
Zhou Hao had already forgotten his purpose. His head was blank and his body seemed to be out of the control of consciousness. He ran towards the hotel instinctively~~

Until he hid his whole body in the quilt, his mood was a little calmer~~

Curled up in bed, with a weak mobile phone light, he wanted to explain everything in a scientific way, but it didn't work at all. Instead, ghost stories like "A Wicked Ghost" and"The Ring"filled the whole mind, making him unable to calm down~~

After hiding in the quilt for a long time, he finally found the courage to lock the room door back, and then dragged the table over to the door, which made him feel better ~

He can't eat anything now. As for washing, he needs to cross the dark corridor alone at this time, and brush his teeth and face in the mirror in the empty bathroom. Such a scenario will appear in 80% of horror films, so he would rather endure one night than step out of the door again ~~

"Well, no ~~ It seems that many ghosts can pass through walls ~~" Zhou Hao, who had just sat on the bed, jumped up again, and quickly moved the table away, leaving himself a way to escape, so he could not to be blocked by ghosts In the room ~~

Doing everything well, he turned on the phone again and found an ultra-clear picture of the cross, which is said to be the one Jesus had nailed, and set the picture as the phone desktop

Just ready to lie down, he thought it was not enough, and found several pictures of amulets, bronze coins, Buddha statues, etc., and then used the cutting tool to combine all the pictures into one. After setting this mixed picture as the desktop Zhou Hao lay down with a little peace of mind ~~


At 6 am the next morning, Zhou Hao woke up on time. Although he had been tossing and turning in bed for a long time before falling asleep, his spirit was still good today~~

Looking back on those strange dreams he had when he went to bed last night, he felt his whole body carefully. Fortunately, everything was normal, so he put down his mind and took out his toiletries to clean himself~~

At 6:30, Zhou Hao was carrying his schoolbag ready to go out. He didn't eat much yesterday. Now he feels too hungry and his legs are a little weak~~

In the hall, the old woman has regained her place. She is holding a bowl of porridge and pickles. She is having breakfast. When she sees Zhou Hao going downstairs, she puts down her bowls and chopsticks: "boy, it's better not to go out at night. It's dangerous outside ~ ~"

"What's the danger out there?" Zhou Hao was surprised. Apparently, the woman knew there was a ghost outside."Why is there not even a figure outside at night?"

"Oh ~~ It's nothing, just don't go out ~~" The old woman was reluctant to say more and picked up porridge again ~~

"I see, thank you!" Zhou Hao didn't ask any more. He had brought all his luggage with him. After finding the task location, he tried his best to complete it as soon as possible, and then drove home without stopping. He would not stay here for one more minute, and things here have nothing to do with him ~~


Although it's still early, the hardworking people in the small town have already got up and are ready to go to work. The street outside is much busier than yesterday afternoon. There are stalls selling breakfast everywhere on the side of the road. Several tables and chairs, Adding an oil pot or soup pot is already the whole thing of the stall, breakfast made with this simple tool is also steaming and fragrant, accompanied by the screams, sales, and cries of children around Zhou Hao has a feeling of returning to the world. Looking at these satisfied faces eating breakfast snacks, he even feels that the coolness of the early spring and early morning is much lighter ~~

He found a stall that looked relatively clean, ate two churros, a bowl of soup noodles, and a cage of xiaolongbao, and finally filled the stomach that had been cooing all night.

In fact, he would like to stay for a while to see if he could hear some helpful information from other populations,But after listening for a long time, what they said most from these old people and children was "be obedient", "study hard" and "how is the transplanting in the field". Such living thing has nothing to do with the Internet Vocabulary ~ ~

"Forget it, don't waste any time ~~" He stood up and paid to leave, thinking, "Starting from this street today, one by one, I don't believe no one knows any clues ~~"

It's the stupidest way, but sometimes is the best way~~

But today, he is doomed to be disappointed. At about 6:00 p.m., he had already run more than half of the businesses on this street, and even some passers-by were also asked by him. As a result, no one has heard of the Internet related companies here~

It was gradually getting dark, and he didn't dare to stay outside anymore. He quickly found a restaurant, packed two dishes, and returned to the hotel.

While it was not completely dark, he went to the bathroom to wash and wash. After a while, the lonely street lamps outside began their work in silence~

Zhou Hao sat in front of the computer with the box lunch, but his eyes had floated to the words in the lower right corner ~~

"It's only 8 days left. I still don't have any clue now. And It's haunted at night. What should I do?" He unconsciously pulled a few mouthfuls of food into his mouth, the food that had looked pretty good now tasted like nothing~~

Those friends are asking him to play games again. He refuses without hesitation. He is joking. In this small town where there is a possibility of evil spirits springing up at any time, he should keep alert at night, or he will not know how to be killed~~

In a hurry, he took off the food in his hand.Zhou Hao opened the forum again, but instead of reading the previous post, he posted a new one: Excuse me, is there really a God in the world?

There are still a lot of people on the forum at this time. Someone will reply soon:

Reply of an old cabbage: did the landlord run out of the mental hospital again? Darling, don't wander outside. Go back quickly. Don't give up treatment~~

Reply from the broken diamond in the chest:"It's 2019 now,brother, wake up, believe in science. Here you are, I'll introduce you a complete book of modern ghost stories to ensure that you can see the suspicious life~~"

Reply to the lack of money of five elements: the authentic cultivation of immortality, the foundation of a hundred days package, and the immortality can be achieved after the completion of the cultivation. The loss price is 998. For details, please contact VX: XXXXXXXX


After watching it for a long time, it was all such unreliable answers. Zhou Hao closed the forum angrily ~~

"Well, I didn't believe it before yesterday, but this is a living hell. What can I do? If it's true, and an Altman run out tomorrow and says I'll return to M78 nebula. Do I believe it?"

Zhou Hao messed up!!