WebNovel4X Life20.93%

Popcorn, please.

Looking through the monitor, Apollo and the girls could see a gigantic boar charging directly at them. The group got surprised as they still didn't understood what the monitor was showing.

The boar approached at an incredible speed for it's huge size.

50 meters!

30 meters!

10 meters!

2 meters!

And just as it was going to hit whatever thing that was sending this footage, the camera rotated, showing the boar pass a few centimeters from it.

But the action was not over, the camera suddenly rolled to the side, and a huge fang appeared from the other side, attacking it again and again.

A new boar appeared in the other side of the screen but nobody could pay attention as the boar in front of them was attacking restlessly.

The sound of another boar charging was heard from behind them, making they turn around only to find an empty room with nothing but chairs inside. It was then that the camera rolled to the side and a boar appeared from behind, colliding with the one in front, making both fall on the ground.

(this is...what daisy is seeing right now!?)

Seeing another boar charging at the camera, Apollo couldn't help but scream out loud.

"Daisy, how is your situation!?"

The camera shook right, left, up and down as a few words escaped Daisy's mouth.

"Sir! I'm! Kinda! Busy! Now!"

The boars that had hit each other slowly got up from the ground and started charging again.

"What about the hole!?"

Daisy used her spear to jump over the boars, making them miss again.

"The hole? Oh! It's all filled!"


"A single one of these guys was enough to fill half the hole! Now, if a second one falls on it, it's able to jump out by stepping over the body of the first. That's why there are still three boars after me."

"I see. Try to buy some more time. Beta Team should be arriving soon!"

"I will tr-"

Swooo! A fang swung from behind nearly hits Daisy's head as she was concentrated dodging the boar in front of her.

"Wow! That was close! Roger that, sir!"

Double right clicking again, the screen went back to the map view, so Apollo took this chance to see how the situation had evolved.

On the Alpha Team side, south of the HQ, they had just encountered the enemy. The Beta Team coming from the North would reach Daisy in less than a minute. And Rose had already arrived at the Factory and the spears should be ready soon.

It could be said that all boars aside from one were under control or at least engaged in combat... Yes, every boar except for one...

Apollo looked at the Red point approaching the HQ. After clicking on it, an estimated arrival time appeared. 735 seconds left!


Alpha Team side.

"Look! Over there! It's the boar!"

"Haa... haa... haa... Finally! I'm tired of running through this damn mountain path!"

"Eh? Is that so? Should I take care of it alone?"

"How can you still be energetic after running full speed all the way!? Well, you think you can do it? All right! Go for it! Call me once you are finished."

"Hmm! Hmm! Then I will do it!"

The energetic soldier girl took her two swords in hand and charged at the boar, while the one who was tired, sat beside a tree and rested with her back against the tree trunk.

Feeling the refreshing wind blowing over her face, the tired soldier girl lazily watched as her companion fought the boar alone.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Heiaaa! Ha!"

The whole scene appeared like the girl and the boar were dancing. The boar would charge, she would dodge with a spin, slashing his side. The boar tried using it's sprouted out fangs to attack, the girl jumped around, dodging them and spinning again, giving the boar one more slash attack.

All her attacks were shallow and barely did any damage to the boar's thick fur, but this didn't discourage the girl as she continued to attack restlessly. Meanwhile the tired soldier girl grabbed a leaf, turning it into a whistle by making a short cut in the middle, she started to blow a song as a cover for her partner who continued to dance.

Little by little the cuts and scratches on the boar skin accumulated, changing the color of the boar from brown to red, and making it more and more sensible to the pain of each attack.

The boar screamed as the attacks hit it's open wounds for the tenth time in a row, it's legs started to tremble and soon it collapsed, either from blood loss or simply from not being able to handle the pain.

The true reason was never something any of the girls had a drop of interest, so when it did happen, the lazy girl got up from her tree and walked to the downed boar, making a single swing of her ax to break it's skull and finish once and for all.


At the 5th Monitoring Station things were pretty erratic in completely contrast to how things usually were. Over there, the many employees, equipped with their communicators, sent out reports to the rescue teams every few seconds, telling them who needed rescue and how bad the situation was.

"Number 35 needs rescue! He got hit by a boar while trying to escape his HQ! He is not bleeding but if the boars attack him again, he may end up dead!"

"Number 138 is gravely hurt! He threw himself in front of the boar to save his servant! Is he stupid!?"

"Number 97's HQ was destroyed! He is out of the game, but he is safe...is he thinking he can keep his servants just because they survived? Well, he is wrong!"

"Number 66 needs rescue! She spread fire through the whole forest! The boars are dead but so will be she if she is not rescued fast! The problem is our ships are having trouble locating her due to all the smoke! Can someone call the firefighters?"

"Sure! It will just take 20 days for them to reach here! Hahahaha!"

"Oh! Forget it! Cancel the alert for her! It seems like she prepared a escape route!"

"Number 47 has defeated all boars, but broke his leg while celebrating. Why are there only fools participating this game!?"

"Number 59's servant is still running away from the boars. Two hours ago it stole a boar egg and refuses to let go, now all the boar colony is after him."

"The whole colony? Isn't that over a hundred? Film that for me, so I can laugh a bit later! Wait! What do you mean Boar Egg!? Aren't boars mammals!?"

"Hahahaha! It seems you new here, huh? Do you really think any of the animals made by those labs is normal? They have long destroyed all common sense biology has about them! Thanks Professor for that!"

"Cheers to Professor!"


All employees cheered united a single time and continued their work.

Because of all idiots down there, this was not yet the time to rest and play. Sure, the time would come, but for now... now it was time to save lives.

"Number 233 somehow mounted the boar! What the hell am I see here!? Quick! Send rescue!"

"Number 436 submerged his own HQ! The boars are having a pool party over there! Put him on low priority. He is in no danger but still out of the game!"

"Number -"

And so, their work continued, with no sign of ending any time soon.