Chapter 16: Tuan meeting the Young Lad

Times were passing again, Tuan got a message again on how everything was going on from his young uncle. His uncle said he should reveal who he was soon and that should not continue with these kind of games and that he should have learn about Tzuyu by now. Tuan did not know how to reply. His mind was so confusing at the moment. He had a feeling that his bonding with Lisa is growing inside. He was just not sure of himself at all.


Tuan driving back to Chou Mansion after sending of Tzuyu and Lisa.

It was still morning time and the day light was shining. But suddenly, Tuan had to stopped his car near one quiet ally.

He saw a group of rough men beating a young gentle looking man.

"Heyy..! You stop...don't bully the young lad..what is the matter!"

Tuan came out of his cars and called to the mobs.

One of the angry turn his eyes to Tuan.

"Who are you,. ...his friend..huh?"

Tuan did not say anything.

"Well its his bad luck that he bumped into us! And refuse to pay us trespassing"


The young lad tried to say...but another mob knocked him down.

Tuan did even know what he was doing but he did get the sense that he was getting himself into trouble as well.

He did not want to pay the mobs money. He knew he had to fight the mobs...there were five of them.

Tuan did beat out one of them. He did take some properties from that man too before he ran away.

One or two of them follow Tuan. But Tuan was very fast. On the way of running, he was able to call to the police too.

After, that Tuan know he had to fight. But he was relieved that the mobs did not have guns.

He was able to defeat the two that were coming after him. After that he came to save the young man. The police were also coming then and got all the mobs to police station.

Tuan had to the young man because of the bruises to hospital.

Later Tuan did learn that the young man was called "Mr Lin" , Mis Chou Liu Yifei's boyfriemd.

Mr Lin was very grateful.