Chapter 12: The Black Cute Cat

It was a sunny day.

Tuan was in the garden corner which was near to the little cottage he was given to live in. He was working on some tulips and orchid plants. Beautiful white orchids were growing in tall glass bottles.

While he was busy working he heard a cat sound.. "Meoww"!.

Lisa and Micky were coming to visit him. And Lisa was holding a small black cat. Micky was warning Lisa that their grandmother hated black cats which she consisdered as black omen. They reacched Tuan's cottage. It was a sunny day.

Tuan was in the garden corner which was near to the little cottage he was given to live in. He was working on some tulips and orchid plants. Beautiful white orchids were growing in tall glass bottles.

While he was busy working he heard a cat sound.. "Meoww"!.

Lisa and Micky were coming to visit him. And Lisa was holding a small black cat. Micky was warning Lisa that their grandmother hated black cats which she consisdered as black omen. They reacched Tuan's cottage.

Tuan was very happy to see them. He put the glass bottle of small orchid back to flower shelve.

"Miss Lisa, Master Micky!"

"Just call me Lisa or Lis.."

"Just call me Mick or Micky or Mic too....."

"Ohh i forget yes ...mi. ...Lisa and Micky....!"

"Meoww..!" The cat purred again sleepily. It seemed to be very comfortable in Lisa'arms. Tuan touched it gently on his head. The cat closed his eyes and enjoyed it, although it seemed to be annoyed at the touch of his ears.

It was actually Micky who found it and tried to played with it. He did not know how the cat had arrived into The Chou mansion. But Micky could not resist petting it. The cat was mostly black but it's inside area, stomach area, feet were white like it was wearing sock.

Lisa had found them playing. The cat seemed to be very fond of Lisa. It went to her and lay its head on lisa feed as it was yearning for her touch. Lisa petted it.

But they both know Madam Chou did not like black cats.

"Why these flowers take so long to grow....i have seen them for months and they don't"

Micky asked.

"Well Mick...some flowers don't take much time but some does....." Tuan said.

"Nevertheless both are beautiful!"

"You are right!"

Tuan agreed.

It made Lisa missed her mother who liked flower but she refused to grow anything that take long. Her mother's favorite flower was jasmine because it's easy to grow. Tears fell down on Lisa cheeks.

"Lis ...are u ok"

Tuan asked.

"Im ok..!"

She replied.

But just then the cat in Lisa's arms seemed to be awake and something had got its attention.

It was a small cute sparrow bird. The cat jumped out of Lisa's arms, followed the bird which was coming for food. But of course the cat was disappointed as the bird flew away.

"Tuan...can you take the cat here for sometimes...I don't why I have this sort of bond with it...but'

"As you wish madam...!"

Tuan teased.

"Do you have any name for him?"

"Ummm....Casper would be great...."

"Casper...oo...the cartoon ghost kid....!"

"You watch it too..."

"Umm...i just heard about it somewhere...."

Casper played around and Micky played with it.

Lisa looked at the many orchids in glass bottles on the shelves near Tuan's cottage.

Suddenly, one of the glass bottles fell on to Lisa. Then it fell to the ground. It was broken.

"Oo im very sorry Tuan....!"

"it's ok...." Tuan said."But are you hurt..."

One of broken glass had splashed over Lisa feet.

"Wait ..."

Tuan went inside his cottage and came back with medicine box and sat down in front of her as to prepare to treat her.

"No no ....I will do it myself!"

But Tuan did not listen to her. He apply some medicine cream to her feet after wripe away the blood.


Lisa shouted.

"Is it hurt so much...?" Tuan asked gently ..."Please endure a little. It will be all ok.!"

Tuan's gentle treatment made Lisa did not know how to react. She was still hurt. But there was also another feeling. It was strange. She had never felt this way before. The treatment was done.

Micky and Casper were looking at them nearby from the chair near the flower shelves and table.

Just then they all heard another calling voice.

"Miss Lisa!"

It was Ni Ni. And she was hurrying toward them.

"Miss Lisa...Master Simon has called for you. He had something important to tell you.!"


And of course finally, her eldest uncle was sending her back to university. Lisa would be persuing master degree soon in Taipei. It had both made lisa nervous and excited at the same time.

On the night of that day, Tuan could not sleep. He recalled back all his feelings everytime he was near Lisa. It was strange on why she made him nervous but totally happy at the same time. He totally forgot why he was here after all. It should not be that. He should have tried to be near Tzuyu. What would happen if he fall for Lisa instead of Tzuyu?


The next morning came.

It was time for Tzuyu to go to university and Tuan again drove her there.

On the way...while Tuan was driving. Tzuyu said from the back seat.

"Soon Lis will be sitting with us to go study soon...don't you happy as I am?"

Tuan did not know how to react to her at all. And Tzuyu seemed very happy to see his nervous face.

They reached to the university.

Tzuyu got off to go to her class building but she was stopped by someone.

Tuan was preparing to drive back but he saw a man coming toward Tzuyu with a bunch of flowers.

It was Yang Hwang.

"Good morning Miss"

"Good morning!"

Tzuyu replied.

"I just come to say ..have a nice and hopefully you will accept my flowers!"

He was giving her creamy cattleeya. Tzuyu suddenly remembered it. It was this flowers that she had received before mysteriously. She was very amazed. Is it really him? Is Yang Hwang really her mysterious man?