The Dictator

Jun grabbed the tip of the spear and broke the spearhead. He tossed it to the side casually, then walked forward, causing Cain to gulp.

"Yeah, so what? Aren't you happy? Your town has one less assh*le now?" said Jun.

Cain stared at Jun before saying, "Let me work for you. You killed my employer, so I don't have any work. I've angered a lot of people, and they'll kill me. Besides, I don't think you understand what you just did."

"It was true that Marcus isn't good, I know that ever since I started working for him, but him being a dictator prevented people from fighting with each other. It made us work together to survive. What are you going to do now that you killed the person the people feared?"

Jun smiled and said, "That's easy then, I'll be the new dictator."