Chapter 31: [[A massacre]]

While being locked inside the manor of a storehouse I used Observation Haki to know where am I.

The Capital City of Asura Kingdom- Ars.

Apparently this manor is a diguise for the slave market inside. Nobles bought slaves here. Me being here means I'm a Special Merchandise since I'm very far away.

Chains that are restraining I can see its a type of magic tool.

Just as I was trying to escape footsteps can be heard outside the doors. As they are nearing the room I was locked in

???(woman): "Are you sure this chilld yo kidnapped is a Blessed Child(Miko)?"

A voice of a woman with a seductive voice said.

???(man): "Yes Aneki(Big sis). If you want you can test him."

A voice of a stereotypical henchmen can be heard as that was said.

???(woman): "Okay.*licking lips* Ahhh~ I can't wait. Thinking about it just makes me want to come."

Like a hungry woman, licked her lips as it seems she was excited.

As the thick door opened I saw a woman dressed in a skimpy outfit barely covering parts of her body that needs to be covered with a horse crop in her hands. Her body figure is great and her face is a beauty that resembled a leader of a Yakuza Aneki. The only difference is that she has short blonde hair instead of long black hair.

Beside her is a man with also stereotypical outfit of a henchmen in a fantasy world with an eyepatch, scarred face and bald.

???(woman): "Alright you can leave now."

As she shooed away the henchmen away.

???(man): "Enjoy yourself."

As the door shut tight as the leaves. Only me and the woman was left her on the room. She looked at me like a dog in heat ready to eat me up

Woman: "Now now... Shall we start."

She said that as she pulled out a whip from her hips.

Arthur: 'I can say that being locked here and let a woman have her way in me is making me remember how I become a sex slave of those ugly bitches in my past life. This woman is beautiful I don't mind being held here a few minutes ahahaha~'

Triggering my rarely shown Masochist side as I thought of this.

Arthur: 'Sigh... But I'm more on the side of me having my way into a woman... Its regrettable but I really need to escape right now.'


Just as I was thinking what to say to the woman I was hit by a whip. But it did not even hurt me one bit.

Arthur: "Is that suppose to hurt me?"

I said it with irritation in my voice.

Arthur: 'Tsk, I can't enjoy my Masochist side if she's to weak.'

Woman: "It seems its true. A Blessed child/Miko sure is the best you won't break easily. The kids I've been toying breaks easily. It looks like my men find something valuable."

She said as she licks her lips seductively while looking at my exposed Excalibur hanging between my legs. She reached down to her groin as she inserts her fingers to hers.

woman: "I hope you won't die early aaahhh~"

Her moans made my Holy Sword stand up erect. The size is small sure for adults, but for my age its above average.

Arthur: 'Now now... Thats... Quite a sight... I want to p-ut it in so much.'

My accursed hormones from my dad really is making me suffer now.

The woman whipped me with a horse crop everywhere on my body but as expected it didn't even hurt. Its like mosquito bites to me.

After 30 minutes of whipping me I didn't even flinch and that even made the woman excited as she even makes her strikes to me stronger. For 30 minutes I already mapped out outside here and already planned my escpape route until I leave outside the city.

I also knew with my hearing senses on which person is to necessary for me to kill. If they want to survive they should have keep their mouths shut on my identity. I can't risk being identified if I want to return to Roa city.

Woman: "Now then, I hope you won't break now!"

As she said that I sensed that she's using touki to reinforce her body and make her strikes at me stronger.

Arthur: 'Holy Moly! This woman is crazy! Even adults would die recieving this on bare skin! This might even leave a scar on my beautiful body!! Quick Haki!!'

I quickly wrapped my body with Armament Haki. I've discovered this long ago but my Haki is an external form of Touki. Touki is like a fighter's mana used to strengthen the body's interior while Haki is the manifestation of your will. Touki/Fighting Spirit is internal while Haki is external.

Woman: "Hehehee your tough uhmm~Now then for your reward, let's give your thing a gift."

She said that aroused reached out to my sword standing high and mighty stroking it with her hands skillfully. Her other hand caressed my balls as she then put my sword to her mouth.

Arthur: 'Ahhh... Dammit!"

She moved her head back and forth as her tounge is wrapped on my sword. The sound of a woman's moans was heard in the room. She's holding my sword sucking while her other hand on the hole of her scabbard.

It continued for 15 minutes of sucking and finally my master ordered me using the Command Sealsto use my Noble Phantasm- Excalibur, on unleashing its full power to destroy the Holy Grail.(Kiritsugu and Saber)

Arthur: "Aaaaaaahhhhh..."

As the volcano explode I feel my sword is very sensitive. As this is my first ejaculation in this life, I am very sensitive.

But even though I'm very sensitive, my sword is still standing erect like a strong soldier ready for battle just after winning a war in the other country(Mouth).

The woman almost choked just the great amount of the white fluid on her mouth. She licked her lips as she looked at me very satisfied of my performance.

Woman: "Delicous... Oh?"

With a surprised expression she held my sword still standing high and mighty.

Woman: "It looks like you can still live more a little longer. Now let's put this in me Aaaahh~."

Arthur: "So your planning to kill me after this?"

Woman: "Afyer I suck you dry, yes."

After saying that she completely removed her almost noneexistent clothing and spread her legs wide. Its quite convinient as I'm hanging a and her deep scabbard is the same height as my sword.

As I was thinking that my erect soldier really gets excited as it is ready for another war in an another country(p*ssy) without rest.

Just as the tip reached the surface, I finally snapped out of the temptation.

Arthur: 'No no, don't be fooled... As the Pope of my relegion who worships God(Roxy), I can't have my virginity be get from a heretic woman who don't understand her greatness. As someone who recieved the baptism(when Roxy shoved my face on her vagina when she comes) of the great holy water(Roxy's c*m), I shall prove myself worthy of her.'

Arthur: 'It took all of my willpower to surpress myself. What happens if I hit puberty? Do I become the 2nd Elinalise?'

With my delusions on being a mortal given an ardous trial by the goddess to marry her, I endured. I decided to make my move here.

Arthur: "Get away from me."

I said calmly as I exerted the strength of my right arm. The chains creaked on the amount of force applied but it did not budge.

Woman: "Ohh... Trying to escape now aren't ya. Its meaningless kid. That chains wrapped on you is a magic item made for capturing Blessed Child/Miko like you. Now behave yourself or I'll kill you."

She said in a threatining tone.

Arthur: "Hmph! Let's see if it can withstand this!"

I took a deep breath inhaling as I used the Breathing Technique. My heart pumped really fast as I felt my body getting stronger. Steam is coming out of my body as my body is in a excited state as blood flows faster in my bloodvessels.



I broke the chains of the shackles on my feet with my strength.

Arthur: 'Since your intending to kill me I'll pay you back.'

I unleashed my killing intent that are honed by fighting monsters back at home. Ever since fighting the S-rank monsters where it took a whole night for me to kill, my endurance is high and my killing intent are honed sharp.

Woman: "W-what?"

Arthur: 'Compared to the S-rank [GigantSerpent] this restriction on me is nothing. That snake is much more powerful since I almost died with my bones are in fragments.'

The woman grabbed the sword on her hips as she is about to slash me. Her animal instincts is screaming 'DANGER!' or 'RUN!' with her eyes looking at me with fear. But she knows this is her chance of killing me while my wrists are still restrained so she slashed her sword with her intent to kill me.

Arthur: 'As expected of an underground organization. The leaders are experienced fighters.'

With my superior sense of sight and my brain in the state of battle. I saw the slash slowing down as my brain finds the best way to defend her attack.


I bite of the sword that is about to slash in my neck like a bald hero fighting a ninja. I wrapped my mouth, teeth, and tounge with Haki.

Woman: "Haah?"

As I bite of her sword, my jaw strength broke the sword. The woman looked her hand where the sword should have been.

Woman: 'Monster'

Woman: "M-monster... T-that sword is made of mithril... monste-"

As I am still releasing my killing intent as I look at her eyes. As I look into her eyes I saw despair. Its a look that someone saw something that they should mess with.

After that she collapsed to the floor as her mouth is foaming. But she's still concious.

Arthur: "Since you said it yourself that your planning to kill in the end... Let me return your goodwill."

I also broke the chains while the cuffs are still on my limbs. I wound up my shoulders as I am stretching my body out of stiffness.

After I'm ready I looked at the woman but she's struggling as she crawl in the same position. I walked up near her.

Arthur: "Goodbye."


I stomped her face as her skull shattered, brain matters are squashed and blood sprayed on my naked body.

Arthur: 'Its nostalgic... Back on Earth when I fight those bastards before I died, the sounds of their skulls being cracked. Its quite satisfying to hear.'

A tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. A tit for tat.

Since she wants to kill me its rude not to return the favor.


(3rd POV)

After our MC killed his first human in this world he didn't hesitate to kill the subordinates.

Arthur: 'I would not have made a move on this people but since I'm already here *slurp*... Let's start the culling.'

Arthur made sure to hide his identity as his priority. He created a mask using Earth magic, change his hair color by using an [Illusion], changed his voice, and put on clothes.

Arthur: '[Trace On]'

Going out of the storehouse he checked the nearest room where he saw a half dozen of intimidating men on helping themselves in a single naked woman.

Arthur: 'Longsword of Light'

As he swing his sword a faint light drawing a straight line the tip of the sword approaching the speed of light, instantly killing 4 men that are standing. The 2 reacted fast as they draw their swords out and put the woman hostage.

ManA: "Don't move or I'll kill he- gaahh!!"

Before the man can even finish what he's saying his head are already lopped of his shoulders. Blood are gushing out of the man's neck sprayed like a fountain.

Arthur: '[Water Ball]'

With no time to waste the last man was killed by a water ball.

Arthur stood infront of the woman that is made a plaything.

Arthur: 'From the smell it should be a Beast Race of a type of a dog animal. Age should be between 18 and 20.'

The woman raised opened looked up and saw a boy not older than 10. His clothes is drenched in blood. But she's not afraid as she knew that this child saved her but...

Beast Race Woman: "Ki... me"

With a very weak voice tha woman said it.

Arthur: "Are you sure?"

With a somewhat sad tone Arthur pitied her.

Woman: "...ill me"

She didn't have the resolve to live. Even the Gods can't help you if you already gave up.

Even if she have the will to live. She didn't have the money to live. If she found work and live a decent life for months, when someone knows her past she'll just be kidnapped again. She don't have the strength to return home alone.

Arthur: "I understand, but you shall decide your on fate. Wether your life end here or fight for living is on your hands."

The boy said that as she picked up the sword on one of the men he killed and gave it to her. She held the sword ready to plunge in to end her life.






But in the last second her hands stopped

Woman: "...........I.... die..."

Her tears came down falling as she cried. She repeated the words as she began to grip the sword with all her strength.

Woman: "I WANT TO LIVE!!!"

She screamed from the bottom of her heart.

Arthur: "I see... Follow me..."

He said as he turned his back on her. His reliable back is clearly seen to her.

Arthur: "Leave not a single person alive."

Haring that the woman turned into killing machine.


Year K-407. Asura Kingdom, Capital City Ars

- The massacre of the underworld organization headquarters based on Ars the Capital of Asura Kingdom.

- Killed Category; Men, Women, Slave Merchants, Nobles, Assassins, Thieves, Notorious Criminals.

- North Saint Clementine killed

- All killed person have their heads off their shoulders.

- Asura Kingdom in huge Economic loss.

- Casualties; Several Thousands

- Slaves either killed themselves or fight to their last breath. Led by a purple haired masked kid named 'Demon Child'

- Soldiers and Knights that stopped them on their way fainted by unkown power but not killed.

- Underworld Economic Loss; 50,000 Asuran Gold Coins.

- Nobles with deep connections with the underword organization lossess some political power as they recieved a huge loss on investment.

- commoners secretly praised 'Demon Child' as a hero for freeing the slaves.

Underworld Wanted Poster


Name: 'Demon Child'

S-Rank Criminal

Dead or Alive

Description: Has unkown power to make people faint. Indiscriminately kills innocent people(Not True). Absolutely avoid when seen and report to Authorities.

Bounty: 5,000 Asuran Gold Coins.

(AN: Description is manipulated so Arthur didn't kill any innocents... Just the subordinates of the slave market.)


(3rd POV)

In an uninhabited house.

Arthur: "Now that we're outside the city I'll say this to you lot."

The slaves here numbered only in 50's. Most of them are women and children.

Arthur: "Things will just get difficult from here... Take care of yourself... The one who is responsible on your lives are yourselves... [Trace On]

After that the boy as if magically summoned swords each of every person.

Arthur: "Take care. We'll meet again."

He knew that if he starts taling care of them they'll just become reliant. People need to overcome hardships in order to grow and get stronger.

Beast race woman: "A-ano... Thank you very much!! If, if its possible can we know your name?"

The boy pondered for several seconds then answered. The slaves also perked their ears even if they are exhausted.

Arthur: "I'm sorry but I can't."

???: "Don't worry Sir. We won't tell your name can I grace us with your mighty name? My name is Ariel Aemoi Asura."

Holding her bloodied dress skirt on her as she used greetings for nobles. Slaves hearing her name is shocked hearing someone from royalty is in slave market.

Arthur looked at the girl. She has blue eyes and blonde hair with the air of royalty. Her charisma despite being a child is on top level. Her age is near 2 years older than Arthur.

Arthur: "I see then my name is..."

With a moment of hesitation but Arthur answered.

Arthur: "The one who saved all of you is named Ruijerd Superdia... I'm from a Supard race..."

The people began being restless.

Hearing the word Supard is too out of their expectations.

Royalty Girl: "B-but you have a purple hair. Does the Supard Race have purple hair and not Green?"

Arthur: "Its because of this mask. Its a magic item."

He pointed at it. The mask is colored gray like a stone with no design, just two holes for the eyes. He romoved the mask slightly as his hair slowly turned green from the scalp to the tips.

The girl was frightened a little but maintained her composure as royalty. After that Arthur put the mask back as his hair turned back to purple.

Royalty Girl: "T-then where is your spear?"

Arthur: "Those guys took it away from me and broke it. As a Supard, the spears are the heart and soul of the warriors(so that's why I killed them)."

Arthur is about to get moving but stopped on his steps as the girl held his small hands.

Ariel: "I thank you for saving me. My name is Ariel Anemoi Asura. I thank you for saving us."

Arthur: "A warrior's duty is to protect the children."

This time Athur really ran away as fast as he can.

Arthur: 'What the hell am I spouting that nonesense for!!! Sure I want to help clear the Supard's name but I don't know if I even made the right decision!! And what about 'A warrior's duty is to protect children?'. Isn't that just a chuunibyou would say?!! How embarrassing...'

*Back to the house*

Ariel hired the Beast Race woman as her maid including and some women. The children are sent in an disguised orphanage on a noble in Ariel faction. The children are going to be trained as Ariel's subordinates to help her in inheriting the throne is the scheme.


At the afternoon Arthur used Observation Haki and found Rudeus and Eris in a stagecoach they used for commuting.

Arthur: 'I'll just meet them in the city they are going to. For now I'll clean my clothes.'

Arthur used magic to wash away the thick blood on it and dried it with magic.

Arthur: 'Now let's wait.'
