Chapter 4: The Princess and Priestess

I readied my Katana and charged so fast at the enemy nearest to me I became a blur. Before the guy could comprehend what happened I slammed the blunt side of my blade into his ribcage and he was tossed through four different buildings.

"Holy Shit"! I commented as I looked at my hands, Im pretty sure that wasn't even a hundred percent of my strength.

"Ummmmm, I'm pretty sure I heard most of his bones snap. Could you refrain from using such force, they were only following orders" said Liliana in shock.

"Yeah maybe you're right". I concentrated to limiting my strength to only 10 percent of its maximum power. It seems like this body is able to augment its power output to meet my needs.

"You fucking monster. I'm going to kill you and take the princess back to her brother" Snapped the nearest soldier. As he charged at me and swung his spear at my neck, I parried his attack and kicked him into the wall, and he slumped to the ground unconscious. Back in my world my mother and I use to visit her family back in Japan, my grandfather had a dojo. He trained me for hours over the summer drilling me in the way of the Katana. So using it now felt almost second nature to me. I looked at the last two ready to put them in their place when they dropped their spears, got on their knees and bowed to me.

"Spare us sir, we were just following orders" said one of the knights.

"You had orders to kill that innocent man to?" I told him trying to hold back my anger. I picked him up and slammed his face into the side of the blacksmith building. Not enough to kill him though, just enough to disfigure him for the rest of his life. I looked at the last soldier with a piercing glare, if looks could kill he would be dead twenty time over right now.

"You are going to explain everything to me now" I told him menacingly.


"Excuse me Prince Drew your sister has been found entering a blacksmith building with an unknown man" Said the knight bowing to the prince.

"Good, send four of my elite guards to apprehend her. Eliminate any witnesses including her new friend" Said Drew, Drusilla's older brother.

Another man in a hood came out from behind the shadow of the Imperial throne.

"Soon my prince, with your sister's priestess ability you will be the sole ruler of this kingdom. But first we should make sure we end your father or he will always be a threat to our… I mean your kingdom" said the man.

"Yes Dragnov, can you port my father in front of me" Said the prince.

"Certainly" with a snap of his fingers, the true king appeared before the throne. In shackles the King looked older than his years.

"Father, how have you been feeling?" said the prince with a smirk.

"You bring shame upon the royal household Drew. Please do not call me father anymore" The king said with sadness in his eyes.

"Don't make that face, as if you ever cared about me. You only ever cared about Drusilla. Even though I'm your first born child, you chose her as your heir." Screamed Drew.

"You know why, she is the priestess so that makes her claim to throne more liable than yours. It is tradition that whenever a female is born to the royal line with the Priestess ability, she will be next in line for the throne. And frankly you are not fit to sit on that..." the king was cut off before he could finish.

"Silence old man! Dragnov you can kill him now" The prince said coldly.

"As you wish your highness" said Dragnov as he pulled a knife from under his cloak and began to walk towards the king.


"Hopefully we aren't too late to the party" Harumi said walking through a hole he punched in the wall holding the princess by her waist.


"The prince wants to use the Princess's Priestess ability to wrestle power from the other nobles so he can have free reign over the kingdom" said the knight as I was interrogating him.

"Priestess?" I said confused.

"I was born with a rare class called Priestess, only once every two hundred years or so a female is born with, this class from the royal line. It's similar to your ability Manifester, it allows me to generate my own majic. But it also allows me to pass that majic on to others. My brother wants to use me as a battery to fuel his regime. He's probably going to kill father soon to." The princess said.

"Well I won't let him have you" I told Lili and she blushed "I-I didn't mean like that" I said embarrassed.

"I don't mind if you did Harumi" She looked at me with a warm smile.

Is she hitting on me? Well it's not really the time to think about that. I knocked out the last knight and pick up Lili, holding her by the waist I augment my legs and jump on top of the blacksmith building. I looked around until I found a huge castle not too far from where I was standing. It was huge, it was a medieval style building with two huge towers with a mansion in the middle. I'm guessing that's the castle. With Lili in my arms I distribute 60 percent of my power to my legs and leapt straight for the castle. We cleared the gap in an instant I punched a hole in the castle wall and luckily landed straight in the throne room. I scanned the room and noticed that they were 20 knights all around the room and an older man in front the throne who has to be the king. A younger man sitting on the throne and another moving towards the king with a knife in his hand. I ran forward, pushed him out the way, grabbed the king and brought him back to Lili. I'm still not used to this speed.

"Who are you young man?" Asked the king.

"Just a friend of your daughter's sir" I replied bowing my head to the king.

"Well you have my thanks" he replied.

"What are you doing commoner, who are you to try to stop me" The princes screamed angrily.

"I'm the man who's going to shut you down scum bag" I replied with a smirk.

"Dragnov, kill this bafoon" Yelled Drew.

Dragnov extended his hands and chanted a spell "Amaterasu Inferno Flame". A huge black flame shot out towards me. I leapt at the fireball and cut straight through it with my Katanna. I jumped to the side of Dragnov and sliced his hands clean off.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh" screamed Dragnov.

"How- How is that possible" The prince said astonished and afraid.

"This just isn't any old blade. It's a blade forged by god himself. It can absorb and dissipate most majic. I call it the Demon Black Blade Masamune" I informed the scared prince. "And you're next" As I began to walk towards him.

"Harumi! Stop it, I can take it from hear" Said the princess.

"All your's princess"

"Brother, I banish you from this kingdom you may take Dragnov with you. And since all the guards were just following orders from a member of the royal family I pardon them all. But you will take all the responsibility. You will never step foot inside your homeland again" The princess said.

"Sister, please where would I go? I promise I will never do nothing like this again. You have my word dear sister." Drew begged.

"Your word? You are lucky I don't have Harumi execute you where you stand, brother. Guards! See to it he and Dragnov leave this kingdom immediately." Replied the princess.

The guard's dragged them both out of the throne room. Drusilla ran to her sick father.

The screen popped back up. "Completed Quest!!!! Reward: 10 Levels and a Mysterious Antidote". When it disappeared a light surrounded me and I could feel my stats going up.

"Father are you okay" Said the Princess.

"I am now knowing you are safe my daughter. But I don't believe I have long for this world. Drew must have poisoned me with a slow acting agent, and we have yet to found an antidote" replied the king.

Antidote? I pulled the antidote out of my space storage, thank god and fed it to the King. As he drink I could see life returning to him.

"Father, did that help?"

The king jumped up and started to run around.

"Harumi what was that potion? I feel 20 years younger!" Replied the king.

"I have no idea sir. I just had it on me."

"Well whatever it was it worked. Harumi, you have done so much for this kingdom and the royal family. How can we repay you?" The king asked me.

I smiled at him and Lili. "Let me marry your daughter!"