Chapter 20

Several soldiers and sentries on morning patrol eyed the captain suspiciously as they were going by. The Captain just stood on the porch facing the door giving it a death stare. His hair was a mess, eyes and cheeks were still red from his tears. He hadn't even changed from his armor since arriving the day before. His boots and leg armor still had mud caked to them. Over all he looked like quite the ruff character.

The Captain, however, ignored their glances at him. His focus was entirely consumed in anticipation for when the General awoke. He couldn't just barge in though. According to military protocol, only those with permission or urgent reports could enter an officers or generals command building unannounced. Two hours after daybreak had gone by and he still stood waiting. Then a young soldier came to the door and cautiously went around the Captain to go inside. He was the Generals aid, so it wouldn't belong before the General sent for him after the aid reported his presence.

Sure enough the aid returned to the door while looking at the Captain blankly. "You may enter." The aid spoke and opened the door for the Captain and giving a salute.

Stepping inside, the Captain took a deep breath and marched with urgency in his steps to the Generals office. Arriving at the door he smelled the breakfast the General was eating before he saw it. Suddenly, it came to mind that he hadn't eaten since breakfast the previous morning and his stomach grumbled just then.

The General looked up seeing and hearing the Captains arrival. "You're hear, lets get this over with." The General said dabbing a cloth napkin on his lips before continuing. The Generals aid also had come into the room to stand behind the General. "Your next assignment is to go to this area of hills in between your current station and here."

The General spoke while pointing at a map in front of his breakfast on the desk. The Captain stepped forward to see exactly where. It was near the spot where he and Diamond Company had been too before. It was while they were tracking down the band of orcs from weeks past. The stream they followed then was to the right of the hills and that meant they were closer to the town he was stationed at.

"Once you get there you will have three main tasks." The General continued and he held up one finger as he explained. "First, you are to build a wooden fortress capable of overlooking and defending that stream. Additionally, build it so that it can house your troops and two other full companies as well. We can't let the orcs roam freely in this area anymore. From your reports of the town the walls have been secured and the locals better trained. So your military presence is not totally required to protect them. But sending everyone back here is to risky."

He cleared his throat and continued holding up two fingers to the Captain. "Secondly, you are to construct a bridge crossing the creek on the main road. It has been a hinderance to our scouts, messengers and of course the merchants in the area."

Then he held up a third finger. "Finally, after both of these construction projects have been fully completed, I will send Diamond Company and a new company, that's on its way here now, to go to the fort. From there we will launch an attack on the orcs cave. From your reports and from my own scouts, I have to agree with you, for once, that the orc Helgrath and his army is indeed a threat that needs to be dealt with."

Hearing this admittance actually didn't cheer up the Captain at all. He was thinking to deeply as to how he was going to plan out the attack on Helgrath. Cave assaults were not to be take lightly. He learned that lesson the hard way.

"I have already filled out a report for you with more details." As he said this he pulled an envelope from inside the desk and plopped it on top of it, then the General continued. "However, I will not be able to help you with hiring personnel for the construction of the fort or for the bridge. Additionally, the budget I have been granted from my own superior is very limited. It will likely be a long process and you are to focus specifically on the fort first. Especially considering the size of the fort your going to build, it will take the longest to do."

Hearing this the General's aid and Captain both looked surprised. How would he be able to get anything done if nearly everything he had to do was so limited? Surely the General knew of who might be capable of building such projects and should have directed him to them.

The aid separately thought that the cost for funding the project couldn't have been limited by the Generals superior. To even get permission to build a new fort meant that the cost wasn't going to be limited. So why was the General saying it would be?

The General went on with his explanation. "I will say that the cost of the materials, like tools, stone and metal works will be covered in the budget. So in light of this you are going to be required to find the personal to assist in the projects and have to find ways to supply everyone with food. Normally the food problem wouldn't be an issue, but the crops in the heartland of the Empire had a weak yield this year. So we are forced to hold back on rations."

This is going to be a lot harder than the Captain had anticipated. He had way to much to deal with and he was a soldier not a Forman or builder. He also didn't know anyone directly involved with construction works. But the temptation of finally getting the means to attack Helgrath was too great. The Captain nodded slowly and then snapped into attention.

"I will do my best sir. For this I can manage." The Captain said sounding much more enthusiastic than the night before.

The General snorted, "We shall see. Now your dismissed."

The Captain took the envelope with the detailed instructions and left the room. Once he was gone the aid leaned forward to speak to the General.

"Sir? Permission to speak."

"Yes, go ahead." The General said picking up his fork to finish the breakfast before it was completely cold.

"Sir, why did you say the budget was limited or that you didn't have any recommendations for construction workers?" The aid asked nervously. "Surely these aren't an issue."

"The budget is not all that low and I do know some capable people to do the jobs. However, consider this as a test for the Captain to broaden his horizons." The General spoke between mouthfuls.

The way the General quickly brushed off these questions made the aid felt like there was more to the reason than the General was willing to say. But he didn't have the nerve or authority to question further. Besides it didn't affect him at all. So he decided to just accept it.

"Understood Sir." He replied.

The real reason was that the General hated the Captain that much. He was willing to alter his own orders to keep the Captain as busy and as far away from him or his daughter as he could. As of the moment this was the best he could manage.

The Captain had left the Generals building and was headed to where his troops were staying. He had been so anxious to speak to the General he forgot to wake his men up. Luckily for them they got to sleep in.

The Major and the Lady, however, had already gotten up and were returning from the mess hall. Seeing that the Captain was coming their way they called to him and the Captain quickly came their way.

"Here Major." The Captain said tossing the envelope into her hands. "New orders."

Hearing that he sounded normal again the two felt relieved, but orders so soon? Then the Captain turned to the Lady. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

She looked nervously back at him to surprised to say anything. The Major was as equally surprised seeing the Captains odd behavior.

Then what he said next shocked them. "My Lady, I need you."