Song Wentian's Past.

(This novel is a mix of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese calls, this isn't Earth, but another realm not that much different than ours.)

Five years from the present time...

A small jewelry shop, Falcon City.

"I wonder if she'll like this, I've worked so hard for it!" A boy excitedly held on his hand two pairs of silver earrings.

"She'd always look at this whenever we'll pass this place."

He's still on his working attire, a costume. It's a cute fabric falcon costume that's used for promoting the Falcon Grand Company's merchandise, which sells one of the most luxurious clothes, pieces of jewelry, and shoes.

Its a label most chased by many women around the globe.

The boy exiting from the small jewelry seemed to be a man at 22 years old, his name is Song Wentian.

He puts his costume's head back on, his lunch break is about to end... midway to his walk, he passed by an arcade shop, he would usually just ignores it, but then, something caught his eyes...

Slowly, his pace slowed down up to a full stop, his gaze slowly turned at a lady happily clinging unto a man that looked to be between 20 and 25 years old.

He started to walk towards the arcade.

"Goo! You can do it Bai Oppa!!!" The lady excitedly cheered, one arm clinging to the man and another going up and down as she excitedly cheer for her man..

The one called Bai smiled, he nodded his head repeatedly as he focused his attention at the crane machine, trying to get the biggest teddy bear.

Tud~ A soft sound of a box hitting the ground echoed from behind them, the man didn't pay attention, but the lady was bored as hell, hence, she looked behind.

Although the arcade is a bit noisy, it still attracted other's ears, especially the sensitive ones.

"Xiao Xiao?"

Song Wentian spoke softly, now, this attracted the lady that's cheering further.

Xiao Xiao hearing her name being called by a familiar voice, she turned her head and replied: "Yes?"

Song Wentian couldn't help but shiver to see his girlfriend clinging tightly to another man he didn't know.

Still, a smile that's not much of a smile formed on his lips, he removed the costume's head as he looked at the lady, no hate, anger, and rage could be seen.

He smiled at Xiao Xiao. The latter's eyes grew wide in shock.

Song Wentian smiled, picked up the box sighed as he walked away.

"Tian Oppa!" Xiao Xiao couldn't help but shout as she rushed at the boy with tears on her eyes, she didn't know what to feel nor say, she could only run and followed Wentian's back.

As she reached Wentian, she didn't know what to say and immediately hugged him from his back: "Tian Oppa, please, I... I can explain!"

Song Wentian smiled, still, his eyes calm as he shook his head: "Again..."

As he spoke, he removed Xiao Xiao's hand, didn't speak further, and walked out of the arcade.

Xiao Xiao with tears on her eyes could only look speechlessly at Song Wentian before breaking down on the ground, wept loudly with her two hands covering her face.

Wentian smiled, he sighed as he remembered the other two women that he dated, one he caught in a restaurant with her other boyfriend, and the other one, in a club, being intimate with a total stranger.

As soon as he's almost back at the company, he puts his costume's head-on, looked at the sky and let the tears flow down from his eyes: "F*ck*ng sh*t! When will this bad luck of mine even stop!"

"This is already the 8th time! The freaking 8th time!"

Five years later, Night Shade Bar.

"Oi, you serious about dating that girl?" A man at the age of 28 spoke, he has gold hair and eyes. His name is Cheng Yuan, Wentian's drinking buddy.

Song Wentian smiled: "Why? Is there a problem with me dating her?"

Cheng Yuan couldn't help but sigh as he shook his head: "Another innocent lady is going to fall huh?"

Song Wentian couldn't help but chuckle: "Innocent lady? You sure they are? Hahaha."

As he spoke, he chugged down a beer before continuing: "They are all the same."

He then looked at the girls on the bartender's mixing table and spoke: "So, tell me, what's the difference between those three girls?"

Cheng Yuan smiled wryly but didn't reply.

Wentian smiled: "That one used me to buy her jewelries, but when I couldn't afford it anymore, she found a new man, that other one is clothes, the other one is shoes, what the heck, can't they just marry some rich old men if they wish to get whatever they want?"

Cheng Yuan smiled, he shook his head: "There you go with your stereotyping again, I'm telling you, not all of them are the same, you've just been with the bad ones."

"And what had you lost man? You've only bought them with cheap imitations, not even worth a day's salary per lady."

Wentian smiled, he didn't reply this time... his face turned solemn remembering that one time with Xiao Xiao: "That... I even told her, that if there was a time, a time where she'd chose between me or another man, I told her to not pick me...

If she started to look at other men and wanted to date them, then, that could only mean that she's not happy with me anymore, I will accept the outcome, but to think that she'll just go with dating two men at once, really greedy, that's for sure."

Song Wentian smiled.

Cheng Yuan sighed: "Well, it's all up to you, you know, we're grown-ups now, how many women had you already dated after Xiao Xiao?"

"A hundred? Maybe more, they barely lasted a day or two, the longest would be a week and a half, I think?"

Song Wentian smiled, shook his head and replied: "Well, they left me, not that I care."

Cheng Yuan didn't know what to reply: "Well, the reunion is in five days, be sure to attend this time, okay?"

Song Wentian smiled but didn't reply.

Cheng Yuan shook his head: "I am married already, I can't really go on picking up girls with you anymore, so, good luck."

As he spoke, he smiled and made a thumbs-up motion before heading out of the bar.

Song Wentian smiled with a pained expression, he sat there alone solemnly. Playing with the ice on his beer, making it illuminate the lights.

He felt nostalgic at those of his memories, but then, two ladies came to his table.

"Hey, handsome, you alone?"

Song Wentian with his solemn expression wanted to ignore the girl, but after a few seconds, he smiled: "Is there anything I can do for the two beautiful ladies?"