40: The Gift

For a whole week after returning home, Eve refuses to leave their dwelling and won't receive any visitors. Evan's normally smiling, happy, talkative, social life-mate is quiet, withdrawn and spiritless. And even when she does smile, it's not its usual brightness. There's a faraway look in her eyes as if she's not really there. But he can't get her to talk about what's bothering her. At night she simply clings to him and cries herself to sleep.

"How's she doing?" Captain Kilani asks Ben and Everant concerned about Eve.

"The same, I suppose," Ben answers, "I don't really know. The last time we saw our daughter, she was lying in a hospital bed on your vessel. Check."

Everant makes a face at the chessboard, "She won't come out and refuses guests."

"Mommy's very sad," Ashton under the picnic table with a stuffed doll, "I hear her crying at night."

Commander Bigbear squats down to see Ashton under the table, "Why does Mommy cry at night?"

"How should I know?" Ashton annoyed, "I'm a child. Besides, she won't even tell Daddy why she cries."

"Maybe she won't see me," the nurse from the medical bay.

The new voice makes Ashton curious and he pokes his head out from underneath the picnic table, "What's your name?"

"Trista," the nurse smiles at Ashton.

"You know my mommy," asks Ashton.

"Not very well," answers Trista.

"What's that," asks Ashton pointing to the three packages tucked under one of Trista's arms.

"Presents," explains Trista, "I have one for your mommy, daddy and for you. I hope it will cheer Mommy up."

"Me too," Ashton climbing out from under the picnic table. He takes Trista's free hand and leads her into the dwelling. Inside, Trista can see into the master bedroom where Eve is lying on the bed with the baby and a fluffy animal that has poked its head up to see who's there. But Eve hasn't seen her. Evan is removing clothes from the washer/drier combo and doesn't see Trista either.

"Daddy," Ashton calls.

Evan looks back, "Trista," dropping the last of the clothes into a hand woven basket.

"I hope I'm not intruding," says Trista smiling, "But I have a gift for each of you."

"You're welcome here," Eve stepping out of the bedroom, "Please, come in." Eve's red-rimmed eyes are tattletale signs that she had been crying silently as she was lying on the bed with Cissy and Fluffy.

Ashton smiles and leads Trista to the sofa. Eve sits on the other side of Trista and Evan sits next to Eve. Trista hands them each a rectangular package with a smaller rectangular shaped raised middle. Eyes and hands examine the packages carefully. The packages are wrapped in eye dazzling colored paper the likes of which they've never seen before.

"Open them," urges Trista excited.

Ashton clumsily rips his package open. Evan's not so clumsy while Eve is very careful as if she's handling a delicate instrument. But they're not sure what to do with the contents of their packages.

"Here," Trista helping Ashton, "This is a sketch pad for making pictures. And these," dumping the contents of Eve's small box.

"Crayons," Evan remembering, "the color tools you told me of," opening his own sketchpad and box.

"How do they work," asks Eve picking up a crayon.

"You press them to the paper like this," Trista demonstrates, "But not too hard or they'll break."

So, they begin to use their first sets of crayons. Eve starts to giggle as if she's being tickled, "Evan, they're like your drawing coals," a truly happy smile on her face.

"But these don't get your hands all dirty," Ashton coloring happily with Trista.

"Evan is a wonderful artist," Eve finding her tongue happily, "not that I know much about art."

"Well," Trista shares, "I'm sure you're correct. It's amazing to me what some people call art."

Eve spots Mr. Chan walking past outside. She hops up and calls out, "Bobba! Bobba!" She gets him by the hand just outside the door, "Bobba, come see what Trista gave us," pulling him inside.

"What has you so excited?" Mr. Chan surprised, "You haven't called me Bobba since you were a tiny girl."

Eve sits on the floor at the coffee table, "Look, Bobba."

Mr. Chan picks up a red crayon and sits in the recliner, "It's been ages since I've seen one of these. I loved crayons when I was a child," settling back into the recliner. He admires the red crayon and tries to recall how many red dragons he drew as a boy.

"Bobba," Eve's tone serious, "I need to talk," not looking up from her picture.

"I'm listening," Mr. Chan has been waiting for Eve to be ready to talk.

"Ashton," Evan taking his gifts and standing, "Let's go show your grandfathers our gifts."

"OK, Daddy."

"I'll join you," Trista starting to stand.

But Eve grabs Trista's hand, "Please, stay." Trista is the first female Eve's own age she's ever had the opportunity to interact with.

Trista nods yes and sits back down. Evan hesitates in the doorway a moment as Ashton passes him. But Evan can feel Eve's not ready to share with him yet. So, he follows Ashton to the picnic table.

"I'm a doctor," Eve starts as she continues to color, "I'm supposed to help people. And I know it's alright to defend oneself when necessary… But I had my hand around his neck and I just wanted him to suffer. I wanted to watch the life slowly drain from his eyes. I wanted to kill him."

"He was going to kill us," states Trista, "He was going to torture us, kill us and not feel any remorse. If he'ld succeeded, he'ld be bragging with his buddies now."

"But," Eve pointing to herself with two fingers, "I'm supposed to end suffering and save lives."

"I think you're being too hard on yourself," Trista trying to console Eve, "I'm medical myself. I help people too, but I wanted to kill him. A part of me would still like to see him dead."

"But I've never felt like this before," Eve confused by her own feelings as she wrestles with her inner demons, "And I feel so sick inside… like a frighten wounded animal. I'm afraid it's something I can't control."

"You've never been so angry with someone that you just wanted to pop 'em in the nose," asks Trista.

Eve shakes her head no, "Sometimes I've been a little annoyed, or disliked some things about a person, but usually I feel pity. And it has been my experience that violence doesn't solve the problem."

Mr. Chan has been listening quietly, "Eve you're discovering your inner darkness. Everyone has inner darkness. But your inner darkness is one I'm confident there's no reason to fear… Evan is sure if it had been him holding that man by the throat, the man would be dead. Then where would we be? And even though, he would have been defending you, it would have been turned into something else."

"But I'm afraid I might hurt someone," Eve afraid of these new unfamiliar feelings.

"This isn't a new part of yourself. And as I said, everyone has an inner darkness. Some people bask and revel in it as if it were sunlight, like that man. Others are like Zezna and don't realize it controls them. The second," Mr. Chan continues, "we feel pity for. But the first we must guard ourselves from. But neither would be brow beating themselves the way you are. They are too busy trying to fill that dark empty black hole that's their soul.

Half the battle is knowing the darkness is there. The other half is being a warm thoughtful person like yourself. Now, Evan has accepted and come to terms with this side of himself. It's time for you to do the same and get on with your life. There's so much work for you to do."

"Besides," Trista adds, "having inner darkness doesn't make you a bad person. If that were the case, we'ld all be corrupt backstabbers and we're not. You're over analyzing."

Eve nods that she understands.

"Why don't you go out and get some fresh air," suggests Mr. Chan, "I'll stay and listen for the baby."

Eve is hesitant to go outside.

"Come on," Trista stretches out her hand to Eve. Eve takes her hand and they walk outside together.

Outside both of her fathers, Evan, Ashton, Captain Kilani, Commander Bigbear and a few other community members greet Eve. Everyone is happy to see Eve. But Commander Bigbear and Evan both notice Eve's smile is not its brightest.

After accepting everyone's greeting, Eve settles on Evan's lap. And as if she were psychic, Eve asks, "What has truly brought you for a visit Captain?"

Captain Kilani gets right to the point, "We received visitors aboard yesterday. Visitors who are anxious to meet the two of you."

"What about me and Cissy," asks Ashton.

"They'll be delighted to meet you both," Commander Bigbear ruffling up Ashton's thick black hair.

"I'm not ready to come aboard," Eve's not rushing herself.

"I think they'ld prefer to visit here," Captain Kilani inhales deeply through his nose, "One does tire of bulk heads, CPSs, plastic chairs and Formica tables."

"Are you sure none of your guests," Evan concerned, "are possibly hostile?"

"I'm sure," assures Captain Kilani, "These people have worked hard for peace and believe firmly in finding peaceful nonviolent solutions. The express transport that brought them also brought suitable replacements for the crew members who have proved to be a detriment and replacements for those we suspect could be a problem in the future. The people in the brig are just realizing they've ruined their military careers. And as for the man who attempted to rape you, several female crew members have come forward to press charges."

"I doubt very highly if that man realizes he's fortunate to not have violated Eve," Everant grateful this crime is nonexistent among his people, "He would be suffering great physical discomfort."

"What kind of discomfort?" asks Captain Kilani curious.

Everant explains as best he can, "Eve is bonded to Evan. Her body's immune system will treat any other male like an invading virus. It leaves the unwelcome male sterile. His male organ useless. So, Malyon women do not fear such attacks."

"What about unbonded women," asks Commander Bigbear.

Everant answers matter-of-factly, "A Malyon male can only mate with the woman he's bond to."

"So, you don't ever have to worry about him cheating on you," Trista asks Eve.

Eve doesn't understand the question, "Sometimes we both cheat while playing a game, but it's all in good fun."

Ben can't help laughing, "No, Pixie, she's asking if you ever have to worry if Evan's having sex with another woman."

"No," Eve shaking her head, "I don't."

"Imagine that," Trista thinking, "no infidelity problems. It sounds absolutely perfect."

"Nothing is perfect," Evan hugging Eve, "But this is very close."

41: Ambassadors Of Peace

First, Eve and Evan receive the visitors who want to see this unique community with their own eyes. The other two communities are abandoned. Those residents departed for their home worlds, usually without their oldest children. Those that didn't depart became members of Eve and Evan's community. Adam's sister arrived with a black eye from her father, who left screaming he had no children. But the visitors were all polite, courteous and curious physicians, scientists, sociologists and psychologists with open ready to learn minds.

Then the invitations began to arrive. Eve and Evan were invited to Earth and Ondi, to human colonies and the moons of Ondi to speak at universities and capitals. Eve and Evan couldn't imagine leaving their home world, Malivork. They would have long discussions with their community members, Captain Kilani and Commander Bigbear. Their father Ben would protest it wasn't safe, which was true. But mostly he protested because he felt like he was losing his children and grandchildren. Yet it was finally decided that Eve and Evan would accept these invitations after Evan stated, "Ignorance and hatred can only be combated with knowledge and love."

First Commander Bigbear would become the head of a handpicked security team assigned to Eve and Evan aboard a presidential class star cruiser. Trista, the nurse, would become their personal assistant. Both would prove to be reliable and trustworthy friends for Eve and Evan.

So, Eve and Evan spend the next fifteen years traveling from planet to planet, and colony-to-colony lecturing, enduring death threats, bomb threats and outright assassination attempts. Yet along the way, they won many hearts. Eve winning Malyon hearts with her brave and serious determination. Evan winning human hearts with his gentle lighthearted nature. And all who met them noted their devotion to each other and their children.

Eve would finally determine it was time to return home when an assignation attempt stole the life of their beloved friend, Commander Bigbear. Evan would concur with Eve. They both missed their friends, family and home terribly. Ashton had become a young man and had expressed his desire to be home when he got his luxstay. Cissy a teenager who didn't remember home, but still looked forward to being in a safe and secure home, a real house, not ship's quarters, a university dorm or a hotel suite. Their male twins, Kenneth and Kendal, born on the presidential star cruiser were nearly ten and already taller than Eve. Trista would return with them and become a valuable member of the community and Mr. Chan's wife.

Upon returning home, Eve was at first depressed and withdrawn. When asked what was wrong or bothering her, she replied, "He died in my arms, smiling into my face."

Evan would explain to Mr. Chan so he could better counsel Eve. She had held Commander Brian Bigbear as he died, unable to do a thing to save him. His wounds were too severe and at the time they were pinned down by some puritan lunatic's laser fire. He tried to speak, but couldn't. Yet Bigbear's lips could easily be read by both of them. Smiling he said, "Since, the first time I saw you, all I've wanted is to be in your arms. How perfect to die in them." Evan didn't know if Eve remembered Bigbear drawing her face to his and kissing her moments before he died.

Counseling helped Eve recover, but what really helped was work and family. By the time Eve gave birth to their fifth child, she was herself again. They named her Iroquois in honor of Bigbear. Yet sometimes Evan would spy Eve with a distressed look unconsciously touching her lips. She never forgot the touch of Bigbear's lips. She never discussed it with Evan or anyone else. She never even spoke of it in her journal. At the moment Bigbear had pressed his lips to hers, she felt his love for her. It was every bit as strong as Evan's love for her. And just like Evan, he was dedicated to her happily without reservation; even though, he knew she could never be his.