Chapter 30:[[Meeting Eris and Kidnapping.]]

Arthur: "Yeeeeessss?"

Excuse me sir? That can't be right.

Arthur: "Uhh... Pardon Lord Phillip?"

Phillip: "I see... it seems that you don't know yet."

Phillip repositioned himself in the sofa as he continued his speech.

Phillip: "You know years ago your father is popular in handling woman. As I heard that he's taught you and being his son I am interested in what heppened if you met my daughter."

He paused a little as he took a sip on a tea Thomas the butler served.

Arthur: "Lord Phillip(-sama), how can this be related to me being his supposed to be fiance?"

Phillip smiled then put down his teacup gracefully and looked at me in the eyes.

Phillip: "When I heard that Paul's son is a Blessed Child(Miko) I asked to pay back what he owed me, and I asked him for you..."

Father you sure put me in the edge here.

Phillip: "Though I hope that you and my daughter will get hitched with you, I don't have any expectation on this being successful..."

I see... Phillip seem to be already gave up on Eris. He have numerous attempts on making her a proper lady even resorting to hire a tutor from the royal palace just ending up for Eris to beat the tutor up.

Knowing that Paul have a son who is a Blessed Child(Miko), he is hoping me to tame her daughter and make me marry her. Having a blessed child(Miko) as a Son-in-law is a good political move, plus me being a brother of a Water-Saint Ranked Magician with potential that can rival the Gods. All rests of me on this plan succeeding.

Truely hitting 2 Dragons in one stone.

Arthur: "B-but Lord Phillip(-sama), I already have someone I like. I'm sure father have told you."

Phillip smiled at me saying.

Phillip: "I don't mind you marrying multiple women. Or are you a Milis faith believer?"

Arthur: "N-no I'm not."

But that's not the point you know. Its not about me being a Milis believer but what will Roxy thought of this. I'm a bit hesitant though, only a bit...

Phillip: "I will only require you to attend Sword training with Ghislaine. You will also attend ettiquette lessons from Edna. As for the rest of your time you have your freedom as long as you don't cause any trouble."

Arthur: "Understood."

Phillip: "Alright then, we won't make any progress by talking. You two need to meet my daughter. Thomas, bring them to her."

Thomas: "Yes my lord. Then young masters please follow me."

As the butler said and lead us the way.


Thomas led us and we are currently walking in the hallway.

In the way I saw Rudy with a smirk on his face.

Rudeus: "You have it tough Nii-san."

Hearing that I have the urge to punch him out of irritation but held myself as I remembered that he will have it tougher than me

I also returned his smirk at him.

Arthur: "Right back at you."

After half a minute of walking we reached the place that we are supposed to meet my supposed to be fiance- Eris.


Here we are standing infront of a girl 2 years older than us with a fierce glare giving an aura of a beast. She has a long red hair like a girl from a certain anime.

Arthur: 'Ufufufu~ Let's see what will happen shall we.'

Rudeus came first and introduced himself.

Rudeus: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Rudeus Greyrat."

Eris: "Hmph!

Her nostrils flared up just like her grandfather. She had her arms crossed legs spread wide as she glared at Rudeus- both figuratively and literally, since she was taller than I was. Her expression turned sour as she said.

Eris: "What's this, he's younger than I am! And yet he's supposed to teach me? Stop joking around!"

Ayahhh... My ears hurt at that one.

Rudeus: "I don't think age has anything to do with it."

Eris: "Oh yeah?! Do you have some sort of problem with me?!"

Thankfully my ears ajusted just in time.

Rudeus: "What I'm saying, Miss, is that there are things I can do that you can't."

The moment I said that, her hair appeared to stand straight up, like a physical manifestation of her anger.

Arthur: 'Calm down Uzumaki Kushina. Your terrifying my cowardly brother here.'

Eris: "Certainly full of yourself, aren't you! Just who do you think I am?!"

They exchanged words for a while. Then something happened. I saw a glimpse of the future that Eris raised his hand ready to smack Rudeus into his face. Waiting for the time it happens I positioned myself near Rudeus where it is convenient for me to intercept it.

Arthur: 'Here it comes.'


I caught her wrist barely hitting Rudeus. While holding her I pulled her near my face with my other hand behind her waist and introduced myself. Its one of the moves Paul taught me on seducing women. Its a bit awkward though as she's a head taller than me

Arthur: "Nice to meet you Eris Boreas Greyrat. My name is Arthur Greyrat. I am your fiance Lord Phillip selected."

I said it with a smile on my face used for seducing women.

Eris: "Huh?!! What are you doing to me? Let go of me!!"

Rudeus is also shocked that I was restraining her.

Arthur: 'Maybe I should make a bold move here. Alright...'

I pulled her as she fell to her back as I catched her with my left arm on her back and my right hand on her left hand. She also has her right arm on my back as she held instinctively for the sudden movement.

Our stance looked like we pulled of the last part of a dance where the female is falling on her back as the male lead held her.

After a combo of strikes I unleashed the ultimate move as I planted my lips to her as we kissed like in a romantic scene.

Eris: "?!?!?!?!"

I also inserted my tounge in her mouth as I do a french kiss I practiced ever since my first kiss with Roxy.

Eris was very shocked as it all happened in an instant and she can't resist to my attempts.

1 hit




10 hits



25 hits




40 hits





60 hits






90 hits







99 hits




And your price is...

I felt a little bit of stinging pain on my tounge.

I removed myself from her as we separate. Eris is out of breath but I'm fine.

Arthur: 'Tsk... She bit my tounge... As expected of the name of Mad Dog... Her breath also stinks...'

Maybe its just my superior sense of smell or if her mouth just stinks. Anyway it still stinks.

Rudeus: "... Oohh... Riaju should explode.*mumble**mumble*."

As he said. Eris caught up her breath and now clenching her fist attacking me.

Eris: "What do you think your doing to me!?"

She said as she delivered a right hook to my face.

I just stood in place as I folded my arms in front of me.


I blocked her punch with my knees raised

Arthur: "Hehehe... Mada mada dane(Your attacks are not enough to hurt me)"

Eris: "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!"

She unleashed a barrage of punches to me like a Star Platinum stand in JoJo.

I also gave a few kicks to her as gentle enough just to give her a decent bruise. I made sure I don't hit any vital parts of her body.

Damn, I don't need to use Potara earings to pull of a gmfighting style like this. Vegito sure is cool fighting Majin Buu like this

Arthur: "Ahahahahaha! Hey, Hey! What's the matter?! My legs alone are enough to deal with the likes of you! Your a hundred years to early to fight me yoyng lady. The rumors of our young lady's strebgth here doesn't seem that true."

Even if I just stood still her attacks won't hurt me, heck she can't even put a scratch on my hardened skin even if you gave her a normal sword.

Eris: "Grrrrrrr... You're not going to get away with that."

Arthur: "Come at me whenever you like it jou-chan~"

I teased her as I face my back at her walking away from the room.

Eris: "Don't get full of yourself you little brat!!!"

As she ran to me with a jump kick attack. I didn't turn back to look at her as her foot is moving to the back of my head.


I just shrug off her attack on me as I didn't even flinch. If it were a normal person recieved that attack, they would be put on a coma worst dead.

Arthur: "I'm still a growing boy so I don't need to worry about my size jou-chan~"

I was careless as she throw a follow up attack with a leg sweep. I'm very light as I was still a kid she easily topple me off. I was lying on the floor as she was about to perched on top of me, but in reflex I grabbed her ankles and throw her to the wall.

I used this move every time I was backed into the corner when a Magical Beast on top of me and throw them away from me. Yes a magical beast... Eris is just a beast right now(its a compliment).

She was flung to the air tumbling down the floor. I wiped my clothes of the dust as I stood up. She stood up glaring at me with killing intent towards me.

Rudeus: "Stop! Both of you!"

I felt my movements being restrained. But even if its like that I can just break through this if I want to. Its a type of mana manipulation called [Telekinesis] it works the same with the invisible hands.

Eris: "Wa...?!"

After that she fell unconcious as I dashed to her and caught her.

Arthur: "She seems asleep..."

Rudeus: "Phew... That's one hell of an ojousama."

Arthur: "Are you gonna be okay with the kidnapping plan you have?"

Rudeus: "Honestly I'm a little nervous."

Arthur: "Is that so. I know you'll be fine come let's go to Uncle."

Rudeus: "Alright."

Rudeus put hus palm on Eris's forehead.

Rudeus: "[EXHealing!]"

I carried Eris on a piggyback ride with Rudeus


We returned to Philip, who was waiting for us with a bitter smile on his face.

Phillip: "So, how did it go?"

But when she saw Eris on my back he unexpectedly smiled.

Rudeus: "It didn't go at all."

Arthur: "Well... Our relationship needs more time though... But she seems to hate me.."

Phillip: "I see... I think that you did it well Arthur."

He said as I carefully put her on the sofa.

Arthur: "Why?"

Phillip: "You did the same with how Eris came to like Ghislaine."

Arthur: "Then I guess its alright, for now."

Phillip: "Rudeus... Well, going to give up then?"

Rudeus: "No, I'm not... I want your cooperation to do what we talked about before."

Phillip: "All right. Thomas, make the preparations."

Right on cue, the butler took his leave. Phillip look at Rudeus.

Phillip: "You really do have some interesting ideas."

Rudeus: "You think so?"

Phillip: "I do. You are the only teacher to have come to me with such an ambitious plan."

Rudeus: "I think it will be effective though."

Phillip: "Depends on how hard you work."


We go back in each of our room. In this house we are separated in our own rooms. But our rooms are just right bext to each other.

Before we separated I asked Rudeus.

Arthur: "Rudy."

Rudeus: "What is it?"

Arthur: "Want me to come with you? In the kidnapping?"

Rudeus: "Hmmm... Why?"

Arthur: "Well. The butler Thomas seems too suspicious for me."

Rudeus: "Why?"

Arthur: "Just a hunch."

Surely I won't go saying he's a traitor immediately right?

Rudeus: "Hmmmm.. okay. It never hurts to be safe. Just make sure to follow my lead. The objective is to let Eris learn the value of education."

Arthur: "Alright, alright... I'll follow your lead boss."

Rudeus: "Then okay I'll tell Phillip about it. Well then good night."

Arthur: "Goodnight."

I entered the room they gave me. It was exquisitely furnished. It had a large bed and other heavily decorated furniture, beautiful curtains, and a brand-new bookcase. It was a nice room.

I washed my body with water magic and wiped my body then dried myself with a heated wind magic. Baths is rare in Asura kingdom or even maybe the world.

I changed my clothes in preperation to tommorows activity.

Arthur: "Since I can wake up when someone moves me. I'll use this."

A sleeping pill used for knocking out someone. 1 pill is enough to knock down a B-class monsters instantly with this.

Arthur: "I guess 10 should be enough."

After that it took 5 minutes before I lost conciousness.


NAME: Eris Boreas Greyrat

OCCUPATION: Granddaughter of Fittoa's liege lord


DOESN'T: Listen to what people say

READING/WRITING: Can write her own name

ARITHMETIC: Can add single digit numbers

MAGIC: No clue

FENCING: Sword God Style – Beginner-tier

ETIQUETTE: Can do the Boreas-style greeting

PEOPLE SHE LIKES: Grandfather, Ghislaine


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the middle of a dingy storehouse. Sunlight filtered in through an iron-barred window.


Arthur: "Where is Rudy and Eris? Why am I alone here?"

I saw myself in wrapped in thick chains. My wrists are cuffed with thick metal with my ankles and I am hanging with my arms supporting me. The floor is 1 meter away from my feet.

But... I'm here naked.

Arthur: 'What kind of kinky play is this? Does my buyer have wierd fetishes? Iyaaaaahhh~ Aahahaha'

After laughing on my own joke I assessed my situation.

Arthur: "First things first where am I? Is Rudy and Eris near me?"

I used [Observation haki] to find where did I get kidnapped to.

Arthur: "I'm under a mansion? And this city, is huge!! How long have I been unconcious?"

I've 'seen' in my haki I that I was under a mansion, in a big city. Outside the city are wide roads.

(Maybe Next Chapter--> 'Meeting Ariel Anemoi Asura' or maybe 'a massacre')