Chapter 22

The vendor seemed surprised and nervous seeing the large group of armed soldiers surrounding his stall.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" The man said with a nasally voice. His beady brown eyes shifted from one man to the next.

"You won't be talking to them, but to me." The Lady said with a serious expression. She got off the cart and walked past the soldiers to stand in front of his stall.

The Vendor gave a slight sigh, but retained his composure. "Well then, what can I do for you my esteemed lady?"

"I want to know how many men you can gather for us to hire. You see we are going to be conducting a massive building project just north of town. As such we need builders, stone masons, wood cutters and carpenters to build a military fort and a midsized stone bridge." The Lady said to the Vendor. The Vendor had just pulled out two papers and was writing down what she said.

"Hmm, ok then. Sounds like a fair amount of work being offered." The Vendor said looking up from the papers. "You said this was a military job. So it is safe to assume that the kingdom will be paying the labors?"

"Yes that is correct. The military will also be feeding the workers as well." The Lady replied.

"That's good." The Vendor said writing another line down. "So if you're building a fortress to the north, will there be danger allocated with the job?"

The Lady turned to look at the Captain. The Captain cleared his throat to speak. "Ahem, there may be. However, the entire Mustang Calvary will be guarding the area. No harm shall come to the workers."

The Vendor nodded and wrote some more. Then after a moment he looked up at the Lady Mayor. "So I assume the pay will be the standard fare?"

"Yes, It will be." The Lady replied.

"Have you hired a Foreman yet?" He asked again.

"No we have not." The Lady said forcing a smile.

"Hmm, well that might make things hard." The Vendor said crossing his arms. "You see Foremen are like Generals in the military, but for laborers. Depending on who you hire as a Forman might determine who will work for you. Workers around these parts are not like those in the Capital region. There are no unions or private companies to hire. Just mostly part time farmers and country folk."

"I understand that much." The Lady said giving a shrug. "My father is the Mayor of the town north west of here. I have had dealing with many people in that region."

"Oh, well that makes things easier to explain." The Vendor said giving a nod. "Yet, things are not going to be easy for you. There are only two Foremen I know of that are currently available to work. The first is a respectable gentleman that is staying in the inn two streets past here. However, some nobleman is trying to hire him to build a villa and winery. I directed the nobleman to him just yesterday."

"I see." The Lady said. "So it is probably to late for us to speak to him. What about the other Foreman?"

The Vendors expression took a look of pity as he spoke. "This other Foreman is a bit tricky to deal with. He's been out of work for several years. Even though he is registered with the 'Laborers' he hasn't done anything. Just sits around at the taverns in town and drinks. Everybody that's gone to him has just give up."

"Well that's good to know. Is there anything else we need to know or tell you." The Lady asked.

"Just the starting time for this project." The Vendor said picking up his pen again.

"Tomorrow." The Captain butted in. "We need to start right away!"

The Lady gave him a surprised look, but didn't say anything. The Vendor just nodded.

"Alright then. I'll post your work request here and at the guild bulletin as well." The Vendor said taking one of the papers and nailing it to the wall behind him. The wall was already bustling with other job requests, but their's was definitely the largest. "Just return here to let me know which Foreman you end up hiring."

"Thank you very much. You were a great help." The Lady said giving the Vendor a smile. Then she slid across the stalls counter a large silver coin.

The Vendor took it right away. "Pleasure doing business with you."

The Lady turned to get back on the cart and the soldiers got ready to leave. Turning to speak to the captain the Lady sat down. "Since we are here in the market let's see how much the materials we need are going to be worth."

"Sounds good to me." The Captain said tapping his horses sides to move on.

The group spent most of the morning going from stall to stall speaking with various tradesmen. The overall price of wood happened to be very low, as much of the country here was surrounded by forests. The price of metal works was around average compared to what everyone was telling them. To double check the Lady even asked some local blacksmiths and they too said the same.

However, the prices of stone was far higher than anyone anticipated. The nearest quarry was several dozen kilometers from the towns south. So even if they wanted stones from there it would cost way to much to just transport them. They determined that it might be better if they hired masons and miners locally to get stone. It might take longer, which the Captain disliked, but at least it didn't kill the overall budget.

Once satisfied with what they found the Lady spoke. "Alright, let's go speak to the foreman at the inn first. He might not have made a decision yet."

It didn't take long before the group arrived at the inn. It was just past noon and the streets were thinned out some, as everyone was stoping for lunch. The soldiers waited outside to eat their own lunches as the Lady, Captain and the Major entered the inn. The lady at the front desk greeted them with a smile.

"Can I help you all with something?" She asked cheerily.

"Yes." The Lady Mayor replied. "We are looking for the Forman that is staying here. We have some business to discuss."

The lady behind the counters expression saddened. "I am sorry, but the man you're looking for has already checked out. He mentioned that he was leaving for work. Though I don't know where."

"Oh, I see." The Lady replied with a sigh. "Thank you any way."

The three returned outside to join the others. They decided to grab lunch before going to the last foreman. They sat against the buildings or on the horses watching the crowd go by.

The Captain munched on his sandwich hungrily. It had been awhile since he had been just relaxing in this town. Watching the people going by he wondered to himself if he would ever have a normal life like these people do with Lilly.

His thoughts wondered away from the day Lilly was born, her first words, first steps and the laughter they had shared. Playing tag around the yard, or hide and go seek in the house on rainy days. "Would I ever see you again?" He whispered.

"Did you say something?" The Major said turning towards him.

The sound of her voice brought him back to reality. "Oh, no. Just lost in thought." The Captain said stuffing the last of his sandwich in his mouth. "Are we all ready to go?" He asked quickly standing up.

"I think so." The Major replied getting up as well.

The group mounted back up and started off towards the tavern where the last foreman might be. Turning down the intended street the market area turned to a more rundown area. The shops and stalls looked ragged and worn, a sharp contrast to the main market area. The Captain rested his hand on his sword, just in case. Yet they arrived at the tavern with no issues.

This time when the Captain, Major, and Lady went in three other soldiers accompanied them inside. The rest waited on guard outside with the horses ready. This was not the best of places to be in for sure.

Once inside the Captain looked around the mostly empty room. No one appeared to be all that dangerous and nearly everyone here was sitting by themselves or in pairs. He then went up to the bartender of the dark and disheveled tavern.

"Is there a man known as a Foreman here?" He asked gruffly.

The bartender nodded and pointed a thumb at the corner of the room. Looking that way the Captain saw an old man with a grey scraggly beard. He was starring intently at the mug in front of him.

The armed group went up to surround the table the man was at. The old man didn't even look at them. He didn't stir until the Lady pulled out the chair across from him and sat down.

The man blinked twice and looked up at her. "What do you want?" The old man asked her sounding half awake.

"Sir, are you the Foreman? We have a job request." She asked politely. The Captain noted that If she was nervous she hid it very well.

"I am. But I don't work any more. Get away from here." The old man said waving her away. "I don't do work any more. Not since those damned orcs killed my son." He picked up the mug and chugged another mouthful.

The Lady was a bit lost for words. Apparently she hadn't talked with a drunk man before. The Captain saw her perplexed expression and stepped in.

Thumping his fist onto the table he crouched down to look the old man in the eye. "If the orcs kill your son, than this job is the best way for you to get back at them. Help me and I will kill every one I come across!" The Captains voice was like cold steel and everything he said was sincere.

The old man look at him slowly. "Really?"

"I swear on my sword!" The Captain replied looking him in the eyes. The Captain saw a flicker of light come from the mans eyes.

"Tell me more!" The old man replied.