The Other Gods

"About time you stopped crying." Shiki stood up from his chair. "But I am afraid you have to face him many times once you go back home."

"And why is that?" I asked curiously.

"Because he should have been your soulmate." Shiki answered in a calm demeanor.

"What!" I shouted in disbelief. "What do you mean 'soulmate'? How can I be his soulmate is he only sees me as his childhood friend?"

This is so wrong. If what Shiki said was true, then what about the hardships I faced in my last life? What about the villainess ways I did just to get Jeremy back from the clutches of Angelika? If Jeremy and I were soulmates, then why did I have to go all through that in my last life?

So many questions bloomed in my mind. What Shiki said doesn't make any sense at all.

"That is one of the missions you need to fix. In both of your books of life, the both of you should have been together without a glitch." Shiki explained. "Many events that have been derailed that needs to get to be fixed. And you have to help me fix the knots and lose ends of the strings of fate."

I looked at Shiki suspiciously. "I am just curious. Why is a death god being tasked to do all this things?" Shiki was taken aback from my question. He broke our eye contact as if dodging to answer.

"You aren't hiding something from me, are you?" I asked teasingly. "I would have thought you made something wrong in your job that made the strings of fate being noted and lose." I said teasingly. But I saw Shiki's unusual reaction, he flinched by my words.

"Why are you so perceptive?" Shiki said with a low voice but I still heard it.

"Ohh, am I right?" I asked in surprise.

"You are correct." A male voice just whispered behind my ear. It tickled me that I jumped in fright.

Shiki who was in front of me caught me in his arms before getting out of balance.

"Why are you here?" Shiki looked upset.

When I looked around I saw two gorgeous looking men in ancient outfits. One has long wavy blonde hair, light blue eyes and wearing an ancient Greek outfit. The other one has short light green hair, amber eyes and wearing an Egyptian like attire.

"Yo…" The blonde Adonis waved a greeting and beamed a smile at us. The green haired one has his arms crossed on his chest and felt aloof.

"W-Who are you?" I asked in panic. "Where did you come from?"

These two men looked out of this world wearing weird costumes. I didn't even feel them coming in from the door.

"You should have used the door like normal people if you planned to visit." Shiki said with an annoyed face.

"Well we didn't know that you had a pretty visitor." The blonde one said. "By the way my name is Eros." He reached towards my hand and was about to kiss it when Shiki patted his hand away. Come to think of it, I was still in Shiki's arms.

"Hands off Eros." Shiki said coldly.

"Aww, how rude." Eros pouted his lips disappointedly. "You are a little overprotective of your little pet. I want to be close to her as well."

"Why are you here by the way?" Shiki asked in annoyance. "Last I checked it isn't deadline yet."

"We just paid a visit to see how you were doing." The green haired one said. "So is this the human being you've chosen." He extended his hand to try and reach for me.

"I said hands of her Nergal!" Shiki slapped the green haired ones hands. "I don't want your hands to stain her." He held me protectively in his arms.

"Haha so protective I see." Eros said while laughing. "Don't worry, we mean no harm to your little pet."

"P-Pet? I am no one's pet!" I can't stand them calling me like that anymore. "Who are you by the way? Are you also gods like Shiki?"

"Binggo!" Eros replied. "I am Eros, the god of love and fertility, nice to meet you little rabbit." He winked at me.

"I-I am not a rabbit." I stuttered. I cannot believe I am in front of the god of love. "I have a name, it's Anastasia."

"Anastasia…" Eros said my name in an intimate way that made me blush. "What a beautiful name. This here by the way is Nergal, god of death and pestilence." Nergal maintained his aloof expression and just nodded towards me.

"He is a death god to?" I asked I surprise and looked at Shiki.

"He is more of the god of pestilence. I am still the one to collect the souls of the departed that died within his wake." Shiki replied.

"Then why are they here?" I asked Shiki.

"Well we are here to see the progress of his mission, which is unmoving by the way." Eros replied.

"I-I was the one that asked him for a yearlong break. Please don't blame him." I said in defense of Shiki.

"Don't worry little rabbit, we didn't come here to scold him or anything." Eros said with a playful smile.

"Well it is his fault why our jobs are in a mess right now." Nergal said with an annoyed voice.

"What?" I was ignorant with what they were talking about.

"Oh, Shiki didn't tell his little rabbit why did this all happened?" Eros said teasingly.

"I didn't see the need to do so." Shiki sneered.

"What are they talking about Shiki?" I looked at him questioningly.

Shiki sighed deeply. "I also don't know the specifics as well. I just knew that I had mistakenly taken someone to the underworld and it resulted to a major knot in the strings of fate with many people."

"You mean you taken someone's soul who isn't there time yet?" I asked in shock. "If that is so, then why didn't you get him back to life like what you did to me?"

"Well the problem is, we weren't able to pinpoint whose soul it is because Shiki lost his book of souls." Eros said. "And also if that soul has entered the cycle of reincarnation, then bringing him back to life will be out of the question."

"I didn't lose it! It was stolen!" Shiki said in anger. I can feel his grip on me tighten up a bit.

"You still don't have proof of that. That is why you are the one tasked to fix this problem because you are still at fault for bringing a soul not yet their time to the underworld." Nergal said.

"Don't worry. We are also here to help Shiki in this crisis." Eros said with a smile.

"Hmp, who needs your help." Shiki sneered.

"Oh, don't say that my dear Shiki. You will break my heart." Eros playfully pulled Shiki's arm and embraced it.

"Let me go you…" Shiki looked very much annoyed.

"Don't worry little rabbit, I will also help you with you correct your love life." Eros winked at me and send me a flying kiss.

Looking at these gods before me felt weird. 'Is this h