5、This is a bug?

At noon on the third day, Zhou Hao finally asked all the remaining shops in the street once, but still got nothing~~

When he returned

to the hotel, he lay on the bed and looked at the task prompt in the field of vision. He couldn't help complaining: what's the

broken system of NIMA? People's system can be upgraded only by easily fighting and doing tasks. Even the task conditions are unclear

here. How can people do it~~

Blame comes from blame. This task is still to be completed. He dare not gamble on the "God"'s urination.

If he doesn't serve others well, he may be wiped out in minutes. What if the bug of this program is very serious? What should we do

if the whole human society collapses because we haven't finished the task?

With the mind of the Savior, he carefully examined the

task again~~

"He should have disappeared in the world, but still walked in the dark, his existence is not reasonable ~ ~" Zhou Hao

read word for word several times~~

"People in this place say there is no Internet company at all, and" God "should not be bored to

spend a lot of time looking for specific places for tasks" ~ "he sat up straight and began to push silently in his heart~~

"I was

misled by the name of God bug programmer. There is no word about system or software in the task background. What if the system

defined by God is not our common system at all, but something else?"

"Then this sentence will not describe a virus, but it should represent another thing ~ ~"

"What should have disappeared, but the

result still exists, and can only appear in the dark?"

Zhou Hao has a figure in his head: the old man under the street lamp, or

Ghost... ..

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it should be the truth: My Lord died, so he should disappear from the

world, but it has become the existence of ghost, and ghost can only appear at night .

He was scared of this result for a long time

and couldn't speak out. As an ordinary programmer, he always kept away from ghosts and monsters. Although he had seen a lot of

miraculous and horrible movies and books, it's the best thing for him to be able to insist on not fainting in the face of these


But the task is to make this place return to normal, which means to face the ghosts directly, or even face him directly,

which is a bit scary~~

"It's unrealistic to give up the task. God will never let me go." Zhou Hao forced himself to accept this fact.

"So the question is, how can we get rid of this ghost?"

The first thing he thought about was peach wood sword with cinnabar and black dog blood. After all, these are the most popular ghost

catching props. It's hard to say if they are useful. The key is that they appear more than 80% in ghost movies, and they are safe in

his hands, aren't they~~

But the problem is that he doesn't have any of them. Although he buys them online now, he can still catch up

with the express delivery, but the quality can't be guaranteed~~

But he is going to take these to fight desperately. In case that the

sword is not made of peach wood, but made of locust wood, not cinnabar but red ink, and the dog blood is replaced by pig blood, then

he will put himself in danger?

When the ghost sees it, yo ... yes, you are well prepared. How do you know that I like to drink pig blood and live in locust wood,

and also help me dye my clothes red and turn into a fierce ghost in red. In order to thank you for your contribution to me, how

about I let you choose a way of death on your own? Do you like to cut a corpse into pieces?

Shake your head and get rid of these

unrealistic ideas. Now it's time to consider how to use existing resources to accomplish this task~~

Zhou Hao cleaned the contents of his schoolbag: a laptop, several clothes, toiletries, data lines, chargers This is all. This is the

standard equipment for single men to travel with. It's simple and practical, but it's useless for the current situation~~

"Then I can

only rely on my three inch tongue ~ ~"

It suddenly occurred to him that ghosts are usually formed because they have strong obsession

or suffer a lot of grievances. If they can resolve their obsession and resentment, can they finish the task without cutting blood?

Why fight and kill?

"If you want to start from the cause of the incident, you have to find out how the old man died first." ~ "Zhou Hao pinched his

head." the hotel owner must know something. Ask her about it. "

One of the main reasons why he dared to make such a decision was that

he didn't seem to have malice that night, and there was no news of ghosts hurting others these two days, so he wanted to try it~~

"There are more than seven days left for the task. If everything goes well, we can finish the work tonight ~ ~" Zhou Hao thought

happily when he went downstairs, "what kind of reward will the system give? Artifact? Improve your health? Or direct cash? Ah, it's

hard to make a choice

Instead of asking directly, he went out to find a fruit shop and brought a big bag of fruit. Everyone likes to

be given gifts. Didn't he see how the old woman refused to say yesterday? Today, she has to give her some benefits~~

When he put the

fruit on the front desk glass table, the aunt was obviously surprised. She pulled her coat with her hands like a conditioned reflex.

She shrank back and looked at him in horror. She felt that she would scream next second .

She must have seen a lot of romantic dramas, but you also need to know your age. No one will think of you~~

Zhou Hao could not help

laughing, but quickly explained, "boss, I just want to ask why you said it was dangerous to go out at night yesterday. It's no other

meaning ~ ~"

"Oh, that's it." the old woman sighed with relief, but she looked at the fruit on the table and hesitated. "It's

nothing, anyway. As long as you don't go out at night, it's OK."

"But I met a strange thing when I went out the night before

yesterday ~ ~" Zhou Hao took out 100 yuan from his pocket and put it on the table. He was going to use it to attack~~

"What happened

to you?" Aunt is very eager~~

"An old man" ~ "Zhou Hao carefully turned his head and looked at it, then lowered his voice and said,"

and he is still following me ~ ~ "

"No, old yuan won't harm people for no reason, and you have nothing to do with this matter at all"

~ "the woman is very excited, and she doesn't know whether she is afraid or giving her psychological hint~~

When Zhou Hao saw the

news, he followed the woman's words and asked, "old yuan? What's the matter with him? "