
Hidden Forces Epilogue

Once Theoric and Sigyn vanished, Azura got to know the other girls a bit better.

It wasn't long though before the other Eternals showed up questioning her and after some arguments and goodbyes, the other Eternals gathered themselves and left the planet. Heading to the titan moon of Saturn where the rest of their kind awaited them after being banished from Earth after having lost the civil war where they wanted to dominate the planet instead of peace and non-interference.

All left except Azura and Sersi who grew to love this planet for various reasons.


Selene on the other hand took the time to further adjust to her new power and memories, not really caring about anything else and eager to go after the others. Her mood dampened however when she felt En Sabah Nur absorb a couple of his own, gaining a particular power she wasn't thrilled at the prospect of facing off against.

She didn't even consider that others could consume each other and compete against her. She, like the rest, always assumed that only she could since she encompassed more of what the original was than any of the others, and to be fair they all assumed that up until now.

She cursed the fools for falling prey to another with such an obvious advantage. Still very unclear how it was even possible when it was three against one unless they all fought against each other for some strange reason that would have likely been far too messy for a single person to come out on top. Another thought was that they teamed up, but that also didn't make sense, because in the end there could only be one.

She couldn't fathom why Garbha-Hsien who in all likely hood was the reason for Gideon's downfall, being the only one with an advantage against him thanks to his magic, would help En Sabah Nur, let alone let it happen when he was very likely the next target.

Stumped and irritated at having her high of the day soured, she decided to look for Theoric for a delicious snack and brighten her mood when suddenly the Celestials descended. Slinking ever further into her dark hole, she patiently waited for them to pass before continuing her search, sadly discovering he was long gone through careful eavesdrops, not wishing to draw notice from an entire group of Eternals at once. Her mood further dropped when she realized such delicacies were leaving the planet.

Unsure of what to do next, she debated on whether or not to go after the two Eternals that were left behind.

What she really needed wasn't an Eternal, though tasty they may be, the most they would provide her is a good meal, and she wasn't really interested in having any minions slowing her down at the moment, is what she told herself, but she could smell Theoric's scent on the two remaining ones, and she wasn't quite willing yet to close that door when he can still provide her with the best delicacy she's ever experienced.

Sensing En Sabah Nur confidently remaining in the same spot gave her pause, ultimately deciding to avoid him for now and hunt for the others.

She wasn't about to let some upstart get the upper hand on her. On the bright side, at least they were no longer working together, each having gone their separate ways, unable to trust one another.

They were vulnerable, they were her prey, and she is going to hunt every single one of them down.


Meanwhile, Sigyn woke, looking up at an enormous branch with leaves bigger than she could ever dream as she found herself resting against the biggest trunk imaginable. Discovering herself alone, she began calling out desperately for Theo until a raspy slow sounding gender-neutral voice spoke to her.


Theoric on the other hand awoke in a strange but familiar land. Spotting the iconic Nornkeep in the distance and all was made clear. He was in Nornheim, a realm located in the spiritual roots of Yggdrasil that were once closely connected to Asgard. Where Karnilla, a powerful sorceress now sits as an absolute monarch, ruling all except the Three Norns who some call the Goddesses of Destiny, better known as the Fates, keepers of the Well of Mimir. Many powerful residents of the 9 realms come seeking their wisdom, thus inadvertently giving validation to Karnilla's rule much to Odin's dismay.

A land where a mighty forest grew undeterred by its rocky terrain.

The Nornkeep sat in the middle, built against a small stone mountain, underneath a great big tree that served to pay homage to Yggdrasil.

Theoric found himself on top of a plateau a distance away, giving him a great view of what lied before him. He tried contacting Sigyn multiple times before giving up, hoping she was okay.

Taking off his damaged chest piece, he drops it to the side with a sigh, feeling lost as he stares down at it. Armor and weapons were such a big part of his life, but as his power grows, it's becoming more apparent how obsolete it is, unless he could somehow find gear of similar level to Mjölnir.

However, with the way things were progressing, he knew he was going to have to get used to fighting without the feeling of finely crafted metal in his hands sooner or later.

Stripping the rest of his armor off, he straps his sword back on over his padded red long-sleeved shirt and dark long pants that he wore underneath for comfort against the hard metal. He promised himself if he ever got another, the next armor set would be enchanted to vanish off and on at will, along with his weapon.

Looking over to the Nornkeep, he was thankful to have been brought to a place where he could easily find her. Jumping down, he began making his way to the three Norns, if anyone knew where she was, they would.

As he was walking, a green flash to his left catches his eye, right as he's blasted into a nearby tree. Pulling himself off, he looks over and spots an enchanting figure sensually strolling into view,- "Amora."