Really now...

'Let me see you have a good evening'... the waitress said scornfully in her heart.

"Excusez-moi Madame, mais je ne vous comprends pas?" the concierge said slightly raising her voice with false innocence, an evil gleam in her eyes.

By now a small crowd of people made up of staff and those about to enter the restaurant gathered around them. The staff were trying to make themselves inconspicuous to watch and some people just wanted a good show. Others just wanted to eat.

At that exact same moment Dave who had been making his way out of the building to check if the surprise he planned for Didi was all set saw the little show down that just begun.

A mischievous smile graced his face as he told a passing waiter to bring his belongings , telling him to pass it directly to the valet who would unpark his car.

"Estce-quil'ya un problème ici mes demoiselles?" Coming from within the large building a deep rich voice was heard , coming their way.

Slowly turning around Didi could not believe her eyes.

That voice belonged to a body...a body that may very well be associated with Dave.

I mean if one tightly shut their right eye , tilted their head left and maybe ...just maybe by also shutting the left eye .....somewhere in there she could see Dave?

'Yeah, now I see it!...' Didi's inner conscience agreed with her.

"non non...Monsieur..... Dave il n'ya pas de problème ici" Didi fluidly replied him evidently shocking the small crowd around which made a broad grin stretch across his face.

"Ah bon?" Dave answered her back, turning to look at the concierge with one brow raised in questioning.

"o-oui oui Monsieur il n'ya pas de problème" the waitress answered stuttering a little.

"Good," he said loudly and clearly ,

"Now...shall we?" Dave said, proceeding to place his hand on Didi's lower back , leading her out. A restaurant that didn't respect their clients would never go far, they tended to meet.....unsightly situations.

Taking Didi to his silver Porsche brought out by the valet , he gently ushered her in before going round to take his own seat.

They sat in silence for a while , " sorry for the inconvenience " Dave apologized to her scratching behind his left ear, he usually did that when he was nervous.

'mmm'...Didi could see glances of her friend in all that manliness. Hoping her friend was still her cute friend and not some hormone eating freak, she casually asked, " still a virgin?" .

The car almost swerved out of the road before Dave successfully brought it back on track , a faint tint of red surfacing on his cheeks.

A Cheshire cat like grin spread on Didi's face.

'Bingo', he was still her very very dear cute friend.