Seeing their brave and strong Captain fallen to such a state, the Major and Lady could only guess as to what had happened inside. They rushed over to him and supported him from both sides.
"Major." The General said to them. "Take him to his Officers quarters and make sure he stays there until morning."
The Major nodded silently. Then the two women half walked with, half carried the crushed Captain to his quarters. They wanted to ask him what went on between his ex-wife and him, but they were to afraid to do so.
Luckily his old quarters was not far away and when they arrived the Captain managed to say thank you. However, as soon as he went in he closed the door leaving the two alone. Clearly he needed some time so the two women were not offended.
The two walked together in silence through the barracks. The sun had just fallen behind the horizon and it's dying light was just enough for them to see were they were going. The Lady was the first to break the silence.
"So, umm, it's getting really late. I doubt that there are any inns nearby that will have any room by now. Do you have an office here as well that I can share?" The Lady asked.
"I wasn't here for very long. In fact I was only in Mustang Company for a day before coming to your town." The Major replied giving a shrug.
"Oh really." The Lady replied.
Their conversation stopped there for a while. They were still thinking about what happened with the Captain and his ex-wife. An awkward silence lasted a good while until they arrived at a barracks that was build specifically for lower ranking officers. Here the Major spoke up.
"Well I know that I can sleep here. However, I don't know if they will let you stay. Also, what about your servant? Will he be ok sleeping out in the open?" The Major asked. She actually sounded more concerned about the servant than the Lady Mayor. The Lady ignored the notion and gave a small smirk.
"I can wait to see what pathetic officer tries to refute my request for a bed." The Lady replied going towards the officer barracks door. "And yes my servant is fine. He'll sleep with the cart as he has his own bedding." The Major also wanted to see how this might end up and followed close behind her.
Sure enough the officer in charge of handling the rooms got a good verbal beating from the Lady Mayor. His expression the whole time was a mix of confusion and worry. He might have been able to refuse her but the Major backed her up. She went on saying that the Lady was here with the Mustang Company Captain and knowing that she had to sleep outside would enraged the Captain. This seemed to work well and he finally gave up a spare room for the two women to split.
When they opened up the room it was a small but comfortable area. Two beds were already made and matches were already prepared for candle light. After the long journey and dealing with the Captain they are exhausted. Kicking off her boots the Lady Mayor plopped onto the closest bed. The mattress had been stuffed with fresh hay not long ago and it's sweet warm smell quickly spread in the room.
The Major lit two candles and then sat on her bed to take off her armor. The Lady rolled over to watch her. They didn't speak again until the Major was finished and both of them were snuggled under their sheets.
In the dim candle light they looked at the ceiling shadows swaying in the light.
"Lilly was too cute." The Lady said quietly. "I can not believe she's related to the Captain. He's far more rugged looking than Lilly."
"I'm not so sure." The Major replied. Her eyes were closed but she wasn't all that tired yet. "They have the same eyes and chin."
"Well aren't you observant." The Lady replied. Then her voice softened. "His ex-wife was gorgeous though. Even I felt plain just looking at her."
"I agree." The Major answered. "I can't understand how they even married. It had to of been an arraigned marriage. Other wise I don't think the Captain could have done something so bad as to offend her so much."
"Who can say?" The Lady Mayor said sighing. "We can only find out from the Captain. I hope he's alright."
"I hope so too." Said the Major. Another few moments of silence passed. Then she sat up. "Well good night."
"Night." The Lady replied and the Major blew out the candles.
The Captain was in fact, not doing well.
After the door closed to his office and he was sure the two women were gone he collapsed right there at the door. He buried his head into his hands and let out a heart wrenching sob. The tears returned, hot and heavy. His back shook heavily as he cried to himself. Time seemed to ebb slowly in the darkness of his office.
His mind drifted vigorously about thinking all about what she had said to him. What he could have said or have done to earn her forgiveness. Why he had been so stupid. So dumb. So ignorant of her feelings. Her helping hands. Breaking her trust. Harming her out of his own selfish wounded pride. His stupid drunken self. His water time with her. His loss of Lilly. Never more to be there for her. So see her grow, learn or laugh.
His mind wandered on these thoughts, thinking of nothing but how he could have done better. Until his thoughts changed from the past to the present. What should he do next?
However, soon his mind emptied. He could think of nothing in the darkness. He leaned his head back heavily on the wooden door. Then slowly he got up. His feet, heavy as lead thumped towards where his bed should have been. Felling in the dark he found it. Then with out taking off his armor or boots he laid in bed.
There was next to no moon light entering the room from the small window near the door. His eyes stared at the blackness above him. Though they were open they saw nothing. Just as he saw no way out of his predicament.
He lay there all night. It wasn't until the soft glow of light creeping in from the window did he move. His body had grown stiff from laying in his armor for so long, but he hardly felt it. He slowly got up and went to the door. He then left his office and shuffled onto the path outside.
Suddenly he saw at his feet a green worm and a frog. The frog was motionless and sat watching the worm flounder in front of him. Then in a flash it devoured the green worm.
Seeing this his mind turned on again. A thought, long lost had now returned. Turning to go to the Generals barracks he had come to a decision.
The only thing he could do now was kill Helgrath.
Helgrath was the reason he was in this mess in the first place! Once that accursed orc was gone could he then try to repent to his ex-wife and father in law. His face, though stained with tears and eyes red as roses, he had a look of determination. His scar tingled in the morning air as his pace quickened as he approached the Generals barracks. Then he stood on the porch. He had to wait to here. Only when the General came out could he learn what the General had in store for him and how he could use it to get his revenge.
His long over due revenge.