
The sharpened pole was skillfully removed from the soldier's thigh with the help of the team's medic. Then, he placed his hand on top of the wounded thigh as he activated his skill, Emergency Medical Care. The wound showed signs of vitality as the ruptured skin and flesh miraculously regenerated but at a slow pace. With the application of the skill, the pained expression of the soldier eased up.

Although the pain was reduced, the bleeding did not stop. The medic cleaned the surrounding area of the wound cautiously since the truck was shaking randomly. Afterward, he took a bandage from his dimensional storage and planned to wrap the wound, but Jun stopped him.

"Use this. It can help with the bleeding. I haven't tried using it since I never got injured, but they told me that you can directly apply it on top of the wound. But they, don't take my word for it. You can try to apply it on the swollen areas first."