
It's a strange room. You can't see the edge . It's just that the ceiling made of some unknown material on the top of the head is emitting a white light. There's a rhythmic "tick, tick" sound in the air. Just like some kind of machine is running, boring and monotonous cycle, slight but exists~~

Time Passes, or there is no concept of time in this room at all. In Zhou Hao's vision, which is suffering from the empty white and the "tick" sound all over the time, there is finally a face, a face that doesn't know how to describe. The whole face's outline is like its own lighting, which makes people feel confused and can only vaguely see the light ,A pair of indifferent eyes behind mang look at him as if they are looking at a cargo, without any emotion~~


Zhou Hao sat up from his bed sweating, not because he was afraid of the scene in the dream. In fact, since he was ten years old, he often had the same dream. From the beginning,He was very scared,but a few years later , he was able to deal with the dream in a very prosaic way,and then as soon as he entered the dream, he knew that he was dreaming, and even constantly explored in the dream. He wanted to know what kind of place it was, Why has he had such a dream for so many years? Although he spent more and more time in the dream, it's a pity that so many efforts could not make him even move one finger. Every time, he was passively watched by the mysterious man, like a mouse~~

He also tried to find out the answers in real life. "Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams","

Interpretation of dreams"....such as this,he read it many times.But it doesn't work,they can't explain the dream at all~~

However, it's not totally useless to have this dream. Since the beginning of this dream, his spirit is getting better and better. His daily sleep time is getting shorter and shorter. Now he only sleeps three or four hours a day, but the whole person is still full of energy. Therefore, as a programmer, he can stand out from so many "code farmers" by his ability to sleep less and work all over the night~~

But this time it's different,Zhou Hao can't wait to turn on the computer and record it in a document titled "dream". Because this dream has made progress for the first time. At the end of the dream, he clearly saw what the mysterious man handed him somthing~~

While recording these, Zhou Hao kept thinking:

"Who is this mysterious man? Why give me something?"

"But I don't know what he gave me,Do I have to keep haveing this dream, and then I can finally know What happened to me?"

Thinking of this, he began to regret it .He hoped he didn't wake up,Maybe if he keep dreaming, he will know the answer for so many years!

But it's too late to regret. He's sober now. He turns on the light, sits in front of the desk, opens the dream interpretation forum, and sends the follow-up dream content. But now it's more than three o'clock in the morning. It's the time when people are most sleepy. No one is brushing the post. After waiting for a long time, no one can reply. He can only turn off the forum and stare at the computer Ecstasy~~

At this time, he suddenly found a few lines of small black characters in the lower right corner of the field of vision:

Congratulations on being selected as God bug programmer, you No is 111. Please complete the following tasks within the specified time.

Task location: Huilong town;

Background: he should have disappeared in the world, but still walked in the dark, his existence is unreasonable;

Task content: find this shouldn't exist thing, and make it return to normal!

Task time: ten days;

If the task fails or fails to complete within the time limit, you shall be responsible for the consequences!!

At the bottom of this words,There's a ten day countdown that's slowly decreasing~~

Zhou Hao is a little confused: this is the mysterious man gave to me?

He has also read this kind of novel. The protagonist gets rewards by fighting monsters and upgrading all the way with a powerful system. Although it doesn't say what rewards he will get after completing the task, it's not a long time. It's worth to try.

But who is the "God" being? It can't be the omnipotent "Lord God" in the novel? If so, that's will be lucky,He fantasized about marrying a beautiful girl and become CEO,a happy life is coming~~

But this word"111",What does it mean?Does this lonely number indicate that there are 110 programmers in the world who are chosen by God like him?

"The procedure of making this" God "must be very huge, so there are so many programmers to solve BUG~~," Zhou Hao told himself.

Since he decided to finish the task, he immediately put himself into the preparatory work. As an excellent programmer, it's a common thing to go on a business trip, and often stay for several months. This ten day workload can only be regarded as a very small thing, but no matter how small it is, he will treat it seriously and make complete preparations.

Huilong Town, located in the west of Hanjiang plain, is not large in area and small in population. It is a typical plain farmhouse town. The pictures found on the Internet also show a large area of farmland and dilapidated small buildings, It's unlike there an Internet company in this place!

But it's also possible that "God" put his system in this sparsely populated place~~

"It's strange that I dont's know who I should contact in the town. Do I have to go door-to-door to inquiry?" Zhou Hao looked over the task information line by line and confirmed that it was only these cold words, and there was nothing else.

He has a headache. These words are not clear. He has no idea how to start~~

"Shouldn't exist and walk in the dark? Is it poisoning?"

"No, in general, this large companies will not be connected to the Internet. Even if the employees are poisoned due to improper use, they will not invite outsiders to kill the virus, because in this way, they will put the company's secrets in the eyes of outsiders..."

"And it's only ten days. It's not enough!"

Fortunately, Zhou Hao was "dismissed" at the beginning of this year.

What is "dismissed"?

Nothing to do all day. only pay the basic minimum wage every month. also make some disgusting systems. For example, you have to find a work summary that requires me to write no less than 500 words every day. Who can stand it?

So he quit his job and didn't get angry with the boss!

At present, he is light and free from the process of asking for leave. At dawn, he can start directly with his luggage on his back, which is much more efficient.

It seems that ten days is not short, but he don't konw what the bug is? Save a little time, just a little....

But when he finally put the computer in his schoolbag, he looked at the power cord in his hand, and he suddenly thought: I don't know what system this "God" uses, and I don't know whether this data cord can be plugged in or not.