I'm no saint. If I had gotten here first…well, let's just be glad I didn't. You both made the best decision possible. I have no doubts here and neither should you."

"But," Evan doesn't finish. He just buries his face in his hands, his hair falling forward to curtain around his face.

"It's going to be fine," Ben assures him.

"Your Terrem (mother) and I have been discussing," Everant doesn't get to finish.

"Eve," Evan says as he hops up and runs leaving the other men looking at each other in wonder.

Evan finds Eve sitting on a rock near the waterfall sobbing uncontrollably. Eve has had her emotional lows during the pregnancy, but she hasn't really been given to fits of crying. She's generally quite cheerful. Evan's never seen her so broken before nor felt her so despondent as this as she sits there holding her hairbrush.

"What's wrong," as Evan gently pushes hair away from Eve's face.

"I…I…" but Eve continues to sob.

Evan sits behind Eve on the rock and wraps his arms around her. Eve's sobs immediately soften.

"I froze," Eve's voice is a whisper. She puts one of Evan's hands on their bump to feel it moving. She looks at him and continues, "I did nothing. She had me by the throat and I didn't protect our baby. I froze…I wanted…but I froze and nothing happened."

"Eve," Evan only wants to wash away her emotional turmoil. He wishes it was as easy as wiping the tears from her face with his thumb.

"What am I doing?" Eve's voice suddenly raised, "My parents were twice my age when I was born. I never planned to be a mother. But here I am, ready to explode."

"Eve," Evan finds the inner strength he possesses yet can only find when he's with Eve, "You're going to be an excellent mother. And you don't think like Zezna. You saw a person in pain when you looked upon her. She barely sees a person when she looks at Vor, her own daughter. I failed to protect…"

But Eve's not going to hear any of that, "No, No, No…No one knew what she was going to do. You stopped her. No one else."

"I just," Evan pauses, "We are going to be fine."

"I wish I knew that was true," Eve doubting herself, not Evan, "Maybe you would have been better off with Vor."

Evan trembles at the thought, "Never. We, you and I, belong together. Of this I have no doubts."

"None," questions Eve.

"Zero," confirms Evan.

Eve relaxes back into Evan's arms. She still has some unvoiced concerns, but she's afraid she might say something to hurt Evan's feelings. Evan kisses her forehead and a smile sneaks onto her face.

"We wish not to interrupt," Everant speaking, "All is good, yes?"

Eve and Evan look up as Everant and Ben walk around in front of them on the rock. Eve's answer is a shrug. Evan hugs her tighter and she clings to his arm.

"Want to talk?" asks Ben, "Might make you feel better."

"I talked with Evan," Eve seeming to shrink back into him, "I feel better. Besides, our talks never go well."

"Then Everant and I will do the talking," Ben smiles, "Right, Everant?"

"Yes, yes," Everant getting down on one knee in front of Eve, "Our first meeting went badly. Now, I have seen you with my son. Now, I see you are good match for him." He pats Eve's knee, "I am happy to have you as my daughter. You are strong, true survivor, intelligent and kind. When Evan suddenly smiling all times of day, I think something wrong. All was as it should be. I am grateful you agreed to be my son's Raha-me' (life-mate). And this," motioning toward the bump, "is wonderful blessing."

That was a lot for Everant to get out in almost all English. His sincerity touches Eve's heart. She looks at Evan for confirmation and Evan nods. Eve then throws her arms around Everant's neck. Everant is surprised by this open show of affection for him.

"Toe kar," Everant thanks Eve as he hugs her back, grateful for this sign of forgiveness. And when Eve releases his neck, he puts his head and hands on the bump, "Toe kar," thanking Eve again. Everant stands looking as if he may cry.

Evan has never seen his father so overcome with emotion. Evan takes his father's hand as he starts to walk away. Evan's not sure his father is alright. Everant gives Evan's hand a reassuring squeeze, then presses it to his cheek and gives it a pat to let Evan know nothing is wrong.

Ben runs a hand over Eve's head, "You never cease to amaze me." Then he kisses the top of her head and gives Evan's back a rub. "Everything's going to be just fine," smiling broadly. A nod and a wink and he walks away.

Hearing her father say it makes Eve feel so much better. There's just something re-assuring about her father's confidence and faith that all will work itself out for the best.

Evan frowns at the finger shaped bruises on Eve's neck. Likewise, Eve frowns at the bruised cheek Evan received from Zezna when she mowed him down to get to Eve. Then they look at each other and giggle. Frowns just don't suit their faces.

Eve takes Evan's hand as she gets off the rock, "Let's go clean our dwelling."

"[We straightened the dwelling this morning]," Evan reminds Eve.

"[I know]," Eve half dragging Evan, "[yet we only straightened. We need to clean.]"

"[The dwelling is not dirty]," insist Evan.

Only a few minutes later, Evan finds himself back inside their home with Eve directing him on how he may best assist her. She insists on everything for the bump to be rewashed and dried. She washes the dishes, all the dishes. She even rewashes the clean ones. She has Evan dusting areas she can't reach and there are many areas Eve can't reach. Periodically, Eve needs to sit down.

"[Feeling alright]," Evan asks the third time she sits down with an uncomfortable look upon her face.

"[I only need to sit a minute]," answers Eve.

"[Are you sure you're alright]," Evan concerned.

"[Of course]," Eve puzzled, "[Why?]"

"[Because we are cleaning things which are already clean]," Evan points out.

"[I need everything to be clean]," Eve trying to explain, "[Clean, everything clean.]"

Evan only understands she needs to do this, not why. He doesn't think she knows why and questioning her about it only irritates her. So, he nods as if he understands. Yet Eve knows he doesn't understand, because she doesn't understand this sudden urge to have everything immaculate.

"Knock, knock," Erin calls then steps inside.

Eve pops up from her seat, "Stop right there!"

Erin freezes in her tracks.

"We just did the floor," Eve continues, "Slip off your sandals. I don't want any dirt tracked in. And you'll need to wash your hands before you touch anything."

Erin is unsettled by her sister's odd behavior, "We have a fire goin' in the pit. Daddy's going to tell a story. I know how much you like it when Daddy tells a story." Erin then backs carefully out the door.

Ben is an excellent storyteller, and Eve loves to listen to her father tell a story. But at the moment, she feels a little lost. Erin caused her to lose her focus. Evan places re-assuring hands on Eve's shoulders.

"[There is nothing left to do here]," Evan tells Eve gently, "[A story sounds like a good way to relax. It is soothing when you read aloud.]"

It occurs to Eve that Evan has never heard a story told. A told story and a read story are different experiences, "[Yes, let us go hear the story.]"

Eve and Evan share their usual huge rock. Mr. Chan is in a chair he made. Everant and Veioray are sitting on the ground behind the children: Nate between Zezvor and Evma. Alma and Jude are sitting side by side on another large rock. While John and Vor are next to each other near Everant and Veioray. Ben and Dr. Matos are the only two standing before this select audience.

"Storytelling," Dr. Matos starts, "is an ancient human tradition," explaining for the benefit of their new friends, but Erin and Nate have never heard this little speech before, "people created stories to convey moral lessons and some are based on actual events in human history. It's an ancient art form that was nearly lost to technological advances in communications. Yet it managed to survive as a family tradition. We are fortunate enough to have someone in our midst that comes from one of the few families that kept this tradition alive. Ben, they're all yours." Dr. Matos takes a seat on the ground by Mr. Chan as Ben steps forward.

"As Bob said I come from a long line of storytellers. I first heard the stories I know from my grandfather. He was a simple man that enjoyed carpentry and needle work. He volunteered his story telling skills at local schools and senior centers. It wasn't unusual for my mother to accompany him so they could tell a story together. She gladly took over for him when an accident took his life. They only got to see me tell a story once. Storytelling is also one of Eve's talents. Erin is a bit more skittish about getting up in front of people. And it's hard to imagine the two of them cooperating on anything, but they have a couple of stories they tell together. I know my grandfather and mother would just be delighted with this…Well, now I need to choose a story. I treasure them all so that it's hard to choose. What would you like, Eve?"

"Anansi, Daddy," Anansi stories are Eve's favorites.

"Yeah!" Nate interjects.

"Do your favorite Anansi, Daddy," Eve knows he has a favorite and she knows which one it is because it's one of the one's he does best.

"Yes," Nate approving of Eve's request. Even Erin's face lights up. She's been fairly quiet since the Zezna incident early that day.

"[You are going to enjoy this]," John tells Vor.

Everyone falls silent when Ben begins. His Malyon audience members are completely spellbound. They have no storytellers in the Malyon culture. Eve unconsciously signs every word. While Ben gets audience participation from his human audience members. They know the story and they know when to use their legs as drums and provide background noises. This only adds to the appeal of the story.

At the end of the story, Ben takes a bow. The human audience members applaud the performance. It takes a moment for the other audience members to realize this is a form of demonstrating approval of the performance, but they applaud too.

Evan is the first to verbalize his appreciation of the performance, "That was a tremendous joy. I am honored to be part of a family with such a great tradition." And he hugs Ben.

Ben is caught a bit off guard by the hug, but he returns Evan's hug, "Thank you, son."

"Thank you, Daddy," Eve ready for her own hug from her father.

"You're welcome, Pixie."

Then Eve and Evan get out of the way so Ben can receive his praises from the rest of the audience. The children crowd around Ben with the rest of the audience and tug on his hands to get his attention. Eve watches her father squat down to talk with the children. Then he plants a kiss on the forehead of each child. Zezvor and Evma rub the kissed spot on their foreheads and giggle. It's their first kiss. Her father stands back up holding Nate, who's obviously sleepy.

"Ready," Evan ask giving Eve's hand a little squeeze. Eve nods yes and they start back toward their dwelling.

"Eve," Erin wanting to catch her older yet shorter sister before she retires with Evan for the night. Eve and Evan stop and Erin trots up to them.

"I know I've been a brat like since Nate was born. Middle child syndrome or some other psychobabble crud," this isn't easy for Erin, "but any who, I just wanted to say," her eyes start to well up with tears, "…I want to tell you that I'm happy for you annd…I love you and I'm glad you're OK," then Erin, who's not a crier, starts to cry.

Eve instantly hugs her sister.

"I can't believe I just stood there," Erin continues clinging to Eve, "Nate ran up and bit her on the knee cap. Me, I just stood there with my mouth open catchin' flies."

"Look at me." Eve taking Erin by the shoulders, "No one is ever satisfied with their reactions during a crisis situation once they have the chance to think. But everyone's fine. My ego's more bruised than my neck because I would have liked a different reaction from myself. So, no more guilt. You may be a brat, but you're my sister first and I love you too, Doodlebug," giving Erin another hug.

Erin turns away feeling better and finds that everyone is staring. "What?" Erin in her normal irritated tone.

"You two haven't hugged in years," states Jude.

"So, it's not like it's the first time ever," Erin rolling her eyes.

Eve and Evan retire to their dwelling for the night. But Eve is having a restless night. She can't get to sleep. Normally she would be perfectly content in Evan's arms or with him curled around her. She's so tired her eyes are burning. Yet she just can't get comfortable. Her restlessness has Evan worried, but he doesn't say anything. He'll feel it when she wants him.

Frustrated, Eve gets out of bed. She would have jumped out, but the enormous bump limits her agility. She goes to the bathroom to relieve herself since her bladder always seems to be over full. She washes her hands before exiting. There's a basket of fruit on the table, but she's not hungry. She's not thirsty either. She stands over the kitchen sink and looks out the front window above it. The night sky is full of stars.

A sadness comes over Eve as she stares at the starry night sky. She finally feels the need to be held and Evan comes out of their bedroom. He puts his hands on her shoulders and massages a bit.

"[Do you know what is bothering you]," asks Evan.

Eve shakes her head no.

"Let's try the recliner," suggest Evan.

Eve follows Evan to the recliner. It came from the ship just like all their furnishings, and is quite comfortable. He sits first and then she sits between his long legs. She would have preferred to curl up in his lap, but her over extended belly won't permit her to curl up.

Evan pulls the throw quilt from the back of the recliner, and then pushes the recliner back into the reclined position. He throws the quilt over themselves, and Eve starts to relax.

Suddenly, Eve's whole body tenses up and she holds her over full belly. Evan puts his hands on it too, afraid something's wrong. He feels her stomach tighten and become rock hard. It stays rigid a few seconds. Then as it returns to normal, Eve relaxes.

"[Was that]," Evan doesn't get to finish the question.

"[A contraction]," Eve confirms, "[And no, you are not scanning me. I have gotten one here and there throughout the day since Zezna dropped me, and they are nowhere near regular. They are probably only] Braxton Hicks."

"I love you," these are the most important words he's learned from her language. Then he kisses her. He massages the bump, which helps her relax.

"[Sing the lullaby for the bump, please]," Eve requests. The lullaby is the one Evan's mother sang to him and still sings to his sister when she has trouble sleeping.

Evan sings the lullaby while messaging the bump. By the end of the lullaby, Eve is sleeping comfortably. And a short time later, Evan is sleeping also with his arms wrapped protectively around Eve.