38: Malyon Planetary Council

Eve and Evan's fathers look up from their chess game and watch Commander Bigbear materialize. Ashton pops out from under the picnic table calling, "Commander," tugging Bigbear by the hand, "come see my new sister."

"New sister," Bigbear repeats smiling.

The proud grandfathers wave smiling and nod to validate Ashton.

"Yes," Ashton pulling Bigbear along, "I'm a big brother now. I have a baby sister."

Evan comes out of the lavatory in time to see Ashton lead Commander Bigbear into the bedroom where Eve is resting, "Ashton," in a serious hushed tone.

Ashton kneels at the side of the bed and rests his chin on his folded arms. His big brown cattish eyes stare at his new sister sleeping beside his mother. Bigbear crouches next to him. He stares at the sleeping baby girl with Ashton. A tear slides down Bigbear's smiling face. He also stares at Eve partially curled around the new born baby girl with her head resting on one arm and her other hand resting on the baby's tummy. Eve's sleep is deep and exhausted. There's a tangled lock of wavy black hair partially covering Eve's face and Bigbear can't resist the urge to push it aside.

Eve is startled by the strange touch, "Evan??? Ashton???" Eve's so exhausted; she can't get her eyes to focus as she draws her new daughter to her chest.

"It's OK," Evan hopping onto the bed and wrapping his arms around Eve.

"I'm right here, Mommy," Ashton climbing onto the bed.

Eve pulls Ashton close.

"It's just Commander Bigbear," Evan's tone soft.

Eve blinks Commander Bigbear into focus, "Commander, hello."

"I'm sorry," Bigbear standing, "I didn't mean to disturb you. She's beautiful. When did she arrive?"

"Three hours ago," Evan answers.

"I am so sorry," Big bear realizing Eve hasn't really had a chance to rest. For all he knows she labored all night.

"It's alright Commander," Eve's eyes soft and sleepy, "What brings you to us today?"

"How do you always know when I've come for more than a social visit?"

"You're body language, Commander," Eve's face pleasant but not smiling.

"It will have to be rescheduled, but there's been a request for communication with you from Ondi," Bigbear informs them, "the Malyon Planetary Council."

"Not the advisory council," Eve wants to be sure. The Malyon Planetary Council is the equivalent of Earth's Presidents, except there are 13 Malyon leaders. They're mostly single career women, but all are over one hundred, fifty years of age. The Earth's Presidents initially saw children when they looked upon them. The Malyon council members will see infants.

"We'll contact them and inform them you've just given birth," Commander Bigbear, "I'm sure they'll understand your need for a couple days to rest."

"No," Eve serious, "We'll come aboard."

"You need to rest," Evan protesting.

"He's right," Commander Bigbear concerned.

"[This is the first request for communication from the Malyon government]," Eve unwavering, "[We will not disappoint them.]" But Eve can feel Evan's reluctance, "I'll rest for a few more hours, then we'll come aboard for the communication."

Evan nods his agreement to that.

"Just contact the ship when you're ready," Bigbear leaving, "We'll see you later."

Eve sleeps less than three more hours. She's dressed and ready to go with her bond mark properly displayed. Outside Veioray, Erin (Just six weeks away from delivering her first child.), Dr. Matos and Andon with their infant and both sets of her parents are waiting.

"What's wrong," Evan asks.

Eve shakes her head at her own image in the mirror, "My hair."

"It's fine," Evan trying unsuccessfully to assure Eve, "The bun is perfect."

"Would you get our mothers for me, please," Eve asks Evan.

"Of course," Evan nods and he carries their new daughter, with Ashton following him, outside.

A few seconds later, Eve's mothers, Jude and Alma, come inside. But Eve doesn't wait to be asked what's wrong, "My hair is unacceptable."

"Honey, it's fine," Jude giving her honest opinion.

"No," Alma disagrees with Jude, "she's correct. It's unacceptable."

Determined to make sure that if this communication doesn't go well, it won't be because of anything on their end, Eve pulls out the bun. Then she reaches into a drawer and pulls out a pair of shears.

Handing the shears to Alma, "You'll take the length off for me."

Alma nods sadly. She's never had long hair herself, but she's fond of Eve's long hair and can't remember the last time she told Evan his hair was too long.

"Then you'll style it for me," Eve to Jude.

"Of course," Jude agrees.

It's not unusual for the War Cry crew to pause and stare a moment when any visitor comes aboard. And most of the crew has gotten used to seeing the visitors from the planet below come and go. But it's different today; the crew is literally stopping in their tracks and craning their necks to stare. Eve barely glances back. Maybe that's why they stare so hard today; she's usually all smiles and hellos. She must look quite interesting in full Malyon attire, bond mark openly displayed, with a new short Malyon-like bob and her face stone serious. Eve's serious demeanor has spilled over to the rest of the group. No one is smiling except for Ashton, who's also waving and announcing he has a new sister.

Inside the familiar meeting room of tables and chairs where the wall will open to reveal a view screen, Eve doesn't relax. She tenses up more and is obviously in pain.

"Are you sure you're well enough to do this," asks Captain Kilani.

"Irrelevant," answers Eve, "I just need to sit down." Then her eyes widen as if she's going to panic, "Is it all right if I'm sitting?"

"Yes," Veioray assures, "They will be sitting. It will not be an insult."

"It's best if you're sitting," Everant pulling a chair around for Eve, "They won't see how short you are."

"Evan, you should sit aside her," Andon knows her people well and goes about arranging everyone. It takes about five minutes for everyone to get situated.

"Are we ready," asks Commander Bigbear.

Eve puts up a one moment please finger and turns to Evan, "[I know you are angry with me. You have not said a word since I sent for our mothers. I know I should be resting and I know I am only one. Yet sometimes it only takes one to make a difference… It will not change anything today. Yet it may make a difference for our children and grandchildren in the future.]"

Evan touches Eve's freshly shorn hair for the first time. He wipes a tear from her cheek, gives her a loving kiss and places a reassuring hand on the back of her neck. They nod they're ready.

Forty-five minutes later, things appear to be going well. The translator the Malyon Planetary Council thought they would need was unnecessary. Eve's father, Ben, is well liked. Everant explaining how Ben caused the war bird to crash also helped. No one seems to be bothered by the fact that Everant and Alma's son is bonded to a human female. But when serious, Eve's behavior is very Malyon. Just by being herself, Eve has made a favorable impression.

But no one notices when Evan gets a distressed look on his face. He looks at Eve, who looks back at him and begins to physically tremble.

"[Sorry I am]," Eve tells Evan as tears slide down her cheeks.

Evan puts Ashton off his lap, pulls their baby girl from Eve's arms and hands her back to Erin, who's sitting on the table just behind Eve. He scoops Eve out of the chair and runs out of the room with her.

Ashton starts to cry, "[My mother is bleeding.]" Eve's chair is soaked with blood.

"She must be hemorrhaging," Dr. Matos looking at the chair. Then he runs out of the room.

"Computer," Kilani calls out, "Where are the guest who've just run out of this room located?"

"Moving down corridor C." a voice answers.

"Medical Bay," Bigbear calls.

"Dr. Black here."

"Evan is on his way with Eve followed by Dr. Matos. Eve appears to be hemorrhaging. Get anyone out of there you think may pose a threat. And doctor."

"Yes, Commander."

"Don't let that woman die."

Eve's mother, Jude, is hysterical. Alma tries to comfort Ashton. Erin is crying, but holding her newborn niece seems to be keeping her from becoming hysterical; or maybe it's Veioray's arms around her keeping her calm.

Everant attempts to explain to the Malyon council what's happening, "[My daughter gave birth this morning to our second grandchild… A baby girl… They have yet to choose a name,]" tears slide down Everant's cheeks, "[My daughter, Eve, is so determined to ensure a secure peace…]"

Andon puts a hand on Everant's shoulder and he steps aside. In her own language, Andon is an eloquent speaker, "[I have been very quiet through most of this meeting. Hoping you will begin to see Physician Eve as I do. They helped me Physician Eve and Evan, find an inner peace I did not know was possible.]"

"[Why was she not resting]," asks a council member, "[We know giving birth is a difficult process.]"

"[Motherhood changes a person]," Andon explains, "[She was here for her children, for my child, for those not yet born, for all children, so they will know peace. This is of such great importance to her; she has risked her life and her life-mate's life. I know they would both gladly give their lives for peace.]"

In the medical bay, Eve is fighting for her life. She knows if she dies, Evan dies too and she keeps saying she's sorry. What she's apologizing for, Evan has no idea. But Dr. Matos and Dr. Black work together with Evan assisting to save Eve.

"We've slowed the bleeding," Dr. Black.

"We need to stop it," Dr. Matos, "There's no blood substitute to use for humans bonded to Malyons or vice versa. She hasn't perfected it yet."

"Evan," Eve can't see him.

"I'm here," Evan stepping so she can see him.

Eve smiles lovingly, "I love you."

But Evan doesn't get to say anything in return.

"She's going into cardiac arrest," Dr. Black shouts.

A tear glides down Evan's cheek just before he hits the floor unconscious.

"Leave him!" Dr. Matos shouts to Dr. Black and a nurse.

"But he's going into arrest," Dr. Black says confused.

"We save him, when we save her," Dr. Matos firm. "Now help me!!!"