2、Huilong Town

Huilong town is not far from the Han city where Zhou Hao is. It's only more than 100 kilometers away, but there is no direct bus. Although Zhou Hao started early in the morning, he made a round trip through the county town, plus the delay of waiting for the bus on the road, when he arrived at the destination, it was more than 3:00 p.m.

Just got off the coach, Zhou Hao was surprised. It's 2019 now. How can there be such a backward place?

In his sight, there were cracks all over the cement floor which had not been cleaned for a long time. In the corner, the garbage covered by thick dust was piled up to the height of knee. There were children's excrement nearby, which was smelling. What's more, there was no fence around the station. At a glance, he could see that in the distant water field, several farmer uncles were bending over and inserting Seedling.

"It's more remote than imagined. Will God choose such a place as the base?"Zhou Hao walked out of the station with questions on his face.

Walking out of the station is the only commercial street in Huilong town. Walking on this street, Zhou Hao looks at the small restaurants and shops on both sides of the road, even more shabby.

"This commercial street doesn't look commercial at all~~"

Although everything seems to be sold on the street, the front of every shop is cold and dirty. Only occasionally, there are shouts and shouts from several shops. That's because the owners of some shops have set up mahjong tables in the shops, and they are rubbing with their relatives and friends. That posture has already attracted the owners of the next few shops. It seems that they don't care if anyone comes to take photos at all It's like business. All the energy has been put on the mahjong table.

There are very few pedestrians on the street. Zhou Hao walked for a few minutes,it's mostly the elderly and children in his eyes.This is also a common problem in many rural areas in China. Young people go out to work and leave their children at home for the elderly to take care of. This makes a town with a population of only 30000. Now it is more like a ghost town.

"It's maybe a little busy here only in the Spring Festival~~"Zhou Hao looked at the three-story building with the hotel sign at the end of the street and sighed, "anyway, it's already here. Stay here first and go to inquire about it tomorrow."

The building in front of him should be the only hotel in this town, but it also looks like it's of the same era with the surrounding houses. On the gray exterior wall, he can see a series of numbers made of broken stones - 1999, this is the time when the building was built. The numbers on it seem to tell us how bright it was, but under the wash of time, Only the original snow-white exterior wall is left with it to change its color.

"About my age... "Zhou Hao shook his head secretly, tightened his backpack behind him and walked into the hotel~~

It's obvious that the hotel is transformed from a private house. The entrance is a large living room. There is a glass display stand facing the door. Through the glass, he can see that there are some cigarettes, wine, instant noodles and snacks. The computer on the display stand is playing a TV play with a loud voice. A middle-aged woman in her fifties is staring at the computer screen motionless On the one hand, with the development of the plot, there are still silly laughs from time to time.

There is a square wooden table in the center of the hall on the right side of the door, on which there are meals that haven't been finished at noon, but it's already cold. The place near the wall is a long wooden sofa, but it looks like it's been several years, and the paint on it has been polished a little bright. These should be the places where the boss's own family lives.

The place is not so good, but Zhou Hao has no choice. Fortunately, when he went to work before, he often went on business. Of course, the environment is good and bad. He is not too selective, but it's must be clean.

The owner's mother was immersed in the plot of TV and didn't find anyone coming in. When Zhou Hao watched the whole hall carefully, she knocked on the glass table: "waiter, is there a single room?"

The landlady obviously didn't expect that there would be a passenger check-in at this time. She was stunned for a long time when she heard the voice, and looked at Zhou Hao carefully. Then she said: "yes, yes, yes, single room, right? One day 145, plus the deposit, it's 200 ~ ~ "

"Oh, is the room clean? I shoud live here for a few days ~ ~ "145 is not expensive, Zhou Hao is more concerned about whether it is clean.

"Clean, of course. I'm doing business with people around me. I have to clean every day, or I'll be scolded" ~ "The lady's smile all over the face, which is very confident~~

"That's good. It's 500 yuan. Set me three days first." Zhou Hao estimated that this task will take at least three days to complete. After all, it's still a black eye. He don't even know the exact location~~

"OK, OK ~ ~" She took the money and smiled,quicky paused the TV play, bent down to find a receipt, slowly wrote down the amount and time, then tore off a copy and gave it to Zhou Hao together with a key. "When you leave, you can refund the deposit with the receipt. The room is on the second floor, and the first one on the right of the stairs. If you need anything, please come down and call me ..."

Zhou Hao grabs the key and nods. He's tired this day. Must have a good rest before think about how to finish the task~~

Thinking about the strange part of the task, he suddenly asked, "do you know there is a bigger Internet company in this town?"

"Internet companies?" The old lady was stunned. "Our town only had access to the Internet two years ago. Only radio and television companies can use the Internet."

"Is there a slightly larger company?" Zhou Hao doesn't give up~~

"There are so few people here and No big company~~"The old woman is a little confused,"What do you do?"

"Oh, I'm a programmer." Zhou Hao showed his backpack behind him. "A friend asked me to come here help him solve some problems. By the way, I'd like to see it's there have any big companies can expand my business. If they don't have one, it's OK."

Obviously, he won't tell anybody that he come to help "God" solve the bug. He doesn't want to be a madman, and then again, "God" probably doesn't want to let too many people know his existence. If he publicizes it everywhere, it will be wiped out by "God" in a short time. That's not worth it~~

When the old woman heard this, she lost interest in a moment. Anyway, the money had already arrived. What did he come to do and what did he do? As long as we don't do anything against the law, we should continue to brush the play~~