Chapter 11: Liu Yifei met Dong Min Si

It was a peaceful evening at about 6 pm. There wasn't many people on the road. Nearby, a gentle young man was sitting in a cafe waiting for a lady he was dating.

He thought back about how he met her and how they had come so far to their relationship status. Their mothers had been friends since they were young. This news was actually a surprise to him because he and the lady had been friends in university abroad where they got to became friends and shared dreams. He was very fond of her. She was determined, strong willed and confident. He was a more gentle person and the one to comfort her. Once his mother knew about the lady, she did everything to make her son get the lady as she would not accept any other as her daughter in law. He was fond of her too. Even before he know himself whether he loved her in that way, they were already dating. However, although he liked her very much, there was something missing. Sometimes, he felt like he was attracted to beautiful men too. But if he told this to his mother what would happen ? Why was his surrounding a bit conservative? Nevertheless, he did not regret to whom he was dating now and spending the rest of his life with her. Just when he was thinking about all these, the lady came near to his table and sat down and said.

"Lin Lin, you are so early" she looked around and said "Your chosen place is excellent."

"I'm glad you like it!"

"Of course"

The waiter came to her and hand the menu of dishes.

"Hmm....a grilled fish soup and orange juice please !"

"Fei Fei, you look tired and slimed down! I see you must be busy.!"

"Hmm...its true....I have a lot to learn and organize these days. But once I see Lin Lin's face, all my tiredness are gone now!"

Lin Lin face was all red now.

But then waiter came to serve a lobster soup he had order as well as grilled fish soup Liu Yifei had ordered.

They also walked around the park near cafe. The beautiful flowers were blossoming. Liu Yifei was happy. But Lin Lin seemed even more pleased with the flowers.

Then, Liu Yifei noticed one familiar face taking photos around that park.

How came anyone take photos at night. Then she realized that it was Dong Min Si. He was in Taipei. After sometimes, he noticed her too.

"Hello Miss do you do?" He greeted.

"It's fine evening!" She said.

"Its true" Then he noticed Lin Lin. The two men greeted and shake hands.

After sometimes, Liu Yifei asked when they were about to depart from the garden.

"When will Mister Dong Yi Eun, your nephew, visit us here!"

At this, Dong Min Si said grinning to..."Actually , Yi Eun is examing about your family and cousin, when he is ready he will definetly show up at Chou mansion!"

Liu Yifei could not understand what he was saying. However, the night was closing in Liu Yifei parted with both Lin Lin and Dong Min Si.

Liu Yifei arrived back to her home, Chou Mansion. In the living room, she found her father talking with her grandmother.

Although not by chance Liu Yifei got to hear what they were saying.

"Mother I think its time Lisa continue her master degree"

Madam Chou head turned away.

"That girl ...whenever I think about her I got bad memory of my youngest son and his dear wife. Hmmm....he must be truly happy then...Lalisa....I m no wonder shes a brat...!"

"Lisa is not a brat even though she might act child like sometimes!"

" bring that girl to our whatever you do with her, I don't care ..." Then Madam Chou left the living room and went upstair to her room.

Liu Yifei was near living room and she was standing still.

Her father saw her. He went to her and then they hugged.

"Hows today...Fei Fei..."

"Its all good papa.."

"You work hard a daughter! Rest well sometimes too!"

"I do papa!"

Father and daughter went up to their rooms.

Liu Fei came into her bedroom. She lay helplessly into her bed.

Then she took out her mobile phone from her hand bag and found a small bottle of milk and a small memo saying..."Enjoy the milk and nutrition ...Love Lin Lin"

Liu Yifei was very happy. Yes she had gotten a caring boyfriend. She was lucky.

Then she thought about Lisa. Of course, she was her another cousin but they did not have much interaction because Liu Yifei was mostly at office working. She had always interested in Lisa who had come all the way from Thailand. There must be a reason why Micky, her very own brother was attach to Lisa.

But then her mind jumped to what Dong Min Si. His nephew was examining her family. Really? How?

"Hmmm...Fei Fei..lets just push all thoughts aside... a nice warm bath would be good before sleep!"

And she took the bath.