General Basilio

Jun leaped up from his seat and made his way behind Carl's seat. After surveying the area, he found nothing noteworthy of his attention. Except for the trash on the street, there was nothing else on the street. There were no signs of movement around the area and if it weren't for Carl mentioning that people were supposed to be here, he would have thought he was being tricked.

"What do you mean they're gone?" Jun asked in confusion. "Are we supposed to meet them here?"

"They're supposed to be waiting here. Something must have happened. Wait, let me radio them. This is CJ, we have the package. I'm radioing in for confirmation, are we supposed to meet at B Street, because we don't see anyone here. Over."

Carl looked out of the window and saw a shadow on the wall moved. Before he could say anything, the radio crackled and a trembling voice spoke.