34: Erin's Sacrifice

Malvoreckt Lahan, Andon leaves the next morning right after the first meal, minus two companions, Gird and Dinya. Dr. Matos, Ben, John, Mr. Chan and Everant spend the rest of the morning putting the finishing touches on Dr. Matos' new clinic. After the midday meal, Dr. Matos and Everant join Veioray, Gird and Dinya in the cave. Eve spends the day frustrated because the strict orders to stay off her foot prevent her from joining the others in the cave. Veioray brings Eve an imager with new pictures and text to go over.

After a couple of days, Evan gives Eve permission to use her foot again. So, Eve resumes her habit of going to the cave, except now it's with the others. She only spends a couple of hours a day because the responsibilities of motherhood require most of her time. She takes the work home with her inside her mind and bounces ideas off of Evan. Evan has more interest in the cave and its contents than he displays because his number one priority is his family, Eve and Ashton.

It takes over a week, but working together they figure out how to down load data from the ancient computer system into their own PCs. This allows Eve to down load unfinished work to take home with her where Evan is eager to assist.

Evan and Eve are sitting together on the sofa with a laptop when there's a knock at the doorway.

"How's it going," asks Ben coming in followed by Mr. Chan.

"We've come for some enlightenment," Mr. Chan taking a seat.

"Everant tried explaining, but he couldn't translate everything for us," Ben explains.

Eve looks at Evan who motions for her to begin. "Where would you like me to begin," asks Eve.

"At the beginning of course," smiles Mr. Chan.

"You know we love a good story," Ben smiling too.

"Well," Eve begins, "when I first entered the cave, I wasn't expecting to find much. I was just looking for a place to go when I needed to be alone… But there was the computer station, covered in dust. Then at the back off to the left was this huge half cylinder chamber thing. I could tell something was inside so I started to dust it off. I accidentally triggered Uloni's departing message. I played it a few times. That's when I first learned the pronunciations had changed from over two thousand years ago. Maly was Mali and Yon was originally Ond.

Then I wondered what else still worked. Dusting off the computer station, I accidentally turned on the lights and I saw everything just as you did. Except it was covered in dirt and dust. Took a week to get it cleaned up. Then things were mostly trial and error… I learned Uloni and Vezdan came home to die. They had three children and ten grandchildren. Their children were bond to Ond and their grandchildren were among the first Maliond…

The Mali were quite advanced, accomplished space explores and scientists. But their society wasn't perfect, and the pursuit of perfection was an obsession. Conformity was the rule. They wanted to stop deviant behavior, strengthen the family unit, eliminate hereditary disorders, lengthen life expectancy, etc.

They wanted to have it all. They just didn't know what they would end up sacrificing to get there. Then they couldn't undo what they had done. Their genetic manipulation to create the bonding was praised until they realized what they'ld done. Males had to take a mate. They could no longer remain single, and the luxstay killed many young men when they were unable to find a mate. And if it was a bad match, too bad, because you were stuck with each other. Then they discovered for males, they would have to take a new mate right away if their first mate died. And some males' bonds to their life-mates were so strong and intense, so entwined with his mate's life, as with Evan and myself that the death of his life-mate meant death for him as well. Leaving the children from these intimately tightly bonded mates orphans.

They determined these things to be their punishment for tampering with the Creator's work. They were afraid to attempt a scientific solution since that's what got them so much trouble. The resolution their scientists came up with was to try to breed out the damage they had done by finding a pure race to join with. They were dying out slowly anyhow.

This planet once held billions of Mali. But by the time they found the Ond, there were only about two hundred, fifty thousand left. Vezdan and Uloni felt they were very blessed. They were actually happy together. They had three children when it had become rare for couples to even have one. This is happening to the Malyon now. Except, most don't know they're repeating a mistake one set of their ancestors already made.

The Mali evolved from a feline type of mammal. The scavengers we've seen are actually a distant cousin to the original Mali. That's why Vezdan and Uloni are covered in fur.

While the Ond were children compared to the Mali. They were naked with no written language, no wheel, and no fire. They didn't hunt, just gathered. No dwellings to speak of, and they thought the Mali were gods that floated down out of the sky. They were honored to be chosen to become one with gods.

The Ond would never realize their own potential. They evolved from reptiles. Earth once had reptiles and fish that were hermaphroditic. So for a humanoid to develop in such a manner somewhere isn't out of the question. But I wonder what they would have been like if left to develop to their full potential.

The brain development of the Ond was similar to the development of twins with a strong telepathic bond. They were already using twelve percent of their cerebral capacity. Humans still don't use a whole eleven percent. I speculate the Ond were on their way to becoming completely telepathic beings. Nearly half of the Ond population was deaf.

I think I've touched a little on everything. Are there any questions?" asks Eve.

"So, genetically speaking, Evan is half Mali and half Ond," asks Ben.

"No," Eve shakes her head, "The Malyon are now, genetically speaking, mostly Ond with only about 30% of their present DNA coming from the Mali. Like I said, by the time the Mali found the Ond, there were only about 250,000 left while there were about a million Ond."

"So, what happened to the Ond hermaphroditism," Mr. Chan curious, "If Evan here is mostly Ond, why isn't he a hermaphrodite?"

"What the Mali did to their DNA made it extremely dominant," Eve explains, "Dr. Matos and I have been examining the original Mali and Ond DNA before bonding and after bonding. Vezdan was a medical doctor and Uloni was a geneticist. They kept excellent records and preserved samples. Dr. Matos has compared my DNA now to my previous DNA analysis done before. And we have John and Vor's before and after."

"The bonding occurs at a genetic level," asks Ben.

"Yes," Eve confirms, "my DNA is altered. But we don't know how his body knows what changes to make to compensate for changes that occurred in me or vice versa. We just know his body used blood from my body to make necessary changes. And the fluid he injected into me replicated and invaded every cell in my body."

"Get back to the hermaphroditism," request Mr. Chan.

"Sorry, when a Mali bonded to an Ond," Eve getting back on track, "the Ond gave up half its sexuality. If the Mali was male, the bonding caused the Ond to become totally female and the male sex organs became dormant. The opposite happened when the Mali was female. And the Mali genes being dominant, the offspring were born male or female. The genes for hermaphroditism are recessive now. With a hermaphrodite being born in about one of every 100,000 births. But the hermaphrodite ends up becoming either male or female depending on whether the mate it bonds to is male or female."

"Why don't your people still have all this data," Mr. Chan asks Evan.

"About a thousand years ago, an asteroid hit my home planet," explains Evan, "It was quite large. If it had hit a continent, instead of an ocean, it would have been a GELE."

"A what," asks Ben.

"Global extinction level event," Evan continues, "It took out one of the planet's natural satellites and the tidal wave it caused destroyed over a million people and wiped out the main computer network system. Trillions of gigabytes of data, including our own history, medical research records, etc. were lost."

"I noticed you use your hands while you're talking," Ben to Evan, "Eve has picked this up. It seems to be specific."

"It is specific," Evan responds.

"I mentioned nearly half the Ond population was deaf," Eve interjects.

"And the hand signs and the gestures I do while I'm speaking or when I can't speak or be heard come from my Ond ancestors," continues Evan, "I've done some research into your history. Once such a sign language existed on earth for those who were unable to hear. But for us now, it's part of our culture and extremely important to people who are limited in what facial expressions they may use out in public. Children start using these signs to communicate before they are able to vocalize."

"Our beginning ancestries aren't really all that different," Eve adds, "The beginning languages were all click based languages. What's left of the Ond language today has lost its click. And all used hand signals and gestures in the beginning before oral languages were fully developed. Well, the Ond never got the chance to develop beyond those basics on their own."

"What's of particular interest to you now," Mr. Chan asks Eve.

"I'm searching for a way to help Veioray," Eve answers, "He's going to get ill soon and I just can't watch him die. But the Mali never found a way to combat this result of their genetic tampering. The only way they knew of to save a male in this situation was to get him a new life-mate."

"Veioray's a good man," Ben scratching his chin.

"I agree," Mr. Chan's brow furrowed, "But there's no ready supply of available life-mates."

Eve continues to concentrate on a way to save Veioray. Evan and Dr. Matos assist her, and Veioray submits to testing. The work is frustrating. Veioray informs Eve, Evan and Dr. Matos about new information he's learned from the ancient computer's log. Eve never appears to be listening to Veioray, but she actually is and absorbing every informative word.

Eve manages to delay the start of Veioray becoming ill by over a week. But he starts to become ill nonetheless. His first symptoms are fatigue and light-headedness. Eve is able to ease Veioray's symptoms, but she can't stop the progression of the luxstay and new symptoms set in one at a time: dizziness, fainting, confusion and fever. And when the last two symptoms set in, sweats with shivers and shakes, Eve has to except that it is not within her power to save her dear friend, Veioray.

"[It is alright]," Veioray reading Eve's face as he sits on an exam bed of the new medical clinic, "[You have done an excellent job. Because of you, I have survived a week longer than any male in history… (He pauses to shake involuntarily.) It is just not meant to be. I am at peace with my fate.]"

"[I can find no peace in watching a good friend die]," Eve holding back tears with anger.

Dr. Matos pats Eve's shoulder as he speaks to Veioray, "If you need or want anything for pain, if there's anything to make what time you have left more comfortable, just ask."

Veioray shakes Dr. Matos's hand with a big smile on his face. Then Dr. Matos opens the door of the clinic, "He's ready," he calls out the door.

Vor, John and Zezvor come inside to retrieve Veioray. John and Vor help him off the table and Veioray leans on John for support. Veioray motions for Eve to come near and she complies. Veioray blesses her head with a kiss. Then holding Zezvor's hand and leaning heavily on John, Veioray exits the clinic.

"Thank you for all you've done," Vor standing near the clinic door.

"I failed," Eve responds, "He's dying."

"But you made progress," Vor points out, "He's so proud to be the first to survive past six weeks. And you…you're as much a daughter to him as I am."

"[Toe kar]," Eve grateful for that last comment.

"You're welcome," and Vor exits the clinic.

Erin comes into the clinic, "You can't save him?"

Eve shakes her head no.

"But if he had someone to become his new life-mate, he would live correct," asks Erin.

"Yes, but we don't have anyone," answers Eve.

"What about me," asks Erin.

"Are you crazy," exclaims Eve.

"Erin," Dr. Matos, "you're only sixteen years old. Veioray is eighty-three. You won't even be an adult for two more years."

"I turned seventeen two weeks ago," Erin responds, "and I'm talking about doing what's necessary to save a good man's life."

"You let your birthday pass without calling attention to yourself," Eve surprised, "That's not like you."

"It's not about me," Erin irritated, "It's about saving a good man's life."

"We understand that," Dr. Matos responds.

"When did you figure out everything's not about you," Eve ask.

"That's not important and my age isn't important," Erin answers, "But I can't watch Veioray die and Zezvor loose the only good parent he's ever had. That's what's important." There are tears in Erin's eyes. She's quite serious, not just huffing and puffing.

"Veioray would never ask you to make such a sacrifice," Eve points out.

"I know," responds Erin sincerely, "that's why I'm offering."

"Your father will not allow it," Dr. Matos points out.

"So, I need you two to help me convince him," Erin being completely selfless for the first time in her life, "Please."

"Veioray had a late luxstay," Eve shares, "It didn't happen until he was twenty-eight. But he still spent the last fifty-five years bonded to a horrible person. He has a lot of baggage to say the least."

"I know," Erin says.

"Do you think you're in love with him," Eve ask probing for Erin's intentions.

"I don't know about 'in love'," Erin answers honestly, "But it's been torture watching him get sicker and sicker. And Zezvor is my heart. Sometimes he slips and calls me Erre', and it feels just perfect. I know I love Zezvor and it's within my power to save his father. And I certainly have more love for Veioray than Zezna ever had. And it's within my power to keep a wonderful man I care about from dying needlessly."

"Being bonded is till death do you part," Eve reminds Erin, "That's why the term is life-mates. It's permanent. Once done there's no changing your mind."

"I understand," Erin's not confused.

"Do you know besides the bite, you'll have to have sex with him," asks Dr. Matos.

"I know," Erin answers, "It's the only thing I'm nervous about."

"It won't be romantic," Eve serious, "That man doesn't know what foreplay is. He's in the last stage of luxstay. He won't be gentle."

Erin nods her understanding and her eyes beg for Veioray's life. Eve looks at Dr. Matos and he nods.

"OK," Dr. Matos says, "You've convinced us. Now we just need to convince your father." So, together the three of them go to Erin and Eve's parents.

Dr. Matos starts, "Ben, we have something for you to consider. And Ben, we're asking you to do something you're not good at."

"What's that," Ben asks smiling.

"Keep an open mind," Dr. Matos answers.

Ben doesn't smile at Bob's answer, and Jude covers her mouth to hide a giggle.

"We haven't been able to find a way to cure Veioray medically," Dr. Matos continues, "We were able to buy him an extra week, but he's not going to last much longer."

"He's not going to last another twenty-four hours," Eve clarifies.

"But I'm sure you remember there's one sure way to save his life," Dr. Matos waits for Ben to recall.

"If there was someone for him to bond with and become his life-mate," Ben recalls, "But there's no one here for him to bond with."

"Yes, there is," Erin correcting her father respectfully.

""Who," asks Ben. Erin isn't a possibility to him, "The only single Malyon female there was returned to her community. And she won't be back here in enough time to save Veioray. Besides, I don't think she would. And after Zezna, I don't think he'ld want another Malyon woman for a life-mate."

Erin takes a step forward, "Not a Malyon woman."

"You can't possibly mean you," Ben looking at Erin, "You do mean you. Are you crazy girl?"

"Eve already asked that question," Erin responds.

"For the first time in her life," Eve still not entirely comfortable with the idea, "she's thinking logically."

"No," Ben stern, "I won't allow it. No, you're too young. No."

"So, we're just going to let him die," Dr. Matos asks.

Ben shakes his head, "Who's idea is this?"

"Mine," Erin almost shouts, "It's the only way."

"No," Ben shouts, "You're just a girl. He's an old man. He's old enough to be your grandfather."

"Dad," Erin calm. Her usual teenage attitude nowhere to be found, "It's not about that. It's about saving the life of a good man and making sure a wonderful little boy doesn't lose his father. I know I'm usually demanding something for myself, but I'm not here for myself now. I simply can't watch Veioray die when I can save him."

Ben squirms in his seat. Jude puts a hand on his shoulder, "Veioray's a good man. It's not like she'ld go anywhere. We'll know where she is and that she's safe. Besides, it would be wrong to let him die if he can be saved."

Ben stands up and hugs Erin, "Your first selfless act… I was worried we weren't doing a good job with you. You're not an adult yet. I could forbid this even though I won't, but I don't exactly condone it either. You have a good head on your shoulders. You'll do the right thing… I love you," he kisses the top of Erin's head then walks away.

That night everyone decides to retire early. Mr. Chan will be spending the night with Dr. Matos in his dwelling by the clinic. John, Vor and Zezvor will be spending the night in Eve and Evan's dwelling. Gird and Dinya moved their tent closer to the cave a few weeks ago and have retired early.

Vor and Eve are preparing Erin as best they can.

"When you enter his tent," Eve being honest, "He'll probably ask why you're there. And he'll probably ask you to leave."

"There's no need to answer him," Vor informs Erin, "It's not necessary, but you can if you wish. Don't leave even if he tells you to. Simply remove your clothes and wait. His survival instincts will engage and he will take you."

"Anything else," asks Erin.

Vor and Eve shake their heads. Then they each give Erin a hug, first Vor, then Eve. They watch Erin go to Veioray's tent. Erin looks back at them and smiles just before entering the tent. And Eve shuts the door to the dwelling as Erin enters the tent.

"She's as brave as you," Vor tells Eve as she joins John on the sofa.

"I don't know how that happened," Eve sliding into the recliner with Evan. Ashton is dozing on his chest.

Inside the tent, Erin finds Veioray shaking and sweating with fever. There's a bowl with cool water and a cloth in it. She wrings the cloth out and wipes Veioray's brow.

Veioray opens his eyes, "Erin, what are you doing here? You should not be here."

"I'm here to help anyway I can," answers Erin.

"But it's not safe," Veioray tells her, "You should leave."

"Nonsense," Erin begins to remove her clothes.

"That's not necessary," Veioray insist, "I'm at peace with my fate."

"But I'm not at peace with it," Erin removing the last of her clothing, "and I'm not at peace with Zezvor having to grow up without you. And it's been horrible watching you get sicker and sicker and feeling helpless to stop it." Erin rest her chin on her knees as she sits next to him in the tent her arms wrapped around her shapely tan legs and her ankles crossed. Her long curly black hair hanging to her waist.

Veioray sits up and touches Erin's cheek, "I'm not myself. You should leave."

"I'm not going anywhere," Erin responds. Then she leans forward and kisses him, and he kisses her back.

Back inside the dwelling, Eve nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears Erin scream through the open front window. John hops up and shuts the window. Zezvor looks at the adults unsure what to think of their lack of reaction to the scream. But decides not to ask about it.

In bed that night, Eve lies with her back to Evan. She's still awake. Evan can feel a mixture of emotions from Eve: anger, fear, guilt and a sense of loss.

"[You did everything within your power to find a way to save Veioray's life]," Evan attempting to comfort Eve.

"[I failed]," Eve responds, "[And my sister, who is barely a woman, has sacrificed herself to correct my failure.]"

"[She is more of a woman than you give her credit for]," Evan's correct, "[And you are being too hard on yourself. We all fail from time to time. No one can succeed all the time. You are only human.]"

Eve rolls over and faces Evan, "[I do not like to fail.]"

"[No one does]," Evan responds understandingly.

"[I do not like to be wrong]," Eve tells him.

"[No one else does either]," Evan propping up on one elbow.

"[I like it even less when you are correct]," and she pushes him off the bed and he hits the floor.

"[Feeling better]," Evan asks as he climbs back onto the bed.

"[Yes]," Eve smiling.

"[Good]," Evan responds, "[Because I have a cure for your sleeplessness]," pulling Eve close. When they fall to sleep, it's in a twisted exhausted sweat covered heap.

The next morning Eve is sitting on the sofa nursing Ashton and Evan is sitting next to them. Zezvor is sitting on the floor playing with some little toys on top of the coffee table. Vor and John have volunteered to make the first meal of the day. They almost seem to be dancing around each other as they do their different parts to prepare the meal.

John opens the refrigerator door to retrieve the pitcher of milk. He pulls the pitcher out, "Evan, you're out of milk," sitting the empty pitcher on the counter.

Evan gets up from the couch, "I'll go milk Maw," grabbing the pitcher from the counter. He pauses at the sink to rinse the pitcher. Then he opens the door to step outside and stops in the doorway. Veioray's tent is only a few meters away. Evan can hear Veioray grunting and purring and Erin sounding as if she can't catch her breath.

Evan steps back and shuts the door, "You don't need the milk now, do you?"

"No. Why?" John answers.

"No reason," Evan sitting the pitcher back on the counter. He retakes his seat on the sofa.

"What's wrong," Eve asks Evan.

"Nothing," Evan answers, "It's a little noisy out there is all."

"Oh," Eve reading between the lines.

John and Vor are finished preparing the meal and are setting the table. "Terrah," Vor seeing her father outside through the front window. John, Eve and Evan crowd around Vor to look out the window with her.

Veioray is sitting with his back against the picnic table and his face buried in his hands. He's not wearing a shirt. Erin exits his tent wearing nothing but Veioray's shirt. It hangs nearly to her knees. Erin kneels before Veioray and pulls his hands from his face. They can't hear what's being said, but they see Erin shake her head and smile. Then a deep kiss passes between Erin and Veioray. Erin sits on one of Veioray's legs and wraps her arms around him. Veioray rest his head against Erin's chest and wraps his arms around her narrow waist.

"I guess things went well," John comments.

Erin says something to Veioray. He nods and smiling she hops off his lap. Eve hands Ashton to Evan and grabs her medical scanner as Erin enters the dwelling.

"Good morning all," Erin cheerful.

"Erin," Zezvor runs up to her and throws his arms around her. Erin is more than happy to hug him back. Then she gets two cups from the cupboard and fills them with cold tap water. Eve scans her as she fills the cups.

"Your temperature is stable already," Eve surprised, "How's your mark?"

"A little sore," Erin answers, "Veioray says it's a good mark."

"I'll get the milk now," Evan giving Ashton back to Eve.

Erin walks out with the cups of water with Eve right behind her and Zezvor skips out and runs ahead to see his father. Erin hands a cup of water to Veioray.

Eve scans Veioray, "How are you feeling?"

"Quite well, thank you," Veioray answers then drinks down the whole cup of water.

"Your scan is perfect," Eve astonished, "You feel like joining us for the first meal."

"We'ld love to," Veioray answers, "We'll join you in a couple of minutes."

Things are a little quiet during the morning meal. Eve's quiet because she's going over scans. Then Zezvor accidentally calls Erin erre'.

"[I apologize]," Zezvor afraid he's offended someone, "[I did not mean to…]"

"[It is alright]," Veioray assures Zezvor, "[You may call Erin erre'. She is your erre' now.]"

Zezvor looks at Erin and she smiles and nods at him.

"[Last night]," Veioray explains, "[Erin and I became life-mates and it is not inappropriate for you to call her terrem or erre'.]" Veioray then hugs a relieved smiling Zezvor. He is only four years old. But he's more the size of a six or seven year old, and he is thoroughly delighted to call Erin erre' freely.

The work on the historical find continues. And construction on dwellings for John and Vor as well as for Veioray and Erin are begun. There seems to be some tenseness; especially, when Ben is around Erin and Veioray. It seems to make Jude a little nervous too.

Veioray and Erin have been bonded for about two weeks when Ben accidentally happens upon them in the middle of a passionate kiss. Ben excuses himself. The sight of Erin and Veioray in each other's arms visibly disturbs him. Seeing Erin so overtly sexual was something Ben was not prepared for.

"Daddy," Erin calls after her father, but he doesn't stop.

"Ben," Veioray pursues him, "Ben, please."

"Please what?" asks Ben, "You're alive and well thanks to my daughter. First Eve and now Erin. I feel like I've lost both my daughters."

"Daddy," Erin not quite understanding and a little hurt, "I haven't left the planet. I just sleep in a different place."

"Eve was always gone off on her own, doing her own thing," Ben explains, "But it was different with you, Erin. The dining table is so quiet now. Eve is a private person. So, even when she was home for a meal, she never had much to say. But you have an opinion about everything and you shared your opinion even when we thought we didn't want to hear it."

"I'm sorry Ben," Veioray empathizing, "When she came to into my tent, I asked her to leave. But she refused. And now, I have to admit I'm glad she stayed. Zezvor adores her and so do I."

"You're a good man, Veioray," Ben relieved Veioray cares for Erin, "I just have a lot to adapt to and I'm not a man who adapts to sudden change easily."

"Daddy," Erin wanting to comfort her father.

"I just need time," and Ben walks away.