3、Ghosts in the dark

This kind of small town hotel is obviously impossible to install an electronic lock. Zhou Hao uses the key to open the old mechanical lock of the door. In a sharp "creak, creak" sound, a clean and tidy small room appears in front of him.

In a small room, a bed and a table are already full. On the wall facing the door, a half open aluminum alloy window is sending in a leisurely breeze, mingled with a smell of spring grass, which shocked Zhou Hao's spirit, who was a little sleepy~~

There is no bathroom in the room, but a separate room is marked out at the end of the aisle as a shared bathroom. However, during this period, the hotel is almost empty, so it will not take a bath with other people~~

Zhou Hao was satisfied with the room. He put his schoolbag aside. Then lay on the bed and stared at the words in the lower right corner. There were 9 days, 11 hours and 37 minutes left~~

"What is this task? What is God's system like? Is there any alien technology? Why choose this completely unknown town? "

These questions have been lingering in his mind. He can't figure out how to deal with them. He is obviously tired, but his spirit is getting more excited by these things~~

He simply sat up, took out his computer and went to the forum to see if his morning question had been answered~~

Maybe his description of the dream is not so attractive. There are only a few responses, and all of them indicate that he will meet a noble person and get help. Only one of them seems to have a little meaning:

The answer of spiced skin pig: you are often watched by some mysterious person. Does it indicate that you may be watched by some person, but you haven't noticed it, but you have found it in your subconscious mind, so you will be constantly prompted that he gave you something, maybe it will be really given to you in the future~

Although it's just a random guess, it's quite appropriate to combine with the system he got. After a few casual replies of "thank you", he's not interested in reading it any more~~

Just this time, a few friends sent an invitation to join them on the Fortnite. Zhou Hao shook his head and felt extremely depressed when he came to this town. Moreover, the inexplicable character has no clue until now. He just used the game to calm his mood~~

After several tense and exciting games, the time has come to more than 11 p.m., which is still early for programmers, but in a strange town, he doesn't know whether he can find anything to eat,Zhou Hao said goodbye to his friend decisively. He spent several hours on the road today. Breakfast and lunch were all solved in a hurry. His stomach was empty. He didn't feel it when playing games. Now he felt that all his attention was focused on his stomach. He was hungry and could eat a cow~~

He stretched out his head and looked out of the window. There were no pedestrians in the street. It's only a few street lights standing alone far away. Under the dim yellow light, the wind rolled on the ground with the abandoned garbage bags, and then was swallowed by the darkness. The most prosperous street in the town is now quiet and scary. Only a few quick frogs came from afar Sound, before the third day of March, these early frogs are doomed to find no partners~~

Looking out of the window at the vast darkness, Zhou Hao was a little scared. He was born in the city and didn't go through this dark road, but his constantly crying belly was like the most loyal debt collector, urging him to eat quickly. He thought about the noodles that had been eaten and was about to vomit. He bit his teeth and decided to go out and try his luck~~

In the hall on the first floor, the old woman was gone. Instead, a middle-aged man in his fifties was lying on a wooden sofa. When he saw Zhou Hao coming down, he seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything~~

Zhou Hao didn't notice this. Now he just wants to find a place to eat, and then he can easily deal with something hot so that he doesn't have to feel so bad~~

He opened the door and hurried out into the darkness~~

In the early spring, the temperature in the plain town is not high. At night, it drops to about zero. In the cold wind, the cold air penetrates the thick clothes and goes straight to people's hearts. The wet air makes the clothes have less effect than expected. People stand outside as if they are thrown into the ice and snow. Zhou Hao is wrapped in a down jacket and walks in the direction of memory. He knows that There are many things to eat near the bus station. Maybe there is a stall for selling midnight snack~~

On the quiet street, the sound of footsteps will be very clear, sometimes there will even be echoes, disturbing people's minds. Zhou Hao walked quickly. Five minutes later, he had stood at the door of Huilong bus station, but he was disappointed. It was still dark around, which was not like a place to eat~~

He was worried secretly. If he lived in the city, when he went out at this time, there would be many places where he had a late night. But in this place, people had already gone to bed so early. He looked around. Except for the scattered street lights, he could not see any light~~

" People here sleep so early?"

Zhou Hao felt something was wrong. He often went to his hometown in the countryside, but it would not be like this at night. At least some barbecue stalls are needed. Moreover, the whole street is also illuminated by street lights and street residents' lights, which is impossible to be so quiet~~

He was already a little tempted to back out. Standing alone on this cold and dark strange street, he felt very lonely and helpless. In the darkness in the distance, something seemed to pop out at any time~~

"If only I could meet someone to ask for directions" ~ ~ "he was still a little reluctant!

He tentatively walked forward for a while, and finally found that not far ahead, a figure was standing under the street lamp, as if waiting for something, but he could not see clearly under the dim yellow street lamp~~

"It's so good to have someone. I don't need to run around alone at last" ~ "Zhou Hao trotted for a few steps and was ready to talk to him~~

When he came closer, he found that it's an old man with a hat and a head bowed down. He couldn't see his face clearly. He just dropped a few strands of gray hair from the bottom of the hat. He was wearing a worn cotton padded jacket, and his arms were folded in front of his chest. It seemed that he felt cold. His whole body was a little shaky~~

"Sir, it's so late. Why are you standing outside alone?" Zhou Hao thinks it's strange. In the evening, young people usually come out to do more activities. Besides, the temperature outside is so low that the old people should go to bed early~~

The old man didn't seem to realize that someone was outside at this time. He stopped his trembling body and raised his head slowly. A bloodless face appeared~~

"This man must be ill seriously~~" thought Zhou Hao.

"Nothing" ~ "the old man stared at him expressionless," the room is too stuffy, I want to come out to breathe fresh air ~ ~ "

"Do you know where there's a midnight snack around here?" ~ "Zhou Hao was a little flustered by his eyes. He didn't want to be wordy any more and went straight to the subject~~

After a silence, the old man slowly raised his right hand and pointed to Zhou Hao's back~~

Zhou Hao looked towards the direction of the old man's fingers. In the darkness, there were only a few dark yellow lights that made people drowsy. That was the direction he had just come to~~

"Sir, are you wrong? I just..." Zhou Hao turned around, but found that the old man in front of him had disappeared, leaving only his unfinished voice floating in the air...

Zhou Hao felt a cold breath rushing to his heart, and his hair suddenly rose. He carefully twisted his neck and looked around him. Under the street lamp, he was really alone. The cold wind blew by, and he made a cold shiver. His heart was already cold~~

Outside the light of the street, there are huge weeds and trees dancing in the wind, as if anything would come out of it. The frog in the paddy field seemed to understand that it was a futile act and stopped crying. He was isolated from the whole world. Even the earthy flavour with the smell of spring now smelled his nose. The rotten path of~~

Zhou Hao opens his mouth with difficulty. He can't say a word in his throat:
