Kevin's Space Adventures

Author's Note: Hello everyone. First thing, I wanted to say thank you to all those that supported the story , even those who gave me *constructive* criticisms. I also wanted to apologise for the long waited chapters. Since I've finally finished the "And then there were 10" Arc I was both editing previous chapters and the drafts for future chapters as well as RL stuffs happening.

Before we continue with the next Volume/Arc - What Ben will be doing for the next 5 years - this is a little interlude to hold you guys off.

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Hundreds of Lightyears from Earth

The bar was a relatively quiet one. Surprisingly so, given that it wasn't far from a main thoroughfare. The sound from the traffic from hundreds of airborne vehicles nearby was reduced to no more than a dull and distant roar.

The bartender in front of him, an incredibly busty pink humanoid female in a skin tight bodysuit that not only left absolutely nothing to the imagination as to what lay underneath, but had a portion cut out on her top to reveal an impressive amount of cleavage. Kevin knew he was young and still had some growing to do, but despite that, he still avoided staring at the bust of the Zeltron look alike .

The bartender in front of him however lit up with a wide smile in recognition. He was happy to note that it didn't seem to be the false happiness many bartenders across the galaxy would do for repeat customers so that they would attempt to purchase more alcohol in an attempt to kill their livers or whatever bodily organ the species had that might process alcohol through the body. No, this bartender was genuinely happy that this him was here.

"Kevin! Long time no see! Last time I heard you were out exploring some old ruins on… Ziost or something?" The bartender grinned at him, her arms braced on her hips.

He chuckled good naturedly. "Keeping tabs on me?" He replied in false affection.

The bartender grinned, "Nah, one of my suppliers mentioned he'd hauled some cargo out that way and docked near your ship."

He laughed and groused playfully, "The paint job, no doubt."

"Got it in one!" she laughed and nodded with a bright smile. "So… the usual I presume?"

"Of course. Closest to a good cup that I don't have to make myself or that doesn't taste like liquid dirt." The Half Osmosian male chuckled an amused way.

Now on Earth , there would be dozens of laws preventing the entrance to certain places of ... "ill repute" , like a bar for any other but a specific age. It gets harder to regulate with different countries with different laws. Try imagining that with entirely different species. Especially ones that are completely unknown to the wider galaxy like humans - much less human hybrids.

"Yeah yeah, that's why you keep coming back." The bartender said as she turned around and seemed to be heating up something judging by the little spurts of steam coming out of one of the drink mixers.

He winked at the Star Trek alien look-alike. "You know I keep coming back for your wonderful company, the tea is just a bonus!"

"Flatterer," The bartender said a moment later as she slid a cup across the bar.

"Maybe, but you love it." He said as he slid a credit chip across the bar carelessly. She rolled her eyes and picked up the credit chip, depositing it quickly.

He picked up the steaming cup and took a sip, before closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction at whatever was in the cup. He allowed a slow smile to cross his face. "Perfect as always."

The zeltron expy snorted and rolled her eyes, "You know you're the only one that drinks that swill."

Kevin looked affronted, though one could tell from his tone that it was teasing. "This… 'swill' is the best drink in the galaxy! Believe me I know. I've tried most of them."

"Yes, but it has no alcohol in it. Most who come here aren't looking for drinks without alcohol. In fact, I'm relatively certain that some of my patrons are unaware that there actually exists drinks that don't contain alcohol." She said, her tone turning thoughtful.

He was still about to respond when he felt something press against the back of her head.

"Don't move, Plumber." A harsh voice said from behind him.

He froze, realizing that it was the business end of a blaster that was currently resting against the back of his head. He internally cursed himself for being so distracted as to let someone sneak up on him.

He attempted to go another route, by attempting to bluff her way out of the situation. He spoke slowly trying to inject terror into his voice.

Honestly , that was the hardest part.

"Me? N..No, I'm not, you've got the wrong person." She attempted to subtly grasp something blaster proof to absorb without seeming suspicious , though not even being able to see them hindered him effort somewhat.

He was not at all helped by the snort from the bartender. He couldn't tell if she was laughing at his situation, or his clumsy attempt to manipulate the person behind him while under "distress".

He squared her shoulders and calmly spoke. "Look, I don't want any trouble."

The person behind him didn't so much as hesitate, "Good, then you'll put these binder cuffs on." as a pair of binder cuffs clattered onto the bar counter beside her.

"And if I don't?" He asked, stalling for time as her mind raced.

"Well, the bounty on you dead is just fine with us too. Alive is just worth a good deal more. And they haven't specified just how alive you have to be." The sneer in the tone was obvious once more.

The leader spoke up once more, taking control of the situation, his harsh voice practically snarling at the man, "Unless you want to eat a blaster bolt, put them on."

"What binders?" He as he opened his hands, cupped in a bowl position while simultaneously leaning forward toward the men.

Sure enough, instead of a set of binders all that was sitting in his hands was a small pile of black albeit glinting, powder.

"What? Where did you put the binders?" The man demanded, his weapon now also trained on Harry.

He looked supremely unconcerned by the weapons now pointed in his direction. He slowly brought his cupped hands upward, allowing all of the men to get a good look and see and in fact, look more closely at the oddly glinting powder that was certainly not reflecting light in a way Ahsoka seen anything else do previously.

In a surprise movement, He suddenly blew the black powder forward suddenly the entire area was plunged into a wide cloud of vanment black , like pure darkness.

There were several gasps of shock from all around and one of the men behind her shouted "Who turned off the damn li-"





A moment later there was silence all around.

The darkness in the area seemed to fade quickly. The cloud of darkness collapsed upon itself, and gathered itself rapidly back into his metal covered hand.

A magnetic nanoparticle cloud.

Next generation pocket sand.

Kevin wasn't even paying everyone's speculative gaze a as he walked around the bar and crossed his arms, looking at the pile of unconscious bodies. He looked over at the bartender, "You want anything to do with them?"

She rolled her eyes, "Want? Absolutely, but it's probably bad form if it got around that I had started offing or turning patrons over to the authorities. Even if they haven't settled up their tab yet."

He nodded and then grinned, letting out a theatrical mocking laugh. "That means they're mine to deal with right?"

She shrugged, "One patron taking care of others who fired blasters in a bar? That's not something anyone can complain about."

He grinned and a mocking greedy look crossed his face as he rubbed his hands together. "Well, let's see if any of these fine upstanding gentlemen have warranties , and if not then bounties anywhere on them.

"Papa is gonna get himself a brand new navicomputer!"

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