6、Knock at the ghost gate in the middle of the night

The woman's eyes flicked back and forth between the money and the fruit. At last, she couldn't help but tempt her to grab the money and put it in her pocket. Then she picked up an iced sugar orange, ate it and said:

" Yuan is also a famous person in our town, not because he has money, but because he has a famous son ~ ~"

"When his son was admitted to a key university, the leaders of the county came to see him specially, which made him famous all of a sudden. No one in the town didn't know him."

"After his son graduated, he found a good job in a big city, and the time for him to come back was gradually reduced. In addition, his wife died a few years ago, and old yuan suddenly became a lot lonely. When his son called him to go to the city, he didn't want to go there, but his son was very filial. He would bring him a lot of things every new year ~"

"A few years later, when his grandson was born, he was called by his son to help take the baby. At that time, we thought, I'll be fine with old yuan. I'm comfortable in the city, and I don't think he will come back later."

"But only two or three years later, he came back alone. It's said that he had a bad relationship with his daughter-in-law. However, old yuan was also open-minded. He said that he was more comfortable at home and didn't have so many restrictions. When he wanted to have a grandson, he called. Usually, he just had to take care of himself."

"It's ok if it's been like this all the time, but in recent years, it seems that I heard that his son's work has changed. Now this job is very busy. He has no time to come back even for the new year, and his grandson has his own thoughts after growing up day by day. He doesn't want to talk to his grandfather very much. Old yuan is also worried about his grandson here, but what can he do?"

"He really wanted to have a look at his son, but he was too old and inconvenient to go out, and he was afraid that he would bring trouble to his busy son after he passed by, so he worried silently at home."

"How can a man of his age worry so much every day? As expected, he fell ill at the beginning of last year, but it was only his son who came back to have a quick look, then asked him to be taken care of by relatives, promised to send monthly living expenses and left in a hurry~~"

"The next thing you should know is that Lao yuan died some time ago, and his son just came back for a funeral and left, but as soon as he left, something happened ~ ~"

"The two relatives who took care of old yuan suddenly fell ill, and they were very seriously ill. They were in pain all over the body. They were wailing every day. All the hospitals had checked it. They couldn't find out what the reason was ~"

"Within a few days, their condition began to get worse again, and their bodies began to rot, not in one place, but in the whole body. They kept scratching on their bodies, and they ran yellow water when they grabbed it, but it hurt when they didn't. finally, the yellow water from their bodies penetrated into the quilt and couldn't be washed away~~"

"Later, the people who took care of them tied the two of them to the bed to keep them from moving. Even that was not enough. They were smelling like dead bodies. It was so unbearable that no one wanted to take care of them again. At last, they could only find someone to send in two meals every day."

"In this way, the two people have been suffering for more than a month before they died. During that time, the whole town can hear their screams. It's terrible ~ ~"

"Later, people often see the figure of old yuan wandering in the town at night. People in the town are afraid to go out at night, afraid of being hurt ~ ~"

Hearing this, Zhou Hao frowned: "do you know why those two relatives become like this?"

The old woman leaned over and lowered her voice line: "they both said that they took the living expenses given by old yuan's son, but they were not good to him. This is to revenge ~"

"Is there anyone else here who has been revenged by Lao yuan?" Zhou Hao thinks this is the key~~

"I haven't heard of that ~ ~" the woman thought about it for a moment. "I also know Lao yuan. He is a very nice man, but what will he look like when he becomes a ghost? Who knows? It's better to be careful."

Zhou Hao is a little more relaxed. He's not a devil who kills people,that's good~~

"But it's reasonable that Lao yuan has already revenged himself and his resentment has subsided. Why hasn't it disappeared?" He thought to himself, "isn't there anything else you want?"

"In this case, if I help him to fulfill this wish, then he should probably leave the world satisfied ~ ~"

Now that he has learned about the situation, Zhou Hao says goodbye to the old woman. He needs to do some preparations for the evening's action. Although he intends to help old yuan fulfill his wishes, he must be on guard. If he just goes there with his hands empty, in case the old man gets angry, he is a man with a fighting capacity of 0, which is equivalent to dying~~

According to the routine in the movie, he first went to the market to buy some glutinous rice and salt, which are said to be harmful to ghosts. Then he ran to the edge of the town to find a farmer who raised local chickens. He spent 200 yuan to buy a rooster, which is better than the one from the chicken farm~~

After asking the farmer to help kill the chicken, he only needs chicken blood. In the movie, only chicken blood has the effect of expelling ghosts .

Zhou Hao carries a full bottle of chicken blood and returns to the hotel contentedly. He doesn't have the idea of fighting with the ghost directly. All these are for the sake of slowing down the ghost's steps and allowing him a little time to run in case of emergency~~

It's time for the evening. He sets the alarm clock and forces himself to sleep in bed for a while to make sure he's energetic at night~~

Soon it was more than 11:00 p.m. again. Zhou Hao made a final inspection on the items he had brought: the glutinous rice and salt had been unpacked and packed in his pocket, which was convenient to take at any time. The mineral water bottle with chicken blood was also in the net pocket of the schoolbag, which could be taken as soon as he stretched out his hand. The schoolbag was filled with laptop computers. In a critical moment, he might be able to help prevent one injury~~

After that, he broke into the dark world outside the door with a solemn mood under the surprised eyes of the night watchman~~

Although he had prepared for this time, Zhou Hao could not help shivering when the cold wind in the night blew on him. He saw behind him that the induction light at the hotel gate had gone out, and the whole town fell into a darkness again. The few street lights on the road seemed to be the small holes in the big black curtain, which were inconspicuous but stubborn Shine!

The street is empty again. The occasional gust of wind blows the cans "clattering", as if telling the loneliness of this late night.The garbage on the side of the road gives off a slight smell of corruption, which reminds Zhou Hao of the story told by the old woman in the daytime. He speeds up his pace quickly. Although he has courage in the afternoon, he is really in such an environment At that time, fear spreads from the heart to every part of the body, making people want to escape~~