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Beta team play

"Alpha team won't make it in time, so it seems like we will have to take care of it!" (Apollo)

(...Or at least buy enough time for them to arrive and take care of the problem.)

It was only then that Apollo noticed a problem, he had given all weapons to the soldiers and left none for their use.

(Fuck! I messed up again! I need to get a hold on my self! If only someone could fetch them before the boar arrive, our problems would be solved but who could do that?)

Apollo stared at the girls one by one.

(Alyssa? She works extra hard for the things that interest her, but she is quite mediocre in everything else.)

(Briony? If I was asking her to fetch food, I bet she would be the fastest but I can't say the same if I ask her to bring weapons...)

(Leilani? She is quite strong, but she doesn't appear to be all that fast...)

(It would be great if Daisy was here, she would go running without a single complain, but unfortunately she is busy now...)

(What about Rose? Rose is...)

"Rose, I got a mission I can only entrust to my maid, which means you."

Hearing Apollo's call, Rose's eye flashed with a bright light of excitement so she answered with an over energetic voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Feeling the fish had grabbed the bait, Apollo pulled the rod with all strength he had.

"Your incompetent master forgot to bring spears for everybody here, so I will ask that you, as my maid, go to the factory, produce five spears and bring them back to me. Can you do that?"

"Of course, my Master! I live to serve you!"

"Then go now. I expect you to come back before the boar arrive at this place!"

"Then, excuse me, I'll be going now."

Rose made an elegant bow and her phantom image slowly disappeared into nothing.

Seeing that she had already left, Apollo let out a sigh as his face slowly turned red from embarrassment.

(Oh god! I'm too old to be acting like this! And what the hell do you mean by maid!? This is clearly a ninja!)

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, little one. Don't worry about me, let's watch how the situation is evolving in the map."


Beta team was the first to arrive at their target.

Seeing the gigantic boar for the first time, the two girls didn't feel fear but curiosity instead.

"Wow! Look! It's so big!"

"It's fur looks quite fluffy too!"

"Right! Right! But I didn't like those fangs coming out of it's mouth. They look disgusting!"

"I don't think so. If they were cleaned a bit, they would be pretty cool!"

As the two girls exchanged small talk, the boar quickly noticed them and changed it's route to charge at them.

"Hey, look! It's coming to play with us!"

"Heheh! Sounds fun! Let's play with it!"

"But what kind of game should we play?"

"Since you don't like the fangs, how about we compete on who breaks it's fangs first?"

"Cool! I like this game! Let's play! Let's play!"

Each of the two grabbed an ax and charged at the boar.

Both sides quickly approached each other as they ran toward one another.

For a moment it appeared like the boar would trample the girls but on the last second both girls dodged to opposite sides, striking with their axes at the boar's fangs.


Their axes struck the fang with surprising power, making it sink half way through the boar's fang, just a little bit short from breaking through. The girls, who felt that they would be dragged by the boar, immediately let of of their axes, allowing the boar to move unrestrained.

But the strength of their strikes had tilted the boar's head, lowering it's fangs further into the ground, making them act like two steel plows plowing the earth until it's momentum was all absorbed by the soil, which resulted in it stop for a moment, feeling dizzy from the pain.

"Quickly, the spears!"

The two girls didn't waste any time, grabbing the spears they had prepared and attacking the boar's eyes in a single move.

Swish! Splash!


The eye balls exploded, being pierced by the spears. The beast cried but the two didn't let go. The spears continued to enter little by little until the boar finally stopped moving, dropping on the ground.

"Task finished! Eh? What are you doing?"

"I win!"

While one of them was checking of the boar was truly dead, the other sneaked her way to the boar's fangs, retrieved her ax and stroke again, breaking the fang in two with a clean strike.

"Unfair! The boar is already dead! The game should be over! I thought it was a draw!"

"I never said the game was over! You never said anything either! So it's my win!"

"I want a rematch!"

"All right! So where is another boar?"

The soldier girl puts her hand on the tree and closes her eyes for a second. Some kind of energy was transferred between the tree and the girl, spreading through the tree's roots and coming back again after passing through countless plants.

"Over there!"

"Hey! Wait for me!"


"Great! It seems like the Beta team was easily able to deal with one boar! For a second I was worried as they charged straight at it, but something it all worked out."

Watching the moving dots on the map, Apollo could have the general idea of what was happening outside, but this was still far from perfect as he didn't know the condition of the girls, if they were tired, hurt, or if there was anything special that required his attention.

Feeling frustrated by the lack of intel, Apollo started to randomly click on the screen, dragging, selecting and so on, to see if there were still hidden features that he didn't find out. Suddenly, when he double right clicked Briony, the screen changed to video feed, showing exactly what she was seeing right now.