Ashton continued doing the only thing that he knew would eventually be of some use, no matter what world he had happened to land in. He cleared his mind and tried to empty it of all thoughts. Since he wasn't freaking out and he had no sensation, it wasn't as difficult as it would normally be.
He wasn't sure how long he had been meditating for but eventually he obtained the ability to sense something. Ashton couldn't quite put his finger on what he was sensing bit it was something. He moved his focus over to that something and analyzed it. He felt out its rhythms and flows. After lingering on the something for a while, he soon returned to his empty mind meditation.
This continued on for an indeterminate period of time. Every time a new sensation would arise, he would focus on it just long enough to commit all of its characteristics to memory and then resume his empty mind meditation.
Several sensations later, Ashton finally began to feel the wet and warm bubble trying to expel him from his home. His body was being uncomfortably compressed through a hole that, in his mind, clearly wasn't big enough for the job. Despite this uncomfortable situation, Ashton simply acknowledged this state of affairs and continued his meditations. Every new sensation had eventually been recorded and ignored as he continued down this path.
Since he was already aware of the sensation of breathing he wouldn't need to focus on or record it. He knew it all too well. His parents and the doctors might be expecting some type of response from him but breathing and a heartbeat would have to be enough. He could tell that he was on the verge of a breakthrough and he wasn't going to let something as trivial as his second birth interfere with that.
He passively noted and moved on from the various events happening around him. His mother holding him in her arms and wrapping him in a blanket, being breastfed for the first time as his lips instinctively did what baby lips do, being placed in his crib for the first time, days passing, weeks passing, months passing, and then finally.
One evening after being put to bed, Ashton felt yet another sensation. Deep inside his body's core he felt a soft yet firm prickling sensation. As if there was a blown up balloon with static on its surface stuck in his abdomen. Unlike with the other sensations, Ashton didn't immediately move over to focus on and analyze this new sensation.
Ashton continued to practice his meditation, for nearly a whole month after his breakthrough. He wanted to make sure that his breakthrough wasn't wasted and that this new sensation wouldn't dissipate the moment he stopped meditating. He eventually moved his focus on to the new static balloon sensation and probed it gently with his consciousness.
The static balloon seemed to yield slightly to his urging and so he continued to probe the static balloon for several more hours. He experimented quite a bit and realized that while he could change its shape slightly, while probing it, the harder he pressed on it the more difficult it became to effect further change. Ashton spent the next several months testing the limits of this static balloon and continuing his meditation.
As his first birthday was approaching, he had finally made some critical discoveries concerning his static balloon. The more he exhausted himself handling the static balloon, the easier it became to manipulate it. The more he meditated, the larger the static balloon would become. These effects weren't huge and he was only barely able to confirm these things based on his very limited progression in both aspects.
Although he had yet to discover an actual use for this static balloon, he was almost certain that it was some type of magical energy and that being able to control it effectively and having lots of it would be hugely beneficial in the future.
It's with the satisfaction brought by these thoughts that Ashton finally decided to come out of his meditative state and greet his new family. If he meditated all the way through his babyhood, he would certainly miss out on lots of critical information. Right now he wanted to see what his parents looked like and, hopefully, find out which world he was in.
As he was being held in his mother's arms with his head on her shoulder, he let out a little baby laugh just to get her attention. At first she didn't respond and simply continued humming as she rocked back and forth. Suddenly she froze and her face was pointed straight ahead of her as she stared blankly.
She then slowly lifted Ashton off of her shoulder and looked at him. As she did so, he put on a cute little baby smile and laughed again. Ashton could see tears streaming down his mother's face as she screamed, "Oh thank god! I thought you would never come out of that hypnotic state of mind. Don't you worry Asmond, mommy's here and she's going to take very good care of you." His mother had long brown hair, pale skin, brown eyes, and a pretty face with a short little nose.
She held him up and began kissing him repeatedly. Ashton continued to absentmindedly make cheerful baby noises, while looking around to take in his surroundings. He was a bit shocked at the state of his current environment. It looked like he was in some kind of cave. It was a well furnished cave with sections that were carved out in different shapes to serve various purposes, such as a bed, shelving, and chairs but it was still a cave.
As soon as he started to panic about being born in some non-magical primitive age where he would be chased by Saber Cats and dinosaurs, he spotted two massive beasts that appeared at the cave entrance, after his mother had called out their very familiar names. He couldn't yet make out their details but could see that past them there was only more cave. 'I wonder how far underground we are' Ashton thought.
Watching the two hulking forms entering the room, Ashton felt the panic in his chest being slowly replaced with joy. 'It's them! Holy shit! It really is them! Charizard and Dragonite! Hahahaha! Fuck yeah! Pokemon world, here I come!' Ashton thought, as a cute little baby smile crossed his face and he stretched his arms out towards them. At this time, his Father came running into the room almost crashing into the two Pokemon.
Before that moment, he never knew that just stretching his arms out could require so much effort and be so tiring. He continued laughing little baby laughs and stretching his arms towards the two Pokemon, while his parents looked on in surprise at their child's actions. His Mother was now holding him up towards the two Dragon Pokemon and he was about to pet them, whenever it happened. He had overstressed his never used before baby body and he could no longer keep it up.
'Damn you, baby body! Damn you!' That was the last thought Ashton had, as his consciousness finally slipped away leaving him still and sleeping in his mother's arms.
Whenever Ashton awoke, he wanted to once more curse his pitifully weak baby body but he soon realized that, based on his body's current development, he had spent almost an entire year not moving at all and so it was understandable that such a prolonged sedentary lifestyle would have detrimental effects. He wasn't inside his Mother's womb any longer and he would need to spend at least as much time exercising his body as he did his mind. Even if it was only waving his arms around and kicking and screaming, he needed to seriously increase his activity level or else things might not look so good for him in the future.
At the moment, however, he was finally free from the womb and he had things to do. He knew that he was in a Pokemon World but it's not like everything in the he knew about this franchise would be the same in this world. There were already plenty of discrepancies just between the anime, the manga, and the games. He needed to figure out how this world worked and why exactly he was born in a freaking cave.
As he thought more about it, 'Wasn't my Father wearing some weird looking robes and headband whenever he came in. Hmmm...where have I seen that get up before? It seems to be very familiar but I can't quite place it.' Ashton wondered.
While lying in his crib, he began exercising his voice, arms, and legs at the same time. He continued to practice like this, until his Mother came to feed him. After a warm and juicy titty milk lunch, he resumed his training.
On what he presumed was the next day after a really long nap, Ashton began reciting his first word over and over again, until he knew that his parents would be able to understand him. "Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee, Eevee." On and on he repeated it, until his Mother returned and this, of course, was when he became even more enthusiastic in his recitation.
He wasn't certain whether this would work or not but he had to try. If it did work, he would have his very first Pokemon at the tender age of one, which he was certain must be some kind of record assuming that someone was keeping score. If it didn't work, well it's not like it cost him anything to yell at his parents, until he gets what he wants.
His Mother was initially a bit panicky, because she thought her baby was crying, which he had never done before. As such, she assumed something terrible must have happened. She soon realized, however, that he wasn't crying but saying his first word repeatedly.
Upon making this discovery, she was ecstatic but was still completely clueless about why he would be saying the name of a Pokemon that he had never encountered before. This was truly bizarre and so she decided to inform her husband when he returned. For now though, she simply picked up her son and began playing with him and just enjoyed the moment of him saying his first words.
By the time her husband returned from his hunting trip, Ashton's Mother was completely exhausted. Ashton had been saying "Eevee, Eevee, Eevee" all day long. He continued saying it tirelessly, until he fell asleep, and then immediately resumed his mantra after waking up and being fed.
As her husband walked into the room, Ashton was still endlessly repeating his mantra. Looking at the scene before him, he was initially excited, as it seemed that his son was finally speaking for the first time but, when he saw look on his wife's face, he knew something was wrong.
"Mira, what's wrong? It appears our son has finally uttered his first words. I thought you would've been happy. By the way, it sounds like he's saying Eevee. Did you speak with him about Eevee Pokemon, or something?" Mira's husband asked her.
"No, I never said anything to him about that and yes he's saying Eevee. I should know. He hasn't stopped saying it, since he woke up this morning. And yes, I was happy at first but after the umpteenth million time I'm sick and tired of it and I just want the little devil to shut the hell up! Gunder, your son is a menace!" Mira responded.
"Hahahahahahahaha! Come now, Mira. Let's not be too hasty to demonize our only son. I'll admit it's incredibly strange for him to have this as his first word and repeating it endlessly I'm sure must have been annoying but this could be a blessing. Perhaps there's something special about him.
"I know it may seem counterintuitive but I think Asmond's already stepped well into the realm of counterintuitive already. It might be the case that he has some type of connection with Eevee Pokemon or even Pokemon in general. I've never heard of such a thing occurring before but maybe, if we can get him an Eevee Pokemon, he might be able to form some kind of connection with it. I think a newly hatched Eevee would probably be best, that way they can grow up together.
" So whaddya think dearest? Should I start hunting for an Eevee egg tomorrow?" Gunder asked.
Mira was sitting at the Kitchen table with her head in her hands and while Asmond continued droning on and on in the background. "I don't care what you do! Just make it stop! PLEASE!"
Gunder gave an uncomfortable smile and reached back to scratch his head. "Alright then, I promise to do my best dearest. How about I just take Asmond back to his room for now and see if he goes to sleep." Gunder said, as he walked over, picked up Asmond, and carried him back to his crib.
Mira didn't reply or even move, except to let her head and arms collapse onto the table in a pitiful mess.
'Hahaha! Sorry, Mother, but this is a war of attrition and I can't be seen losing to the likes of you! I shall have my Eevee! Yes, yes, I shall! Hahahahahahahaha! Baby power FTW!' Asmond gleefully thought, as Gunder laid him in his crib.
Asmond continued chanting his mantra, for about another hour, while flailing his arms and legs about. Once he was completely exhausted, he slipped into a deep and sweet sleep.
The following evening Gunder returned with good news for his wife. Upon entering their underground abode, he noticed Mira looked much better than yesterday. Gunder had whipped up some wax earplugs for her and she made sure to leave Asmond in his crib whenever he wasn't feeding.
"Hello, dearest, you seemed to have weathered this day a bit better than yesterday. Were the earplugs I made for you effective?"
"Yes, dear. Thank you. I don't know if I could've spent another day around that incessant chanting. He's still going at it, by the way."
"Ahhh, I was afraid of that. But fear not my dear for I bring good, no wonderful, news. I told Trevor about this little problem and our proposed solution and it turns out there is a couple of Eevee that he has been watching for a while. They made an egg a little over a week ago and he was planning on stealing it for himself.
"After hearing about our predicament, however, he agreed to not only show us where it is but also to let us have it. I don't know whether this will work or not but it really is the only thing I can think of. Let's hope that this puts a stop to this madness.
"We'll head out first thing in the morning and should return shortly after noon. Once we have the egg, it'll just be a matter of waiting for it to hatch and hopefully it won't take too long."
"Thank you, Gunder! I really do appreciate your efforts. I promise I'll persevere, until this egg is hatched. Come sit. Dinner is almost ready."