Chapter 32:[[Going home]]

(3rd POV)

Rudeus and Eris finally arrived at the city while Arthur is waiting for them with a big bag of food munching something.

Arthur: "Yo!"

Rudeus looked at Arthur feeling relieved.

Rudeus: "Why are you just here now?"

Arthur with a smile, laughed and said.

Arthur: "Iyaah. The kidnappers knows I'm somehow or the other a Miko. So they separated me from you.*munch munch*. By the way Rudy you want some?"

Arthur picked up an another food he bought in the foodstalls in the streets that is like hotcakes.

Rudeus: "Okay I'm hungry."

Eris looking haggard glared at Arthur.

Eris: "Grrrrrrrrrr..."

Arthur: "If it isn't my dear ojou-sama, are you okay? You want some too?"

With a concerned tone Arthur said in a worry. Eris jumped at Arthur attacking him punch after punch.

Arthur didn't even looked bothered as his left hand holding the bag of food and the other holding the food he's munching while dodging her punches.

Rudeus: "Stop it Ojou-sama. The kidnappers is still on our tails. We need to move now."

Eris: "I get it!"

Rudeus: "I said no shouting right?"

Eris: "Y-yes."

Like a dog being reprimanded Eris shut her mouth.

Arthur: "Yosh yosh~ Now have some food oujo-sama."

Arthur patting her head made Eris feel good. Eris smiled a little.

Eris: "*Munch**munch*"

Rudeus: "By the way nii-san. Where did you get the money to buy these?"

Arthur: "Pffffttt... Ahahahahaha. You see, I got harrassed by some thugs in some narrow alleys wanting to rob me off for the money. Well I just rob them back then ran away."

Rudeus: "You *sigh*"


Rudeus chose a run down shack to stay for the night. The beds are made of straw. Its to teach Eris a lesson about how harsh the world could really be.

The Eris was so wired she couldn't sleep. Every time she heard a sound, she would startle and glare, frightened, at the room's entrance. When nothing seemed to be amiss, she would breathe a sigh of relief. She did this over and over.

Arthur slept soundly since he is so tired running from the Capital city to this city. It took him 5 hours running at full speed to finally reached this city. His legs are sore even his entire body with little wounds from battle are fully healed thanks to his vitality.


The next morning, three kids hopped on the first stagecoach going to Roa city. Arthur is still in sluggish movement as the fatigue from killing thousands is still wore out his body exhausted.

Hours passed and finally they arrived.

Arthur: 'First thing to do is to get some nice sleep. Ahk! That hurts.'

Arthur felt his leg muscles still very sore from running. Running in long distance with [Geppo] for a long time in full speed really wears out his legs.

Arthur: 'I should have increased my leg day.'

They disembarked and headed toward the manor on foot. Footsteps felt light. After riding in a stagecoach for hours, on top of sleeping on hay for the first time, The trio was exhausted.

Then, as if they had been waiting for that exact moment, two men grabbed Eris and pulled her into a back alleyway.

Rudeus: "What?!"

Arthur: "Dammit! Rudeus let's go!!"

Arthur: 'I forgot about this!'

Arthur in a hurry ran towards them as if to catch them. He lost sight of them as they were in a crowded place.

Arthur: 'Sh*t!'

Arthur used [Observation Haki] to locate the kidnappers.

Arthur: "Don't think you can escape from me!"

Arthur jumped and stepped into the air like into an invisible platform running to the sky. Rudeus saw Arthur fly and he used his magic to also fly behind him.

Seeing them in an alleyway Rudeus immediately used an Earth Wall to block them off their exit. We descended to the ground as to cut off their only path to escape.

KidnapperA: "What the?!"

Eris: "Nggh!"

Eris bit down on her gag, tears beading in her eyes.

KidnapperB: "Aha, so it's that brat. You know you coulda gone back home safely if you woulda just kept your nose out of this. And whats this? Called your friends this time?"

The kidnappers shot a look on Arthur. They glanced at him that he look familiar, but throw it out of their minds the next second.

Arthur: "Next your gonna say; Hngh Bastard."(Katakuri style)

The man walks towards us with his guard down. Rudeus then produced a boll of fire on his fingertips to intimidate him.

KidnapperB: "Hngh! Bastard!"

The moment he saw that, the violent man unsheathed his sword. The other man immediately put up his guard and leveled the tip of his sword against the Eris's neck while backing up.

Kidnapper B: "You… You damn brat! I thought you seemed too calm! Looks like you're a bodyguard, huh? No wonder you escaped so easily. Dammit, I was fooled by your appearance! You're a demon!"

Rudeus: "I'm not a bodyguard. I haven't even been hired yet..."

KidnapperB: "What? Then why the hell are you getting in our way?!"

Rudeus: "Well, they plan to hire me after this, so…"

KidnapperB: "Huh, so you're after money?"

Rudeus: "I won't deny that."

After their small banter Arthur's body blurred as he moved so fast.

Arthur: '[Rokushiki: Soru]'

In the next moment he appeared infront of the kidnapper that held Eris hostage. The kidnappers and even Rudeus couldn't see the movements as it was so fast.


Before the kidnapper that held Eris hostage could react he already see the world spinning as his head was send flying to the air.

He caught the Eris snugly in my arms, princess-style, as she fell screaming from his grasp.

Arthur: "Sorry for the wait Ojou-sama."

Arthur's voice made Eris feel secured and protected as she was held with care. His arms felt strong and reliable.

Arthur turned his gaze to the kidnapper.

Arthur: "Your next line will be; Monster, I'll make you pay for that."

KidnapperA: "Monster! I'll make you pay for that!"

The kidnapper lunged right to me in rage. With him distracted Rudeus fired of his magic to the kidnappers back but not enough to kill him as he tripped in front of Arthur.

Arthur saw him falling down and like the time slowed down he said.

Arthur: "Next time. You better not mess with us. Well, there will be no next time for you."

With the man falling to him what greeted him is a sword as his head flown off quite far. They are dead.

Rudeus is in shock seeing Arthur kill.

Rudeus: "W-why? Did you kill them?"

Arthur smiled at him softly to him.

Arthur: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth..."

Rudeus knew that his brother is brave and strong so he just admired him even more.

Rudeus: 'If it was me I would have not been able to do it.'

His admiration to Arthur went up even more.

Arthur: "Can you stand ojou-sama?"

Eris leaped out off him as she stood spread out legs, arms folded, and her chin up.

Eris: "Hmph!"

Arthur: 'Ufufufufu cute~(kawai~)'

Rudeus healed her then after we walked back towards the manor.

(At home)

Eris: "I kept my promise and now we're back home! So I can talk now, right?!"

Rudeus: "Oh, yeah. You can talk now."

Arthur: "haaa..."

Eris: "I will grant you the special privilege of calling me by my name, Eris!"

Rudeus: "Huh?"

Eris: "Not just anybody gets to do that, okay?!"

Rudeus: "Thank you! Eris-ojousama!"

Eris: "Drop the Ojou-sama! Just call me Eris!"

She was imitating Ghislaine just now.

Rudeus: "Yes!"

Eris: "You what's your name?!"

Arthur: "This ones name is Arthur Greyrat Ojou-sama."

Eris: "Call me Eris from now on!"

Arthur: "Yes."

After that Eris collapsed out of exhaustion.


NAME: Eris B. Greyrat

OCCUPATION: Granddaughter of Fittoa's liege lord


DOESN'T: Always listen to what people say

READING/WRITING: She can write her own name

ARITHMETIC: Can use addition

MAGIC: Not interested

FENCING: Sword God Style – Beginner-tier

ETIQUETTE: Can do the Boreas-style greeting

PEOPLE SHE LIKES: Grandfather, Ghislaine


Appearance Profile(I forgot that I never put this)


Eyes: Blue(Zenith's)

Hair: Blonde(Zenith's)

Face: Cute and Hondsome(Zenith's and a little bit of Paul)

Body type: Paul's

Overall: Milis ideal man in appearance(Like Proto-Saber in Fate series but with Blue Eyes and a mole under the right eye.)


->By the way I reread the novel and I discovered that Touki is Magic Power(By Demon King Badigadi) so my stats are wrong so I'm going to change that.

->Plus I'll change Arthur's mana capacity since I think it's too low for Rasengan.

-> I'll change some of the stats.

->It is said by Orsted the Dragon God, that only the ones who deviated from the laws of the world is the reason why Human God(Htogami) can't see his actions so now Hitogami can see Arthur.(AN: Sorry about that everyone. I'll find a way to make Arthur deviate the laws of the world somehow or other. Example like giving him Leonardo Watch's All Seeing Eyes of God or it might be Tremor Tremor fruit of Whitebeard or maybe even both).


Touki=Magic Power



Name: Arthur Greyrat(Arthur D. Greyrat)

Age: 7

Status: Blessed by Shepherd(Will of the D.)

Strength: 1008

Agility: 1011

Toughness/Constitution: 1015

Spirit/Destiny/Fate: 50,000(Will of the D.)

Magic Power/Touki: 1012

Mana: 99(Maximum)

Will of the D.-> Can stand against the Gods(or the Celestial Dragons) in One Piece.


Name:Rudeus Greyrat

Age: 7

Status: Strong Laplace Factor

Strength: 0.45

Agility: 0.50

Toughness/Constitution: 0.23

Spirit/Destiny/Fate: 35,000

Magic Power/Touki: 0

Mana: 30,000(right now)

Mana stats for people's potential in magic and Mana Capacity.

Ordinary People with no talent in magic: 1-19

Elementary ranked magician: 20-30

Intermediate ranked magician: 31-50

Advanced Rank Magician: 51-100

Saint Rank Magician: 100-200

King Ranked Magician: 201-500

Emperor Ranked Magician: 501-1000

God Ranked Magician: 1001-5000

Demon God Laplace Level(Strongest Magician in the World): 50,000

Character Mana Profile(present)

Sylphiette: 50

Roxy Migurdia: 1968(yep different from original right?)

Zenith: 87

Cliff Grimoire: 198

AN: I'm sorry for the changes.