Chapter 21

"You n-need me?" The Lady replied with a nervous voice.

"Yes." The Captain replied nodding. "I need your help to secure materials to build an bridge and fortress. I haven't the slightest clue who to contact or what prices are fare to buy the materials. This is part of my new orders."

The Lady looked surprised, but at the same time slightly disappointed. The Major also sighed, feeling slightly relieved. Now that her worries were gone, she opened the orders to read them.

"I-I'll can see what I can do." The Lady said giving a weak smile. "But I can't promise too much. The stones and building materials are not exactly my area of expertise."

"Thank you. I'll be happy with anything you can offer." The Captain said happily and took a step back from her. The Lady adjusted herself and started to think things over.

The Major was silent as she read the Generals new orders carefully. Glancing at the simple map drawing included in the orders she was puzzled.

Why there? Was her main question. Sure it was in between the two towns, but it was to far out of the way from the road. It would be a good location to build a fort, but being surrounded by the forest it would prevent messengers from commuting quickly between the two towns.

There had to be a reason for the odd location. She just needed to figure it out as time went on. After all she was still inexperienced in many things.

Turning to the Captain she pointed at the intended location. "Why would the General send us here? It doesn't seem right."

The Captain cleared his throat and took the paper to reevaluate it. "Well, what is not shown here is the hight of the area and the stream we pass over. That stream is like a road to the orcs. We tracked orcs that were fleeing down this path, before you joined us, and that's how we found their cave. The area there is the highest spot until you get to the mountain. The rest of terrain will be Come apparent once we scout it."

The Major nodded slowly hearing the explanation. "I understand now. So the fort is to constrict their movements and then later attack them." She then pulled out the rest of the orders and read over them.

It was the Lady Mayor's turn to ask questions. "Captain, I am unsure of who to ask in helping us with this. So can you muster up some men to escort me through the market so I can find an appropriate person to hire?"

"Yes of course. I'll even be coming with you." The Captain replied hardily.

"Umm, not like that I hope." The Lady said a bit embarrassed and pointing at his condition.

The Captain glanced down at his brutish appearance. "Oh, of course not. I'll go clean up soon."

"That's good. You really need to pay more attention to your wellbeing." The Lady said giving a sigh.

"Major, go get some men ready to leave. I'll be back quickly." The Captain said turning to go.

The Major was still reading over the orders, but gave a quick salute before continuing to read.

The Captain went back to the barracks and quickly got out of his dirty armor. It was at this moment he could really feel the stiffness in his body. The ache in his shoulders, back, and legs was vicious. Tenderly he took a moment to gently massage the pained areas.

After a while he grabbed a change of clothes from his room and headed for the wash area. The wash area was noting more than a set of four open air wooden stalls with buckets hanging over them. Outside the stalls was a well and a cauldron on an unlit fire pit.

He didn't have time for a hot shower so he simply drew up some buckets of water from the well and filled the larger bucket in one of the stalls. Getting inside he quickly stripped out of his soiled cloths and readied himself for the cold water. The bucket had a string attached to it and all he had to do was pull it slowly to pour the water on him.

After quickly washing off as much muck and smell as he could, he quickly dressed and headed back to his barracks. The chilly shower he felt much more focused and less achy than before. He had brought back a pail of water to rinse off his armor. In no time his armor and boots were back to their shinny selves and he put them back on.

Though they didn't help his achy body, he felt much more relaxed and secure with them on. The trade off was worth it.

He set off to find the two ladies that were likely waiting on him. He soon found them waiting by the northern main gate which led out to the town. With them were a dozen slightly less than thrilled soldiers from the Mustang Company.

"Well you look better now." The Lady said giving a content smile.

"Thanks." The Captain replied.

The Major handed him the lead to his horse. She seemed a bit annoyed at the Lady, but said nothing to tip off the Captain. The Captain gave her an understood nod and started to mount his horse.

"Mount up men." The Major ordered, comprehending the Captains nod. They all had brought their own horses with them. There was no telling where or how far they may be going. Even the Lady's servant and cart were with them.

Everyone was set and started to follow the Captain out of the military base. It was still early morning and much of the town had yet to venture out of their homes. So the streets were sparsely populated and they would arrive at the market district rather timely.

The Major rode up next to the Captain. "Sir, I have some concerns about the orders from the General."

"Go ahead. Let's hear it." The Captain replied slowing his horse slightly.

"Well first of all, why would he give this task to us?" The Major asked with a confused expression. "Surely the military engineers could have carried out this mission and all we needed to do provide protection as they worked."

"I am sure that would have made more since, but I didn't question his motive. I am pretty sure he just wants me busy and from the limited funds I think employing the engineers would have been costly." The Captain replied, though he himself felt he knew the real reason.

"That's another thing." The Major continued. "In the report it says that we are going to have to feed ourselves and the workers. Our budget should not be that constrained, even if the food yields were low this year."

"I can help with that." The Lady said from the cart behind them. Apparently she was listening in on them. "The villages we maintain have done well this year, as well as the towns beyond them. I am sure they would be most excited to have a large new costumer out here on the border of the Country."

"That's good to know. Glad I can count on your capabilities." The Captain said brightly.

The Lady smiled back happily and gave the Major a victorious glance. Though the captain didn't notice. The Major felt disappointed in herself, but didn't show it and kept a straight face.

"Why do I feel like I'm doing nothing, but complaining and pointing out issues." The Major thought to herself. "At this rate she's going to win him over."

That moment they arrived at the central area of the market. Here it was already a buzz with activity. Scores of farmers deliver their animals or crops, merchants trading wares, and vendors shouting out their prices; everyone here was quickly moving around trying to make money to support their livelihood.

Getting up from the stoped cart the Lady Mayor stood up and stretched. "Ah, now then. Were to go? We should probably get workers employed first."

She scanned the crowd carefully. Then she spotted a likely target. It was a vendor standing under a large wooden sign that read, "Laborers".

"Let's try there first." She said pointing across the crowd. "If he can't help us than at least he can point us in the right direction."

"Lead the way." The Captain replied and the whole group headed towards the vendors stand.