
"cough cough. Enough of that Didi! " Dave said, the red receding from his cheeks.

"its been so long since we last saw each other and that's the first thing you say to me?" he continued grimacing.

He was really aggravated by her, but that did not hide the pampering glint in his eyes.

She was like the sisters he never had. Yes sisters, her dual personality permitted it . Recalling how she was when she began acting spoilt like a kid...he stopped recalling and shuddered. That, that was not for now.

Arriving at one of his own restaurants , he slowly brought his car to a stop in the parking lot of the restaurant.

Leading her in by the small of her waist into the restaurant ,he didn't stop at the front desk ,but walked in like he owned the place , judging by the frequent greetings and bows from the staff, Didi judged he owned the place. She continued looking around curiously , her interest piqued by his 180° change in personality once they stepped out from the car.

" does toughen a person up." Didi muttered to herself , she could still remember that geeky, cute Dave...

'well, at least he was still in there' ,she smiled a bit to herself as she let herself to be led.


After all the formalities and their meal were done, they both sat sipping fine white wine.

"Didi?, you know, now that you're back for good you need to acquaint yourself with the people... there's this event or rather gala being held by one of my colleagues father, if you wish to deepen your roots in the business world it'll be good for you to mingle with them" Dave started.

"So what I'm basically saying my date to the gala, I can h-"

"So this is what all this is about." Didi said cutting his long speech and looking at the wine, the dinner...

'sigh', it was a plot to help her....again.

He had a strange obsession with raising her to a billionaire, expanding her business and so on...not that she couldn't do it but she didn't want to do it.

She was wealthy enough as it was. She didn't want to make matters worse and jinx her every relationship in the future. Men already feared her enough.

Being wealthy was good but being happy was better and that was why she always refused his invitations.

Seeing the downcast emotion on his face , Didi felt like she just kicked a puppy and so her next words were carefully strung together.

"Okay...maybe, just maybe I might be willing to go with you," seeing the happy gleam form in his eyes she raised up one perfectly manicured nail, signaling that she wasn't done.

" but, don't force any business men unto me and that is final "

Dave contemplated for a while and thought it was a reasonable deal, after all just appearing with him was an opportunity for her which she seemed to over look. Hiding his true intentions he pretended to be annoyed at her statement but still sluggishly agreed.