'Cursed' Crates

[Congratulations! Hidden Quest Completed, 'The One True Boss!']

[You received x1 Random Crate. The maximum Faction follower limit increased to 20.]

[Quest has been reinstated! Good luck!]

Jun received the rewards, then reread the quest description for the repeatable Hidden Quest. Nothing has changed, and it still had the same requirements and rewards.

Kill or subordinate a lord to receive a random crate, increased follower count, and if he subdued another Lord, access to subordinate's territory control.

Since he killed Marcus instead of subduing him, he didn't get to experiment with the third reward, but it was okay. There's a lot of opportunities in the future.

Jun didn't feel guilty for killing Marcus. It just happened that Jun has a quest related to Lords, and Marcus happened to be there. He didn't care about Marcus' bad reputation and just went for the kill.