Chapter 15: Tzuyu was torn!

"Nice to meet you Mr..umm..."

"I am Yugyeom.."

It did not take very long. Lisa andYugyeom became friends.


Tuan had to drive the two girls, Lisa and Tzuyu to University everyday. The two girls were building up strong bond. Lisa was later get to be friends with Yeri, Tzuyu's best friend too. Later Lisa introduced her to Yugyeom. Lisa was surprised and happy that both of them known each other before. The friendship between four even with different level was slowly getting deeper. Yeri was still into Yugyeom but it was more as a light crush than any serious feeling. Yeri admitted that she saw spark between Yugyeom and Tzuyu when the Lisa was left with Yeri sometimes.

Tzuyu was torn. Yugyeom was very nice. She felt comfortable around her. But on the other hand, she had another man whom is working with her father, whom she believe was into her. She still saved some of those dried yellow cattleya in her diary. She was fond of this flower for somehow. How did Mr Yang Hwang know she liked this flower!

Mr Yang Hwang still came to visit her sometimes both at home and school.

Indeed, he was gentleman. But Tzuyu thought she could not get into this man. He was nice but he was still mysterious to her. Why would he not openly tell her he send her those flowers! He indeed showed he liked her a lot.

So, Tzuyu just thought she wanted learn more about him. So, she gave him chance to meet her sometimes. The only thing she worried was her mysterious fiancée. Why couldn't he even come to meet her?

Tzuyu thought she was still young and innocent to these kind of things. And those sort feelings to deal with men were blowing her up.

On Yugyeom side, he also knew he was not without a competitor. He just did not know if he should openly court her like Bam Bam had said. At the very moment, he got a message on his was from Bam Bam...

"Heyy..what's up Man...How is it going...Just Keep Calm and Tell her buddy...Hwaiting...!"

Yugyeom took a long deep breath and relaase it.

At, that time in Thailand, Bam Bam was also thinking about his friends...Mark, Lisa, Yugyeom..hmm....It was sunny day and Bam Bam was sitting on the lobby of his hotel...

"Friends! I will be coming there again!"


Lisa was still visiting the little black cat at Tuan's cottage alongside with her cousin Micky. The little black fur liked to play with them both.

Micky would say , "I would like puppies better. .but lol. .cats are good too!."

Lisa would sometimes like to nagged Tuan to teach her about plants and how to grow them. Tuan was hesitated but later agree to it.

One day while Lisa was trying to put plant on the pot, Tuan spoke up.

"That tall white guy looks really good...he must be really into you!"

Lisa looked up at Tuan at that.

"You mean Yugyeom..!"

Tuan did not say anything.

She was gazing at his blank face for a moment.

Then she finally successfully put the plant on the pot and then suddenly came up to Tuan in haunty vibe.

"You ask about another man liking me in front of me...with this sort of face..hmmm Im sure...You are jealous right that Im with another guy!"

Tuan was all red now.

Then Lisa laughed out loud....

"Hehehe....this is so cute...Im just kidding. Of course I know you dont..Nahh Im not popular guys. Yugyeom is into another lady like you Mister don't waste time..."

Tuan seemed to be more confused with what Lisa was saying.


The black fur ball kitty came in. Lisa picked it up and play with it.

Near to where Lisa and Mark were trying on plants (near his cottage)..Micky and the housekeeper Nini were also there listening to the two conversation.

"What are they all talking about. .Master Micky!"

"I don't know too!"