Asmond and the...Eevee?

With the might of Charizard, Dragonite, and the other Pokemon on his team, retrieving the egg was a simple task. They even managed to completely overwhelm the Vaporeon and Leafeon parents, that were guarding the egg, without seriously injuring them. This way those two could go on to have other offspring.

     Returning to his wife and child after profusely thanking Trevor for his assistance, he walked into their cave and greeted his wife, who was cooking up a delicious smelling stew over the fire pit. 

     Mira, of course, didn't hear him, due to the earplugs she was wearing. Asmond was, of course, still chanting away in his room. Even though he knew that he was going to get what he wanted, he needed to maintain his charade until he actually saw the egg.

     Whenever he heard his Father greeting his Mother in the other room, he wasn't only excited about getting an Eevee egg but also about not needing to constantly scream all the time. Although his tantrums wore him out even more than his Mother, he refused to relent, until the egg was in front of him.

     Realizing that his wife hadn't heard him, Gunder crept up behind her and gave her a bit of a scare. After being reprimanded for his behavior and getting a "welcome home" kiss, Gunder addressed Mira seriously.

    "So are you ready to go see if we can finally shit this baby up?"

     "Oh, God yes! Right now! Let's go!" Mira said, as she grabbed his hand and dragged him towards Asmond's room.

     Entering Asmond's room, Gunder held the egg out in front of him and called out to Asmond. "Oh, Asmoonnd? Look who's got an Eevee egg?" He said, as he approached Asmond's crib and placed the egg in plain view of his son.

     Asmond continued to repeat his mantra a couple of more times, before fully focusing his attention on the egg in front of him. Putting on the biggest smile that he could, he readjusted himself and began crawling towards the hand of his Father that held the egg.

     Seeing that his son had stopped his chanting and that he was reaching for the egg, he brought the egg closer and allowed Asmond to take it. Asmond wrapped the egg up in his arms tightly and just laid back down cuddling with his new egg.

     His parents were simultaneously overjoyed and astonished. They couldn't be happier that their son had finally stopped all of his maddening chants but they were also bewildered at his response to seeing the egg. They were both certain that they had the most bizarre baby ever born to human parents.

     After his parents left, Asmond once again immersed himself in his meditations, which he'd neglected in favor of his previous mission. Now that he had his Eevee, he had even more to do. Training his static balloon, discovering what his static balloon was, and hatching his Eevee were amongst the most important.

     After meditating for a while, he looked over at a small wooden toy inside his crib. It was a hollowed out piece of wood that had some sort of beads inside of it. Deciding that it was finally time to discover what if anything his static balloon was capable of, he moved his power out of his body and wrapped it around his toy. He then attempted to lift the toy up into the air, only to discover that it was immensely difficult. 

     Putting all of his power and effort into raising up the toy, he finally managed to lift it about four inches for about two seconds. Not having anytime to be dissatisfied with this dismal performance, he immediately lost consciousness and slept deeply for several hours.

     Asmond spent the next two weeks staying active, keeping up his meditations, and sleeping with his Eevee egg held tightly. Having decided that his static balloon must be some kind of psychic power, he continued to exercise it as such.

     Asmond had spent a few minutes every night sending his thoughts into the egg just trying to establish a connection. He had yet to receive any response but he could tell that it was close to hatching. He only communicated one word repeatedly and that was the name he had chosen for his first Pokemon, Esperia.

     Three days before his first birthday, Asmond still had his egg wrapped tightly in his arms and was feeding at his mother's breast as his parents ate dinner. 

     As his parents were talking and eating, the egg in Asmond's arms suddenly trembled and he pulled himself away from his mother's breast and started up his mantra again. His Mother,  realizing what was going on, gently removed the egg from his hands and placed it and him onto the table top.

     Asmond reached forward with his psychic power and spoke into the egg as its surface began to crack. *Esperia*

     The egg now had pieces falling off and a little white paw could be seen poking through the hole. 'White?' Asmond thought. 'Hmmm, maybe it's a shiny of some sort.' He continued crawling towards it and watching with bated breath, as the little fox-like creature finally created a large enough opening and jumped out onto the table. 

     Asmond and his parents were quite shocked at what appeared before them. There on the table, stood a six inch tall quadruped with white fur, a long tail that was split into at the end, a deep blue circular gem embedded in its forehead, and bright blue shining eyes.

     As soon as it landed before them, it looked directly at Asmond and sounded off. "Espeon"

     It then ran up to a completely stunned Asmond and stood on its hind legs, placing its forepaws on his arms and began licking his face. As he was being assaulted by a flurry of lick attacks that were super effective, he began to collect himself and reached out with his power once more. *Espiria, can you hear me? Can you understand me?*

     *Yes, I can? Also, I really like the name Espiria. Do you have a name too?*

     *Hahahaha, of course, I have a name. My name is Asmond and it's a wonderful pleasure to meet you Espiria!* He had no idea how this Eevee had managed to be born already evolved into an Espeon but, of course, there were many mysteries that this world held that he would have to investigate sooner or later. He could ponder over it for a bit but he doubted he had the time and resources to solve such a mystery in his current predicament.

     "Espeon" Espiria said aloud. *Let's play.*

     Not seeing any reason to deny her request he played as hard as a baby his age could manage. 

     Asmond's parents were still sitting there completely dumbstruck having no idea what was going on. What they were seeing simply defied all of the common sense knowledge they knew about Pokemon. Unable to make heads or tails of the situation, they just sat there watching their unfathomable son play with his newly hatched white furred Espeon.

     The following morning, Asmond demonstrated all of the training that he did every day to Espiria. He quickly realized that, while Espiria clearly wasn't on par with a fully grown Espeon, her psychic abilities clearly outstripped his own by a wide margin. 

     Having only just turned one year old three days ago, he was still getting his underdeveloped baby body used to walking again. But since Espiria's power was at a level where it was actually useful, he sent her out and about the cave to collect different sized rocks to assist in their training. 

     Using their psychic powers to test each rock, they both found the rock that was slightly lighter than the heaviest rock they could lift. They then used that rock as a test and, whenever they could lift the rock up to their shoulders and orbit it around their bodies ten times, they would then move on to a heavier rock. 

     The pair also made use of the smallest rocks in the same way but instead tried to see how many they could orbit around their bodies at the same time. This test was designed to increase their focus and control, as for the heavy rocks, they were used to increase their power output. 

     Asmond had other tests that he wanted to try but they would have to wait, until their power was at an appropriate minimum. In the nearly eleven months that had passed since Espiria was born, they both played and trained hard during the day and pretended to go to bed early in order to keep up their meditations.

     Tonight was no different than the others had been and there didn't seem to be any indication that it would be different. During their evening meditations, Isaac suddenly felt his body being filled with a strange energy. He was initially quite shocked as he had not expected such a thing to occur. However, his mind was sharp and steady. He suppressed his Shock and slowly stopped the energy from flowing into his body. He then focused all his attention on the new energy within him. 

     Spending nearly all night probing and inspecting this new energy to try and discover its purpose, he finally concluded that absorbing more of it wouldn't be harmful and would probably assist him in running tests on it. Despite congealing into a sphere in his core much like his static balloon, this energy had more of a liquid feel to it, almost like a heavy oil.

     Asmond then resumed his empty mind meditation, allowing the new energy to once again flow into his body. Once the new energy stopped flowing into him on its own, he was thoroughly exhausted and immediately drifted off into a deep baby sleep.

     Asmond was awakened by his Mother at the usual time, despite having only had a couple of hours sleep. She was, of course, unaware of this and so stuck to the routine she had established. After a healthy break-feast at the titty buffet, he played around with Espiria for a short while, before sitting down to experiment with his new energy. 

     He first tried moving it outside his body but doing so was much more difficult than moving within his body. Unlike his psychic power once it left his body, he seemed to lose almost all control over it and it would immediately dissipate.

     Having more or less confirmed that this wasn't any kind of psychic power, he immediately started trying to accomplish different simple tasks with it but nothing worked. He could move it within his body, move it outside his body where it would immediately disperse, and that was about it. At the moment, it seemed to be completely useless.

     After checking to see if Espiria had any ideas and then thinking it over for a bit, a certain thought concerning the arrival of this power stuck with him and wouldn't let go. 

     'Why did this power come to me now? I had been meditating constantly, during my gestation period, and I unlocked my psychic power a couple of months before my first birthday. If meditation was the key, why now and not then? Unless, there's more to it than just meditation? Hmmm...perhaps, my psychic power is a prerequisite of some sort...wait, no maybe it's the other half of the key!' Asmond thought excitedly, as he immediately refocused his mind on his internal energies. 

     This time, instead of trying to directly manipulate the energy, he first summoned his psychic power, stretched it out towards his new energy, and…

     'Hells to da yeah, son! Now that's what I'm talking about!'

     As soon as he had connected his psychic power to his new power he instantly gained a new understanding and control over it. He didn't receive any direct information about it but he instantly received a very strong intuition concerning this new energy's capabilities. 

     Before this connection, he could manipulate the energy inside his body with moderate effort but now it was like blowing away confetti. It instantly moved where and how he commanded it, not deviating or resisting in the slightest. Trying to move it outside his body, he quite happily discovered that he could do so.

     Now, understanding that this energy was fundamentally different from his psychic power and may very well be what he had been hoping his psychic power would be, before he first tested it, he formed a "U" shape with the fingers on his right hand. He then brought his thumb and index finger closer together, until they were less than a centimeter apart. 

     Adjusting the amount of the new energy in his hand, he caused it to flow through both his fingers and form a straight line connection between the two. Asmond then thinned the flow of energy into the smallest strand he could manage, conjured up everything he could remember about electricity, and then willed the energy flowing between his fingers to form a spark of electricity. 

     'Ooowww! Dammit, that hurt!' Asmond mentally cursed, as a wicked grin spread across his face. 'Haha, how do you like me now?! I'm a goddamn Wizard, bitches!' 

     Although he was ecstatic about having discovered yet another amazing ability, he was still a bit confused about how and why all of this was happening. 'First, what was supposed to have been an Eevee was born as an Espeon with the wrong but beautiful colors. Then I get some kind of magic power, on top of my psychic power. Is this really a Pokemon Universe or some kind of Crazy Mixed Up Hodgepodge Universe?'

     Not really having any idea how he might go about answering these questions, Asmond decided to do the only thing he could do, while stuck here in this cave. He picked himself up and carried on with his play, train, and meditate routine.

     As his legs grew more and more capable, he began venturing further and further away from his parents part of the cave. During his adventuring, he soon realized that they really were quite deep underground and his parents had still not bothered to take him outside even once. He would've complained about such a thing, if there weren't plenty of room for running around inside the recreational parts of the cave.

     He came to understand that the place where he and his family resided was part of some kind of underground city. Almost all of the citizens of this city seemed to wear the same robes, with a circle on each side and dots inside those circles. Asmond had long since remembered where he recognized those robes from, when he noticed that all of the people who had their own Pokemon only ever had Dragon type Pokemon.

     He was actually the only person in the entire city to have a non Dragon type Pokemon. This, of course, confirmed for him that he had been reincarnated as a Draconid. The people of the Hoenn Region who raised only Dragon type Pokemon.