Chapter 3: Armor Up

On our way to Drachmae's capital Silvahine the princess explained majic molecules and this world to me. Majic Molecules is what allows some creatures to do acts of Magic, in this world magic is spelled as majic. Inhabitants of this world absorbs the majic molecules from the air replenishing their supply. But it usually takes a while to replenish. It all depends on the skill of the individual. She also explained that certain races have certain innate ability's. There's humans who can use personal majic, Demonkin that can drink blood and use it to power themselves up, and beastkin that way stronger than regular humans. My skill Majic Molecule Manifester allow me the ability to actually generate my own Majic from my body at astounding rates. When she explained Majic Molecule Manifester to me, it looked like she was almost sad. Most people have a single elemental trait majic, such as Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Dark! I possess all 6 traits. It almost feel like I'm cheating, god really did make me a monster in the world. She also explained that there were twenty different nations spread out over 4 continents. The continent Drachmae is on is called Astrea. Drachmae is surrounded by the Lament Theocracy to the east, The Forest Kingdom of Dalmond to the west, the nation of Kinsgurand in the snowcapped mountains to the north, and the great sea islands of The Southern Ocean to the south. This world is way bigger than I thought.

"We are here Harumi, Welcome to Silvahine" the princess said.

I stopped being proud of myself to notice that we made it to the capital. It reminded me a lot of medieval European towns but the people wore ancient Japanese clothing. A weird mix if you ask me. The people consisted of different species too. I saw dwarves, beastmen, orcs, and many more.

"So what do you think Harumi?" The princess asked me.

"I'm stunned I have never seen people like this before Baken is truly a world out of a dream." I replied.

"I'm glad you like it, but we don't have time to sight see yet. You need armor and I know just the place."

Yeah she was right I did need armor. Hopefully something I could wear over my Nike jumpsuit. It was the only memory of my previous world I had. As I sat there in the carriage I put my Dreads into a samurai topknot. Might as well fit the look as best as I can right? When I was done we were in front of the Blacksmith's shop.

I walked in and started to look around while the Princess spoke to the Blacksmith. There was so many pieces of armor and weapons. I wanted something light and obviously something samurai. I found just what I was looking for in the corner in the back. A simple light armor set, embossed in red and gold. There were 2 leg and knee braces, 2 sick ass shoulder and arm braces with a symbol resembling a Nike swish protruding out the shoulders, and there was a beast plate. I had to have it.

"You like it, you can get it. It's on me" the princess said appearing behind me.

"Seriously, yeah I want it" I brought the Armor with the money the princess gave to me and happily tried it on.

I looked sick as hell in it. I was finally looking like a badass majic samurai. As we left the blacksmith face I noticed blood pouring from the carriage. The driver had been slaughtered where he sat.

"Princess, get behind me now."

"O-Okay" she replied.

I summoned my Katana from out my storage and got into a stance Bruce Lee would be proud of. As I stood there, I activated my Area Scan ability to search for hostiles. I pulse went out starting from my position and I could see the enemy's hiding. There were 1 behind the carriage, 1 on top of the Blacksmiths roof and 2 around the corner.

"I know where you are hiding, might as well show you disgusting faces" I yelled with venom in my voice.

Shortly after, they started coming from out their hiding places. They all were in full armor and had their bloodied spears pointed at me. I heard the Princess drop to the ground along with the umbrella she carried often.

"Are you alright princess?" I called without turning around. I couldn't take my eyes off the enemy.

"Yes I am, b-but these are my brother's soldiers" She told me.

Her brother sent soldiers to kill his own sister. And with that I lost my shit!