Chapter 2: The Red Velvet Haired Princess.

I opened my eyes to a field surrounded by flowers. Strange animals fly overhead. They were not birds but they were birds, I have never seen creature like this before. As I take in the sights of the sky I feel something nudging my leg. There was a dog with a tail of fire leaning against my leg. I instinctively jumped back and screamed "You tail is on fire!" The dog ran up to me again, he looked up to me as if he wanted me to pet him. I reached my hand out and hesitantly petted the fiery pooch. I looked up to get my bearings and noticed something in my hand. It was a map. As I looked at it, it began to disappear in my hand. I started to freak out because that map was probably the map of the world I am on now. But as I calmed down I realize that this is kind of like playing an RPG so I willed the map to appear and it did. So the old man really did make my abilities easy to access like game. Safe to assume I wasn't in Atlanta anymore. I was in Baken. Great, good to know that works in this world. I guess the dream I had about meeting God was real. I willed a screen to appear and the screen showed my stats.

Harumi Minori

Age: 17

Level: 1

Class: Samurai

HP: 3000 Majic Molecules: 5000 STR: 1000

SPD: 1200 DEF: 900 AGI: 1000 ACC: 800

Skills: Majic Molecule Manifester, Fast Growth, Fledgling God, Area Scan

I have played enough games to know that my stats were pretty high for a level 1. Majic Molecules must be what they call magic in this world. And Fast Growth was pretty self-explanatory. My last skill was Fledgling God, it was probably a skill from the old man. I had another idea to see if I can pull up an inventory screen. I pictured a screen with all my inventory and a second later it popped out. I had 5 things in my inventory with an unlimited inventory space. There was a weapon, it was called the Demon God Katana Masamune. I wanted to try it out so I closed my inventory and closed my eyes and willed my weapon to appear and it did. As I looked at the black blade, I knew this was the start of my adventure, a great new second chance at life!

As I swung my Katana to earn some practice points I began to hear the sounds of horses and carriages being pulled. From inside the Carriage emerged a beautiful woman who looked to be around my age. She wore a Kimono with a cherry blossom pattern, Gold hoop earrings and slippers that people wore back in ancient Japan, my mother called them Geta. She had flowing curly hair the color of a red velvet cake, pointed ears and carried a pink umbrella around even though the sky showed no sign of rain. I'm guessing she must be an Elf.

"Greetings Hero, my name is Drusilla Liliana Drachmae. Princess of Drachmae Kingdom. I am the one who prayed for you to come to this world. My father the King has been ill for 2 months and my brother the Prince Drew has gone mad with power and has caused a civil war. Only you can save my nation from utter ruin. Will you help us." Said the princess.

So she, along with God, was the reason I died huh. I came here on a mission and not to be tied down helping a kingdom that's in a civil war.

"No, I will not" I said "I have no business with your nation Princess. I have my own plans for adventure!" Besides I have to save this whole entire world not just one nation.

"B-but are you not a hero? A hero has a moral compass, does yours happen to not be working."

"It's not that I don't have a moral compass, I just don't see the point in helping a nation that's already embroiled in civil war. I have read about many civil wars in my previous world, that ended with the collapse of the nation and I don't want anything to do with that bloodshed" I told her.

"Than help me stop my brother. If you don't thousands of innocent people will be killed. Women and children." Replied the princess.

She was right I do have the power to stop this war, it could be beneficial my mission. And I don't want the blood of innocent children on my hand.

"Alright Princess, ill help you. On one condition!" I said.

"You have my gratitude young hero, what is this condition you speak of" Said the princess.

I smirked gleefully and told her "Just call me Harumi, and I want my own Nation! Can you help me get it?"

"W-what? A nation. I can't just hand you a nation. But when I'm Queen I will try to give you a nation" She said.

Well that's good enough for me. I bend down on one knee like they do in the movies with knights. As I thought about it that same quest menu popped up from earlier. "Quest: The Princess of Drachmae Kingdom asks you to help take down her brother and save her kingdom from civil war. Reward: 10 Levels, Mysterious Antidote. Will you accept Y/N?" What the hell, let's do it. I chose yes.

"You got a deal princess, allow me to be your sword and shield. I pledge my Loyalty to you Princess Drusilla Liliana Drachmae of Drachmae Kingdom."

"Rise hero, now let's go to the kingdom and dethrone my brother."

"Okay but first what are Majic Molecules?