


Lifting her chin, he leaned over to kiss her,- "I will take you up on that offer, I'll fuck you so hard you're future baby's going to feel it."

She couldn't help but grow wet at hearing his husky dominating voice,- "Take me!" she said, foolishly believing she was ready for what was to come.

Taking her lips roughly with his own, he guided her to the wall, his hands ever working, exploring her nice smooth flesh.

Caressing her mounds as he tasted her sweet saliva, his tongue battling with hers, before sucking it out and pulling it with his teeth.

"Ouch, did you have to do that?" She asked.

Theoric growled, pinching her erect nipple, forcing out a surprised moan- "Shut up slut, you'll take what I give you and you'll like it. Did you really think this was going to go the way you wanted, asking me to come here, (Twisting her nipple, causing her to gasp in pain and pleasure, "Ahhh,"), and save your kid, (Pulling her nipple out before grabbing her breast and squeezing hard as he spread her legs with his,) after offering yourself to me!" He said thrusting in without warning, making her scream out as he took control making his perfect dick bigger than its perfect size for her.

He wanted her to feel it, he wanted her to suffer for it, he wanted to drive her to the brink and know that this would be more than pleasure, this would be a punishment, one that she would not soon forget and forever crave, completely filling her to the brim and then some as he each thrust breached the womb.

Firmly taking hold of her ass with both hands, grabbing as much meat as he could, squeezing her voluptuous butt, slamming into her over and over against the wall.

"Ah, ah, ah, please, ah, ah, its, ah, my, ah, ah, first, ah, time, ah, ah, ah."

Theoric grunted- "I thought I told you to shut up," he said pumping into her, feeling her insides pulsate moments later as she had her first Orgasm,- "Tch, did you just cum, you slut, and to think you were telling me to stop, guess your body knows something you don't," he said continuing to thrust much to her dismay as her sensitivity grew.

"Wait, ah, Wait, ah, please wait, ah," she pleaded, trying to get him to stop so she gets a short break after having her first.

He grinned, "Not a chance, with how much you're squeezing me and how easily I'm gliding now, it's practically perfect, ah damn girl, watch the nails, oh wait I got an idea," he said using his energy to clasp each arm to the wall leaving herself further exposed and then another for the mouth so he wouldn't have to hear her complain anymore.

"There, much better," he said, leaning back admiring his handiwork as he watched her tits bounce up and down from each thrust, promising himself to maul them later with his mouth.

He quickly brought her to another orgasm as he released inside for the first time right along with her,- "Ah, I'm cumming, take it slut, take it all." he said dumping a load straight into her womb.

Her eyes rolling back as she felt his hot warm liquid pour into her, making her cum that much harder.

Fulfilling his promise, he lowered himself to her delicious mounds, grabbing them in his hands. Running his tongue along the areolas, around the nipples, bringing the breasts together so he could lick both at once as he took both nipples into his mouth and sucked before pulling them with his teeth causing her to go into another mini orgasm.

Moving his way up he let the gag around her mouth dissipate as he grabbed her by the back of the head kissing her roughly before she had a chance to let out any noise, moaning inside his mouth as he had his way with her.

Releasing her bindings, he pulled out, spinning around as he threw her by the hair to the floor.

"What, what are you doing?" she asked, panting, front facing down.

Dropping down, he took hold of her wonderful ass, parting just enough to show the goods,- "Whatever I want slut, don't tell me you don't approve?" He asked lining up both his dicks, each at a hole."

Feeling something strange her eyes widened,- "What is that, what are you doing?" She asked trying to look back only for him to push her head back down to the cold floor.

"I'm doing what I want, now stop asking the obvious slut. Why don't you tell me you want it, tell me how you want me to plow you like the slut you are and I might not go so hard at the beginning."

She quickly responded knowing he would take her anyway,- "Yes, take me."

Leaning down next to her ear, he says,- "Not good enough slut," and then thrusts both into her fast and hard, all the way to the base causing her to scream and moan.

He begins to pound her, enjoying the ripples her ass makes from each thrust while she attempts to get on all fours to participate, not wishing to be just a toy getting played with which only makes him grin as he slaps her ass causing her to moan out loud.

Two at once proved too much for her though as she came shortly thereafter, falling back down to the ground as he rammed her from behind.

He then surprised her by rolling over, placing her on top of him as he grabbed her breasts from behind while continuing to pump into her.

A few pumps later, he grabbed her nipples, pulling them out as far as he could as he rammed into her hard once more, spilling his seed deep inside both holes, causing her to experience yet another orgasm as she just about lost her mind from both pain and pleasure.

Rolling her off, he sat her up before plunging his dick down her throat,- "There you go, that's it, clean it for me slut," he said helping her to bob up and down along his shaft.

After facefucking her a bit more and filling her stomach he finally let her drop as he heard a group of people enter.

"Theeeeoooo, we're here," said a happy Sigyn as she made her way through to them, with everyone else following closely behind.

Theoric smiled seeing them all appear,- "It's been a long day to be sure, but which of you girls are up for a bit of fun, look I found us a toy," he said gesturing to the passed-out goddess covered in cum. It didn't take them long to strip as they all made their way over to join in on the fun.

Sigyn didn't hesitate to go for her tits after letting Theoric have fun with hers while the others acted as support. Selene however took the chance to taste an Olympian for the first time, sweet ichor pouring out, cluing Theoric on just how Talus came about.

He made sure to fill up Selene on his essence before allowing Sigyn and the others to play with her, warning her not to drain a drop of life force from them which she was fine with, especially after tasting the Olympian which Theoric wasn't too fond of at the moment.

The orgy carried on as a poor sea goddess got passed around like a toy, already completely exhausted from Theoric's earlier play, amplified by Selene who didn't hesitate to drain her now and again keeping her in a semi-unconscious state, though Theoric kept an eye to make sure she didn't do anything permanent.

They fell asleep with Theoric creating a bed, laying in between Thetis's legs, resting his head between her breasts while holding Sigyn on his right with Nina on his left, and Lydia on top with Selene below still suckling his spent flaccid dick, waiting patiently for his morning wood.